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Product: Storage Foundation for Databases Guides   
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 for Oracle Administrator's Guide   

Creating or Resynchronizing a Snapshot Using dbed_vmsnap

You can use the VERITAS Storage Foundation for Oracle dbed_vmsnap command to create a snapshot image of an Oracle database, tablespaces, or tables. The snapshot can be used locally or on another host that is physically attached to the shared storage. You can also resynchronize the snapshot image back to the original database.


  • Before the Oracle database administrator can use this command, the system administrator must prepare persistent FastResync on the existing database volumes and assign disks for snapshot volumes.

Usage Notes

  • The dbed_vmsnap command can only be used on the primary host.
  • The dbed_vmsnap command must be run as the database administrator.
  • The dbed_vmsnap command does not interact with the user.
  • It is recommended that you maintain different snapplans in a directory. If a snapplan is updated or modified, you must re-validate it using the dbed_vmchecksnap command.
  • See the dbed_vmsnap(1M) manual page for more information.



Specifies the ORACLE_SID, which is the name of the Oracle database, for which a snapshot image will be created.

-f snapplan

Indicates the name of the snapplan that you are creating.

-o snapshot|resync

Specifies whether to create a snapshot or synchronize the snapshot image with the current database image.

This is a required argument.

  To create a snapshot image

Use the dbed_vmsnap command as follows:

dbed_vmsnap -S PROD -f snapplan -o snapshot
 dbed_vmsnap started at 2002-03-11 12:26:23
 A snapshot of ORACLE_SID (PROD) is in DG (SNAP_PRODdg).
 VxDBA repository volume is SNAP_vxdba01.
 If -r <relocate_path> is used in dbed_vmclonedb,
      make sure <relocate_path> is created and owned by Oracle
 Otherwise, the following mount points need to be created and owned by
      Oracle DBA:


 dbed_vmsnap ended   at 2002-03-11 12:27:11

  To resynchronize a snapshot

Use the dbed_vmsnap command as follows:

dbed_vmsnap -S PROD -f snapplan -o resync
 dbed_vmsnap started at 2002-03-11 12:53:34
 dbed_vmsnap ended   at 2002-03-11 12:54:00
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Product: Storage Foundation for Databases Guides  
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 for Oracle Administrator's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation