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Product: Storage Foundation for Databases Guides   
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 for Oracle Administrator's Guide   

Creating or Shutting Down a Clone Database Using dbed_vmclonedb

You can use the VERITAS Storage Foundation for Oracle dbed_vmclonedb command to create or shutdown a clone database on either the primary or secondary host using snapshot volumes from the primary host.


  • When cloning a database on the primary host, the system administrator must create the initial mount point prefix for the snapshot image (using the -r relocate_path option) and change the owner of the mount point to the database administrator. If the -r relocate_path option is not specified when creating the clone database on a secondary host, all corresponding file system mount points from the primary host need to be created and their owner changed to the database administrator.

Usage Notes

  • The dbed_vmclonedb command can be used on the primary or secondary host.
  • The dbed_vmclonedb command must be run by the Oracle database administrator.
  • See the dbed_vmclonedb(1M) manual page for more information.



Specifies the ORACLE_SID, which is the name of the Oracle database, for which a snapshot image will be created.


Indicates the name of the disk group that contains all snapshot volumes.

-o mount|mountdb|recoverdb

Specifies what to do with the snapshot image. The -o mount option mounts the file systems to do a backup. The -o mountdb option starts the database to allow manual database recovery. the -o recoverdb option automatically recovers the database.

-o umount

Specifies what to do with the snapshot image. The -o umount option unmounts all snapshot files. The -o deport option deports the snapshot disk group.

-o new_sid=

Specifies the new ORACLE_SID for the snapshot image.

This is a required argument.

-o vxdbavol=

Specifies the VxDBA repository volume name.

This is an optional argument, unless you are creating the clone on a secondary host.


Indicates the initial mount point for the snapshot image.

This is an optional argument.

  To create and recover a clone database on a secondary host

Use the dbed_vmclonedb command as follows:

 $ dbed_vmclonedb -S PROD -g SNAP_PRODdg -o \
 dbed_vmclonedb started at 2002-03-11 12:36:46
 Mounting /prod_db on /dev/vx/dsk/SNAP_PRODdg/SNAP_ORACLE1.
 Mounting /prod_ar on /dev/vx/dsk/SNAP_PRODdg/SNAP_prod_ar.
 NEWPROD can only be brought up with the same db_name as PROD
 Database PROD (SID=NEWPROD) is running.
 dbed_vmclonedb ended   at 2002-03-11 12:37:43

  To start and recover a clone database on the same host

Use the dbed_vmclonedb command as follows:

 $ dbed_vmclonedb -S 815 -g SNAP_oradg -o recoverdb,new_sid=NEW_815 \
 -r /snapdb
 dbed_vmclonedb started at 2002-03-11 12:11:34
 Mounting /snapdb/share/oradata1_815 on
 Mounting /snapdb/share/oradata2_815 on
 Mounting /snapdb/share/oradata3_815 on
 Mounting /snapdb/share/archivelog_815 on
 Eliding remote_login_passwordfile in initNEW_815.ora.
 All redo-log files found.
 Database NEW_815 (SID=NEW_815) is running.
 dbed_vmclonedb ended   at 2002-03-11 12:12:23

  To shutdown and unmount a clone database on a secondary host

Use the dbed_vmclonedb command as follows:

 $ dbed_vmclonedb -o umount,new_sid=NEWPROD
 dbed_vmclonedb started at 2002-03-11 12:40:05
 Oracle instance  successfully shut down.
 Umounting /prod_db.
 Umounting /prod_ar.
 dbed_vmclonedb ended   at 2002-03-11 12:40:16

  To shutdown and unmount a clone database on the same host

Use the dbed_vmclonedb command as follows:

dbed_vmclonedb -o umount,new_sid=NEW_815 -r /snapdb
 dbed_vmclonedb started at 2002-03-11 12:49:09
 Oracle instance  successfully shut down.
 Umounting /snapdb/share/oradata1_815.
 Umounting /snapdb/share/oradata2_815.
 Umounting /snapdb/share/oradata3_815.
 Umounting /snapdb/share/archivelog_815.
 dbed_vmclonedb ended   at 2002-03-11 12:51:31
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Product: Storage Foundation for Databases Guides  
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 for Oracle Administrator's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation