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Product: Storage Foundation for Databases Guides   
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 for Oracle Administrator's Guide   

Obtaining Database FlashSnap Snapshot Status and Database Status from the GUI

You can obtain both the snapshot status and the snapshot database status from the GUI. The tables in this section provide detailed information regarding the various status values.

Database FlashSnap Snapshot Status Details

To view snapshot status information from the GUI, click on a specific snapplan in the object tree. The snapshot status can be seen on the right side of the window in the Snapplan State field. For information regarding the various status values, see the following table:

Snapshot Status (as seen in the Snapplan State field) Completed Operations Allowed Operations


  • Modify/Validate Snapplan (successful)
  • Resync Snapshot (successful)
  • Reverse Resync Snapshot with the commit option (successful)
  • Create Snapshot


  • Create Snapshot (failed)
  • If the "Create Snapshot" operation failed, contact your system administrator for help. You can use the VxVM utilities to create a snapshot and resynchronize the snapshot volumes, then use the "Create Snapshot" operation with the Force snapshot creation option for the subsequent snapshot.


  • Create Snapshot (successful)
  • Resync Snapshot
  • Reverse Resync Snapshot with the begin option
  • Create Snapshot Database with the Create database option


  • Resync Snapshot (failed)
  • If the "Resync Snapshot" operation failed, contact your system administrator for help. You can use the VxVM utilities to resynchronize the snapshot volumes, then use the "Create Snapshot" operation with the Force snapshot creation option for the subsequent snapshot.


  • Reverse Resync Snapshot with the begin option (failed)
  • Contact VERITAS support.


  • Reverse Resync Snapshot with the begin option (successful)
  • Reverse Resync with the commit option
  • Reverse Resync with the abort option


  • Reverse Resync Snapshot with the abort option (failed)
  • Contact VERITAS support.


  • Reverse Resync Snapshot with the abort option (successful)
  • Reverse Resync Snapshot with the begin option
  • Resync Snapshot
  • Create Snapshot Database with the Restart database option


  • Reverse Resync Snapshot with the commit option (failed)
  • Contact VERITAS support.


  • Start Up Snapshot Database with the Restart database option (failed)
  • Try to start the snapshot database manually.


  • Create Snapshot Database with the Restart database option (successful)
  • Shut Down Database with the unmount option


  • dbed_vmclonedb -o mountdb command failed from the CLI

  • Note    This option is not supported in the GUI.
  • Recover the snapshot database manually, then run the dbed_vmclonedb -o update_status command from the CLI

  • Note    This option is not supported in the GUI.


  • dbed_vmclonedb -o mountdb command from the CLI was successful

  • Note    This option is not supported in the GUI.
  • Umount Database FlashSnap
  • dbed_vmclonedb -o update_status command from the CLI

  • Note    This option is not supported in the GUI.


  • Create Snapshot Database with the Restart database option (failed)
  • Recover the snapshot database manually, then run the dbed_vmclonedb -o update_status command from the CLI

  • Note    This option is not supported in the GUI.


  • Create Snapshot Database with the Restart database option (successful)
  • Shut Down Database with the umount option


  • dbed_vmclonedb -o umount command failed from the CLI

  • Note    This option is not supported in the GUI.
  • Verify that your file system(s) are not busy and retry the command.


  • dbed_vmclonedb -o umount command from the CLI was successful

  • Note    This option is not supported in the GUI.
  • Start Up Snapshot Database with the restart database option
  • Resync Snapshot
  • Reverse Resync Snapshot with the begin option

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Product: Storage Foundation for Databases Guides  
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 for Oracle Administrator's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation