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Product: Storage Foundation for Databases Guides   
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 for Oracle Administrator's Guide   

Displaying Storage Checkpoints Using dbed_ckptdisplay

You can use the VERITAS Storage Foundation for Oracle dbed_ckptdisplay command to display the Storage Checkpoints associated with an Oracle database from the command line. You can also use it to display fileset quota values.


  • You may be logged in as either the database administrator or root.

Usage Notes

  • In addition to displaying the Storage Checkpoints created by VxDBA, dbed_ckptdisplay also displays other Storage Checkpoints (for example, Storage Checkpoints created by the Capacity Planning Utility and NetBackup).
  • See the dbed_ckptdisplay(1M) manual page for more information.
  • The Status field identifies if the Storage Checkpoint is partial (P), complete (C), invalid (I), mounted (M), read-only (R), writable (W), or of type online (ON), offline (OF), instant (IN), or unknown (UN).
  • Database FlashSnap commands are integrated with Storage Checkpoint functionality. It is possible to display and mount Storage Checkpoints carried over with snapshot volumes to a secondary host. However limitations apply. For details, see Mounting the Snapshot Volumes and Backing Up.

  To display Storage Checkpoints created by VERITAS Storage Foundation for Oracle

Use the dbed_ckptdisplay command as follows to display information for Storage Checkpoints created by VERITAS Storage Foundation for Oracle:

$ /opt/VRTS/bin/dbed_ckptdisplay -S PROD \
-H /oracle/product/9i

 Checkpoint_975876659                     Sun Apr 3 12:50:59 2004                 P+R+IN
 Checkpoint_974424522_wr001                     Thu May 16 17:28:42 2004                 C+R+ON
 Checkpoint_974424522                     Thu May 16 17:28:42 2004                 P+R+ON

  To display other Storage Checkpoints

Use the dbed_ckptdisplay command as follows:

$ /opt/VRTS/bin/dbed_ckptdisplay -S PROD \
-H /oracle/product/9i -o other

NetBackup_incr_PROD_955133480 NBU /db01
NetBackup_full_PROD_9551329 52 NBU /db01

  To display other Storage Checkpoints without updating the VxDBA repository

Use the dbed_ckptdisplay command as follows:

$ /opt/VRTS/bin/dbed_ckptdisplay -S PROD \
-H /oracle/product/9i -o other -n

NetBackup_incr_PROD_955133480 NBU /db01
NetBackup_full_PROD_9551329 52 NBU /db01

  To display all Storage Checkpoints

Use the dbed_ckptdisplay command as follows:

$ /opt/VRTS/bin/dbed_ckptdisplay -S PROD \
-H /oracle/product/9i -o all

 Checkpoint_971672042                     Sun May 15 13:55:53 2004                 C+R+IN
 Checkpoint_903937870                     Fri May 13 22:51:10 2004                 C+R+ON
 Checkpoint_901426272                     Wed May 11 16:17:52 2004                 P+R  +ON
NetBackup_incr_PROD_955133480 NBU /db01
NetBackup_full_PROD_9551329 52 NBU /db01

  To display all Storage Checkpoints without updating the VxDBA repository

Use the dbed_ckptdisplay command as follows:

$ /opt/VRTS/bin/dbed_ckptdisplay -S PROD \
-H /oracle/product/9i -o all -n

 Checkpoint_971672042                     Sun May 15 13:55:53 2004                 C+R+IN
 Checkpoint_903937870                     Fri May 13 22:51:10 2004                 C+R+ON
 Checkpoint_901426272                     Wed May 11 16:17:52 2004                 P+R  +ON
NetBackup_incr_PROD_955133480 NBU /db01
NetBackup_full_PROD_9551329 52 NBU /db01

  To display fileset quota values

Use the dbed_ckptdisplay command as follows:

 $ /opt/VRTS/bin/dbed_ckptdisplay -S PROD -c Checkpoint_903937870 -Q
 Checkpoint_903937870                   Wed Mar 19 9:12:20 2003      C+R+ON
  Filesystem                        HardLim   SoftLim    CurrentUse
  /oradata1/indx1_1                  100000     50000          2028
  /oradata1/user1_1                  100000     50000          2028
  /oradata1/temp                     150000     80000          2142
  /oradata1/system1                  150000     70000          3092

Scheduling Storage Checkpoints Using dbed_ckptcreate and cron

You can use the VERITAS Storage Foundation for Oracle dbed_ckptcreate command to schedule Storage Checkpoint creation in a cron job or other administrative script.


  • You must be logged on as the database administrator (typically, the user ID oracle).

Usage Notes

  • Create a new crontab file or edit an existing crontab file to include a Storage Checkpoint creation entry with the following space-delimited fields:

  • minute hour day_of_month month_of_year day_of_week \

    • minute - numeric values from 0-59 or *
    • hour - numeric values from 0-23 or *
    • day_of_month - numeric values from 1-31 or *
    • month_of_year - numeric values from 1-12 or *
    • day_of_week - numeric values from 0-6, with 0=Sunday or *
    • Each of these variables can either be an asterisk (meaning all legal values) or a list of elements separated by commas. An element is either a number or two numbers separated by a hyphen (meaning an inclusive range).

  • See the dbed_ckptcreate(1M), cron(1M), and crontab(1) manual pages for more information.

Scheduling Storage Checkpoint Creation in a cron Job

  • To create a Storage Checkpoint twice a day, at 5:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m., every Monday through Friday, include the following entry in your crontab file:

  • 0 5,19 * * 1-5 /opt/VRTS/bin/dbed_ckptcreate -S PROD \
    -H /oracle/product/9i -o instant
  • To create a Storage Checkpoint at 11:30 p.m., on the 1st and 15th day of each month, include the following entry in your crontab file:

  • 30 23 1,15 * * /opt/VRTS/bin/dbed_ckptcreate -S PROD \
    -H /oracle/product/9i -o instant
  • To create a Storage Checkpoint at 1:00 a.m. every Sunday while the database is offline, include the following entry in your crontab file:

  • 0 1 * * 0 /opt/VRTS/bin/dbed_ckptcreate -S PROD \
    -H /oracle/product/9i -o offline

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Product: Storage Foundation for Databases Guides  
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 for Oracle Administrator's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation