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Product: Storage Foundation for Databases Guides   
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 for Oracle Administrator's Guide   

Overview of Commands

All VERITAS Storage Foundation for Oracle commands supported in the command line interface are located in the /opt/VRTS/bin directory. Exceptions are the Quick I/O commands, vxstorage_stats, and edgetmsg2, which are located in /opt/VRTSdbed/bin. Online manual pages are located in the /opt/VRTS/man directory. Follow the installation instructions provided in the VERITAS Database Edition for Oracle Installation Guide to ensure you can use these commands and view the online manual pages.

The following table summarizes the commands available to you from the command line:

VERITAS Storage Foundation for Oracle Commands

Command Description


Creates or updates the VxDBA repository in VERITAS Storage Foundation for Oracle.

Performs the same operation from the command line, as Display/Update Tablespace Information from the Display Database/VxDBA Information in the VxDBA utility menus.

Performs the same operation from the command line, as right clicking on a database and selecting Resync Repository in the GUI.


Checks the configuration of an Oracle database in a VERITAS Storage Foundation for Oracle environment.

Performs the same operation from the command line, as Display Database/VxDBA Information > Examine Volume/File System/Database Configuration in the VxDBA utility menus.

Performs the same operation from the command line, as right clicking on a database and selecting Check System Configuration in the GUI.


Saves the configuration of an Oracle database in a VERITAS Storage Foundation for Oracle environment.

Performs the same operation from the command line, as Display Database/VxDBA Information > Save Volume/File System/Database Configuration in the VxDBA utility menus.

Performs the same operation from the command line, as right clicking on a database and selecting Save System Configuration in the GUI.


Creates a Storage Checkpoint for an Oracle database. Performs the same operation from the command line, as Storage Checkpoint Administration > Create New Storage Checkpoint in the VxDBA utility menus.

Performs the same operation from the command line, as Storage Checkpoints > Create Storage Checkpoint in the GUI.


Displays Storage Checkpoints for an Oracle database.

Performs the same operation from the command line, as Storage Checkpoint Administration > Display Storage Checkpoints in the VxDBA utility menus.

Performs the same operation from the command line, as Storage Checkpoint > Properties in the GUI. (Clicking on Storage Checkpoint alone lists all Storage Checkpoints.)


Mounts a Storage Checkpoint for an Oracle database.

Performs the same operation from the command line, as Storage Checkpoint Administration > Mount Storage Checkpoint in the VxDBA utility menus.

Performs the same operation from the command line, as Storage Checkpoint > Mount Storage Checkpoint in the GUI.


Used to obtain estimates of space usage for Storage Checkpoints. dbed_ckptplan manages scheduled Storage Checkpoint creation and summarizes statistics from these Storage Checkpoints.

Performs the same operation from the command line, as Storage Checkpoint Capacity Planning > Create Capacity Planning Schedules in the VxDBA utility menu.

Performs the same operation from the command line, as Oracle > Storage Checkpoint Capacity Planning in the GUI.


Creates and administers Storage Checkpoint allocation policies for a Multi-Volume File System (MVS). You can display, create, update, assign, and remove Storage Checkpoint allocation policies using this command.

This option is not available through the VxDBA utility menu or the GUI.


Administers quotas for Storage Checkpoints.

This option is not available through the VxDBA utility menu or the GUI.


Removes a Storage Checkpoint for an Oracle database.

Performs the same operation from the command line, as Storage Checkpoint Administration > Remove Storage Checkpoint in the VxDBA utility menus.

Performs the same operation from the command line, as Storage Checkpoint > Remove Storage Checkpoint in the GUI.


Rolls back an Oracle database to a Storage Checkpoint point-in-time image.

Performs the same Storage Rollback operation from the command line, as the database Storage Rollback operation available in the VxDBA utility Storage Rollback Administration menu.

Performs the same operation from the command line, as Storage Checkpoint > Rollback Storage Checkpoint in the GUI.


Unmounts a Storage Checkpoint for an Oracle database.

Performs the same operation from the command line, as Storage Checkpoint Administration > Unmount Storage Checkpoint in the VxDBA utility menus.

Performs the same operation from the command line, as Storage Checkpoint > Unmount Storage Checkpoint in the GUI.


Creates a copy of an Oracle database by cloning all existing database files and recreating the control file accordingly. This cloned database can only be started on the same host as the existing database as long as it uses a different SID.

Performs the same operation from the command line, as Oracle > Create Clone Database in the GUI.


Converts VxFS files to Quick I/O files.

Performs the same operation from the command line, as Container > Conversion in the GUI.


Extracts information on files used by the database and stores the names of these files in mkqio.dat. The mkqio.dat file is used by the qio_convertdbfiles command.

This command is not available through the GUI.


Automatically recreates Quick I/O files when the database is recovered. The command expects to find a mkqio.dat file in the directory where the qio_recreate command is run.

This command is not available through the GUI.


Creates a snapplan that the dbed_vmsnap command uses to create a volume snapshot of an Oracle database. The snapplan specifies snapshot scenarios (such as online or offline; database, tablespaces, or tables, and so forth).

This option is not available through the VxDBA utility menu or the GUI at this time.


Creates a snapshot of an Oracle database, tablespace, or table by splitting the mirror volumes used by the database. You can also use this command to resynchronize the split images back to the current database image.

This option is not available through the VxDBA utility menu or the GUI at this time.


Mounts and starts a clone database from snapshot volumes. You can also use this command to shut down an Oracle database and deport its volumes.

This option is not available through the VxDBA utility menu or the GUI at this time.


Removes changes made by the dbed_vmsnap or dbed_vmclonedb commands, if either command fails. The system is returned to a SNAPREADY state.

If dbed_vmsnap failed, dbed_vmsnapundo imports the disk group and tries to snapback the data volumes.

If dbed_clonedb failed, dbed_vmsnapundo will deport the disk group again.

This option is not available through the VxDBA utility menu or the GUI at this time.


Maps tablespaces to physical disks and retrieves the information, including the percentage of disk space used by a tablespace.

This option is not available through the VxDBA utility menu or through the GUI.


Manages message log files. You can use this utility to display and list message log files. You can also use this utility to write a message to a log file or to the console, or read the log file and print to the console.

This option is not available through the VxDBA utility menu or through the GUI.


Displays storage object I/O statistics.

This option is not available through the VxDBA utility menu.

Performs the same operation from the command line, as the options within Datafiles > Topology Statistics... in the GUI.

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Product: Storage Foundation for Databases Guides  
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 for Oracle Administrator's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation