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Product: Storage Foundation for Databases Guides   
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 for Oracle Administrator's Guide   

Appendix: VERITAS Storage Foundation for Oracle Command Line Interface

VERITAS Storage Foundation for Oracle provides a command line interface (CLI) to many key operations also supplied from within the VxDBA utility menus and VERITAS Storage Foundation GUI application. The command line interface lets you incorporate command operations into scripts and other administrative processes.

VERITAS Storage Foundation for Oracle also provides commands specific to the Database FlashSnap feature. These commands can be executed using the CLI or the VERITAS Storage Foundation for Oracle GUI. At this time, there are no VxDBA menu equivalents for Database FlashSnap operations.

Note   Note    The VERITAS Storage Foundation for Oracle command line interface depends on certain tablespace and datafile information that is collected and stored in VxDBA's repository. Some CLI commands update the repository by default. It is also important to regularly ensure the VxDBA repository is up-to-date by using Display/Update Tablespace Information from either the Database Administration or Display Database/VxDBA Information VxDBA submenus, the update repository option from the GUI (right click on the database and select Update Repository), or the dbed_update command.

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Product: Storage Foundation for Databases Guides  
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 for Oracle Administrator's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation