- AIFF data formats, A.1
- AIFF-C data formats, A.2
- Apple QuickTime 3.0 video formats, C.1
- ASCII image compression format, B.2
- AU data formats, A.3
- AVI video formats, C.2
- BMPF image format, B.1
- BMPRLE image compression format, B.2
- CALS image format, B.1
- CCITT compression
- Raw Pixel images and, E.9
- channelOrder operator, 6, D.4.1
- checkProperties( ) method, 4, 6, 8
- clearLocal( ) method, 3.3, 10
- close( ) method, 10
- closeSource( ) method, 3.3
- colorFrequenciesList internal helper type, 7
- colorPositions internal helper type, 7
- colorsList internal helper type, 7
- compatibility, 2
- compatibilityInit( ) method, 2.1
- compression formats
- audio, A
- image, B
- video, C
- compressionFormat operator, 6, D.2.3
- lossless compression scheme, D.2.3
- lossy format, D.2.3
- compressionQuality operator, 6, D.2.4
- lossless compression format, D.2.4
- lossy compression format, D.2.4
- content format
- direct color (DRCT) images, D.2.2
- lookup table (LUT) images, D.2.2
- contentFormat operator, 6, D.2.2
- direct RGB, D.2.2
- GRAY, D.2.2
- LUT, D.2.2
- contrast operator, 6, D.3.1
- copy( ) method, 6
- cut operator, 6, D.3.2
- data formats
- AIFF, A.1
- AIFF-C, A.2
- AU, A.3
- MPEG, A.4
- RMFF, A.5
- WAV, A.6
- DEFLATE image compression format, B.2
- DEFLATE-ADAM7 image compression format, B.2
- deleteContent( ) method, 3.3
- deleteLocalContent( ) method, 10
- deprecated ORDAudio methods, G
- acccessor methods, G
- comments methods, G
- get methods, G
- deprecated ORDVideo methods, G
- acccessor methods, G
- comments methods, G
- get methods, G
- direct color (DRCT) images, D.2.2
- direct RGB
- contentFormat operator, D.2.2
- ensuring compatibility
- with evolving interMedia object types, 2
- evaluateScore( ) method, 6
- evolving interMedia object types
- ensuring compatibility, 2
- exceptions and error messages, F
- export( ) method, 3.3, 9, 10
- FAX3 image compression format, B.2
- FAX4 image compression format, B.2
- file formats
- audio, A
- image, B
- video, C
- fileFormat operator, 6, D.2.1
- fixedScale operator, 6, D.3.9.1
- flip operator, 6, D.3.3
- formats
- audio compression, A
- audio file, A
- compression, C
- file, C
- image compression, B
- image file, B
- FPIX image format, B.1
- gamma operator, 6, D.3.4
- generateSignature( ) method, 6
- getAllAttributes( ) method, 4, 8
- getAttribute( ) method, 4, 8
- getAudioDuration( ) method, 4
- getBFile( ) method, 3.3, 10
- getBitRate( ) method, 8
- getCompressionFormat( ) method, 6
- getCompressionType( ) method, 4, 8
- getContent( ) method, 3.3
- getContentFormat( ) method, 6
- getContentInLob( ) method, 4, 5, 8
- getContentInTempLob( ) method, 10
- getContentLength( ) method, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10
- getDescription( ) method, 4, 8
- getEncoding( ) method, 4
- getFileFormat( ) method, 6
- getFormat( ) method, 4, 5, 8
- getFrameRate( ) method, 8
- getFrameResolution( ) method, 8
- getFrameSize( ) method, 8
- getHeight( ) method, 6
- getLocalContent( ) method, 10
- getMimeType( ) method, 3.3
- getNumberOfChannels( ) method, 4
- getNumberOfColors( ) method, 8
- getNumberOfFrames( ) method, 8
- getProperties( ) method (all attributes) for BFILEs, 9, 9, 9, 9
- getProperties( ) method (all attributes) for BLOBs, 9, 9, 9, 9
- getProperties( ) method for BFILEs, 9, 9, 9, 9
- getProperties( ) method for BLOBs, 9, 9, 9, 9
- getSampleSize( ) method, 4
- getSamplingRate( ) method, 4
- getSource( ) method, 3.3
- getSourceAddress( ) method, 10
- getSourceInformation( ) method, 10
- getSourceLocation( ) method, 3.3, 10
- getSourceName( ) method, 3.3, 10
- getSourceObject method, 8
- getSourceType( ) method, 3.3, 10
- getUpdateTime( ) method, 3.3, 10
- getVideoDuration( ) method, 8
- getWidth( ) method, 6
- GIFF image format, B.1
- GIFLZW image compression format, B.2
- GIFLZW-INTERLACED image compression format, B.2
- contentFormat operator, D.2.2
- HUFFMAN3 image compression format, B.2
- image compression formats
- ASCII, B.2
- FAX3, B.2
- FAX4, B.2
- JPEG, B.2
- LZW, B.2
- NONE, B.2
- RAW, B.2
- image formats
- BMPF, B.1
- CALS, B.1
- FPIX, B.1
- GIFF, B.1
- JFIF, B.1
- PBMF, B.1
- PCXF, B.1
- PGMF, B.1
- PICT, B.1
- PNGF, B.1
- PNMF, B.1
- PPMF, B.1
- RASF, B.1
- Raw Pixel, E
- RPIX, B.1
- TGAF, B.1
- TIFF, B.1
- WBMP, B.1
- image formatting operators, D.2
- image processing operators, D.3
- See also operators
- import( ) method, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10
- importFrom( ) method, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10
- importFrom( ) method (all attributes), 9
- init( ) for ORDImage method, 6
- init( ) for ORDImageSignature method, 6
- init( ) method for ORDAudio, 4
- init( ) method for ORDDoc, 5
- init( ) method for ORDVideo, 8
- init(srcType,srcLocation,srcName) for ORDImage method, 6
- init(srcType,srcLocation,srcName) method for ORDAudio, 4
- init(srcType,srcLocation,srcName) method for ORDDoc, 5
- init(srcType,srcLocation,srcName) method for ORDVideo, 8
- inputChannels operator, 6, D.4.4
- interMedia
- relational functional interface, 9
- interMedia object types evolution
- ensuring compatibility, 2
- internal helper types
- colorFrequenciesList, 7
- colorPositions, 7
- colorsList, 7
- textureEncoding, 7
- isLocal( ) method, 3.3, 10
- isSimilar( ) method, 6
- JFIF image format, B.1
- JPEG image compression format, B.2
- JPEG-PROGRESSIVE image compression format, B.2
- lookup table (LUT) images, D.2.2
- lossless compression scheme, D.2.3
- lossy format, D.2.3
- LUT (lookup table)
- contentFormat operator, D.2.2
- LZW image compression format, B.2
- LZWHDIFF image compression format, B.2
- maxScale operator, 6, D.3.9.2
- messages, error, exceptions, F
- methods, 3, 3.3, 4, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 8, 9, 10
- checkProperties( ), 4, 6, 8
- clearLocal( ), 3.3, 10
- close( ), 10
- closeSource( ), 3.3
- common, 3
- compatibilityInit( ), 2.1
- copy( ), 6
- deleteContent( ), 3.3
- deleteLocalContent( ), 10
- evaluateScore( ), 6
- export( ), 3.3, 9, 10
- for ORDDoc, 5
- generateSignature( ), 6
- getAllAttributes( ), 4, 8
- getAttribute( ), 4, 8
- getAudioDuration( ), 4
- getBFile( ), 3.3, 10
- getBitRate( ), 8
- getCompressionFormat( ), 6
- getCompressionType( ), 4, 8
- getContent( ), 3.3
- getContentFormat( ), 6
- getContentInLob( ), 4, 5, 8
- getContentInTempLob( ), 10
- getContentLength( ), 4, 5, 6, 8, 10
- getDescription( ), 4, 8
- getEncoding( ), 4
- getFileFormat( ), 6
- getFormat( ), 4, 5, 8
- getFrameRate( ), 8
- getFrameResolution( ), 8
- getFrameSize( ), 8
- getHeight( ), 6
- getLocalContent( ), 10
- getMimeType( ), 3.3
- getNumberOfChannels( ), 4
- getNumberOfColors( ), 8
- getNumberOfFrames( ), 8
- getProperties( ) (all attributes) for BFILEs, 9, 9, 9, 9
- getProperties( ) (all attributes) for BLOBs, 9, 9, 9, 9
- getProperties( ) for BFILEs, 9, 9, 9, 9
- getProperties( ) for BLOBs, 9, 9, 9, 9
- getSampleSize( ), 4
- getSamplingRate( ), 4
- getSource( ), 3.3
- getSourceAddress( ), 10
- getSourceInformation( ), 10
- getSourceLocation( ), 3.3, 10
- getSourceName( ), 3.3, 10
- getSourceObject, 8
- getSourceType( ), 3.3, 10
- getUpdateTime( ), 3.3, 10
- getVideoDuration( ), 8
- getWidth( ), 6
- import( ), 4, 5, 6, 8, 10
- importFrom( ), 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10
- importFrom( ) (all attributes), 9
- init( ) for ORDAudio, 4
- init( ) for ORDDoc, 5
- init( ) for ORDImage, 6
- init( ) for ORDImageSignature, 6
- init( ) for ORDVideo, 8
- init(srcType,srcLocation,srcName) for ORDAudio, 4
- init(srcType,srcLocation,srcName) for ORDDoc, 5
- init(srcType,srcLocation,srcName) for ORDImage, 6
- init(srcType,srcLocation,srcName) for ORDVideo, 8
- isLocal( ), 3.3, 10
- isSimilar( ), 6
- open( ), 10
- openSource( ), 3.3
- ORDAudio, 4
- ORDDoc, 5
- ORDImage, 6
- ORDImageSignature, 6
- ORDSource, 10
- ORDVideo, 8
- process( ), 6, 9
- processAudioCommand( ), 4
- processCommand( ), 10
- processCopy( ), 6
- processCopy( ) for BFILEs, 9
- processCopy( ) for BLOBs, 9
- processSourceCommand( ), 3.3
- processVideoCommand( ), 8
- read( ), 10
- readFromSource( ), 3.3
- relational interface, 9
- setAudioDuration( ), 4
- setBitRate( ), 8
- setCompressionType( ), 4, 8
- setDescription( ), 4, 8
- setEncoding( ), 4
- setFormat( ), 4, 5, 8
- setFrameRate( ), 8
- setFrameResolution( ), 8
- setFrameSize( ), 8
- setKnownAttributes( ), 4, 8
- setLocal( ), 3.3, 10
- setMimeType( ), 3.3
- setNumberOfChannels( ), 4
- setNumberOfColors( ), 8
- setNumberOfFrames( ), 8
- setProperties( ), 4, 6, 8
- setProperties( ) (XML), 4, 5
- setProperties( ) for foreign images, 6
- setSampleSize( ), 4
- setSamplingRate( ), 4
- setSource( ), 3.3
- setSourceInformation( ), 10
- setUpdateTime( ), 3.3, 10
- setVideoDuration( ), 8, 8
- SI_Append( ), 7
- SI_AverageColor(averageColor), 7
- SI_AverageColor(sourceImage), 7
- SI_AvgClrFtr( ), 7
- SI_AvgClrFtrWght( ), 7
- SI_ChangeFormat( ), 7
- SI_ClearFeatures( ), 7
- SI_ClrHstgrFtr( ), 7
- SI_ClrHstgrFtrWght( ), 7
- SI_ColorHistogram, 7
- SI_ColorHistogram(colors, frequencies), 7
- SI_ColorHistogram(firstColor, frequency), 7
- SI_ColorHistogram(sourceImage), 7
- SI_Content( ), 7
- SI_ContentLength( ), 7
- SI_FeatureList( ), 7
- SI_Format( ), 7
- SI_Height( ), 7
- SI_InitFeatures( ), 7
- SI_PositionalColor( ), 7
- SI_PstnlClrFtr( ), 7
- SI_PstnlClrFtrWght( ), 7
- SI_RetainFeatures( ), 7
- SI_RGBColor( ), 7
- SI_Score( ) for SI_AverageColor, 7
- SI_Score( ) for SI_ColorHistogram, 7
- SI_Score( ) for SI_FeatureList, 7
- SI_Score( ) for SI_PositionalColor, 7
- SI_Score( ) for SI_Texture, 7
- SI_SetContent( ), 7
- SI_SetFeature(averageColorFeature, averageColorFeatureWeight), 7
- SI_SetFeature(colorHistogramFeature, colorHistogramFeatureWeight), 7
- SI_SetFeature(positionalColorFeature, positionalColorFeatureWeight), 7
- SI_SetFeature(textureFeature, textureFeatureWeight), 7
- SI_StillImage, 7
- SI_StillImage(content), 7
- SI_StillImage(content, explicitFormat), 7
- SI_StillImage(content, explicitFormat, height, width), 7
- SI_Texture( ), 7
- SI_TextureFtr( ), 7
- SI_TextureFtrWght( ), 7
- SI_Thumbnail( ), 7
- SI_Thumbnail(height, width), 7
- SI_Width( ), 7
- trim( ), 10
- trimSource( ), 3.3
- write( ), 10
- writeToSource( ), 3.3
- mirror operator, 6, D.3.5
- contentFormat operator, D.2.2
- MPEG data formats, A.4
- MPEG video formats, C.4
- NONE image compression format, B.2
- object types
- ORDAudio, 4
- ORDDoc, 5
- ORDImage, 6
- ORDImageSignature, 6
- ORDSource, 10
- ORDVideo, 8
- SI_Color, 7
- SI_ColorHistogram, 7
- SI_FeatureList, 7
- SI_PositionalColor, 7
- SI_StillImage, 7
- SI_Texture, 7
- open( ) method, 10
- openSource( ) method, 3.3
- operators
- channelOrder, 6, D.4.1
- compressionFormat, 6
- compressionQuality, 6, D.2.4
- contentFormat, 6, D.2.2
- contrast, 6, D.3.1
- cut, 6, D.3.2
- fileFormat, 6, D.2.1
- fixedScale, 6, D.3.9.1
- flip, 6, D.3.3
- gamma, 6, D.3.4
- image formatting, D.2
- image processing, D.3
- inputChannels, 6, D.4.4
- maxScale, 6, D.3.9.2
- mirror, 6, D.3.5
- page, 6, D.3.6
- pixelOrder, 6, D.4.2
- quantize, 6, D.3.7
- rotate, 6, D.3.8
- scale, 6, D.3.9.3
- scalineOrder, D.4.3
- scaling, D.3.9
- scanlineOrder, 6
- tiled, 6, D.3.10
- xScale, 6, D.3.9.4
- yScale, 6, D.3.9.5
- ORDAudio object type
- reference information, 4
- ORDDoc object type
- reference information, 5
- ORDImage object type
- reference information, 6
- ORDImageSignature object type
- reference information, 6
- ORDSource object type
- reference information, 10
- export( ) method and, 3.3, 9
- ORDVideo object type
- reference information, 8
- PACKBITS image compression format, B.2
- page operator, 6, D.3.6
- PBMF image format, B.1
- PCXF image format, B.1
- PCXRLE image compression format, B.2
- PGMF image format, B.1
- PICT image format, B.1
- pixelOrder operator, 6, D.4.2
- UTL_HTTP package, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 8, 10
- PNGF image format, B.1
- PNMF image format, B.1
- PositionalColor object type
- reference information, 7
- PPMF image format, B.1
- process( ) method, 6, 9
- channelOrder operator, D.4.1
- contentFormat operator, D.2.2
- contrast operator, D.3.1
- cut operator, D.3.2
- fileFormat operator, D.2.1
- fixedScale operator, D.3.9.1
- flip operator, D.3.3
- gamma operator, D.3.4
- inputChannels operator, 6, D.4.4
- maxScale operator, D.3.9.2
- mirror operator, D.3.5
- operators, D
- page operator, D.3.6
- pixelOrder operator, D.4.2
- quantize operator, D.3.7
- rotate operator, D.3.8
- scale operator, D.3.9.3
- scanlineOrder operator, D.4.3
- tiled operator, D.3.10
- xScale operator, D.3.9.4
- yScale operator, D.3.9.5
- processAudioCommand( ) method, 4
- processCommand( ) method, 10
- processCopy( ) method, 6
- channelOrder operator, D.4.1
- contentFormat operator, D.2.2
- contrast operator, D.3.1
- cut operator, D.3.2
- fileFormat operator, D.2.1
- fixedScale, D.3.9.1
- flip, D.3.3
- gamma, D.3.4
- inputChannels operator, 6, D.4.4
- maxScale, D.3.9.2
- mirror, D.3.5
- operators, D
- page, D.3.6
- pixelOrder operator, D.4.2
- quantize, D.3.7
- rotate, D.3.8
- scale, D.3.9.3
- scanlineOrder operator, D.4.3
- tiled, D.3.10
- xScale, D.3.9.4
- yScale, D.3.9.5
- processCopy( ) method for BFILEs, 9
- processCopy( ) method for BLOBs, 9
- processing operators, D.3
- See also operators
- processSourceCommand( ) method, 3.3
- processVideoCommand( ) method, 8
- quantize operator, 6, D.3.7
- RASF image format, B.1
- RAW image compression format, B.2
- Raw Pixel
- band interleaving, E.5.3
- blue channel number, E.3
- compression type, E.3
- foreign image support, E.10
- green channel number, E.3
- header C language constants, E.7
- header C language structure, E.6
- image header length, E.3
- image height, E.3
- image identifier, E.3
- image width, E.3
- interleave, E.3
- major version, E.3
- minor version, E.3
- n-band data, E.5.4
- number of bands, E.3
- pixel order, E.3
- pixel ordering, E.5.2
- PL/SQL constants, E.8
- post-header gap, E.4
- red channel number, E.3
- reserved area, E.3
- scanline order, E.3
- scanline ordering, E.5.1
- using CCITT compression, E.9
- Raw Pixel image format, E
- read( ) method, 10
- readFromSource( ) method, 3.3
- RealNetworks Real Video data format, C.3
- reference information
- ORDAudio, 4
- ORDDoc, 5
- ORDImage, 6
- ORDImageSignature, 6
- ORDSource, 10
- ORDVideo, 8
- StillImage, 7
- relational functional interface reference information, 9
- RMFF data formats, A.5
- rotate operator, 6, D.3.8
- RPIX image format, B.1
- scale operator, 6, D.3.9.3
- scanlineOrder operator, 6, D.4.3
- setAudioDuration( ) method, 4
- setBitRate( ) method, 8
- setCompressionType( ) method, 4, 8
- setDescription( ) method, 4, 8
- setEncoding( ) method, 4
- setFormat( ) method, 4, 5, 8
- setFrameRate( ) method, 8
- setFrameResolution( ) method, 8
- setFrameSize( ) method, 8
- setKnownAttributes( ) method, 4, 8
- setLocal( ) method, 3.3, 10
- setMimeType( ) method, 3.3
- setNumberOfChannels( ) method, 4
- setNumberOfColors( ) method, 8
- setNumberOfFrames( ) method, 8
- setProperties( ) method, 4, 6, 8
- setProperties( ) method (XML), 4, 5
- setProperties( ) method for foreign images, 6
- setSampleSize( ) method, 4
- setSamplingRate( ) method, 4
- setSource( ) method, 3.3
- setSourceInformation( ) method, 10
- setUpdateTime( ) method, 3.3, 10
- setVideoDuration( ) method, 8, 8
- SI_Append( ) method, 7
- SI_AppendClrHstgr( ) procedure, 7
- SI_ArrayClrHstgr( ) function, 7
- SI_AverageColor(averageColor) method, 7
- SI_AverageColor(sourceImage) method, 7
- SI_AvgClrFtr( ) method, 7
- SI_AvgClrFtrWght( ) method, 7
- SI_ChangeFormat( ) method, 7
- SI_ChgContent( ) procedure, 7
- SI_ClearFeatures( ) method, 7
- SI_ClrHstgrFtr( ) method, 7
- SI_ClrHstgrFtrWght( ) method, 7
- SI_Color object type
- reference information, 7
- SI_ColorHistogram object type
- reference information, 7
- SI_ColorHistogram(colors, frequencies) method, 7
- SI_ColorHistogram(firstColor, frequency) method, 7
- SI_ColorHistogram(sourceImage) method, 7
- SI_Content( ) method, 7
- SI_ContentLength( ) method, 7
- SI_ConvertFormat( ) procedure, 7
- SI_FeatureList object type
- reference information, 7
- SI_FeatureList( ) method, 7
- SI_FindAvgClr( ) function, 7
- SI_FindClrHstgr( ) function, 7
- SI_FindPstnlClr( ) function, 7
- SI_FindTexture( ) function, 7
- SI_Format( ) method, 7
- SI_GetAvgClrFtr( ) function, 7
- SI_GetAvgClrFtrW( ) function, 7
- SI_GetClrHstgrFtr( ) function, 7
- SI_GetClrHstgrFtrW( ) function, 7
- SI_GetContent( ) function, 7
- SI_GetContentLngth( ) function, 7
- SI_GetFormat( ) function, 7
- SI_GetHeight( ) function, 7
- SI_GetPstnlClrFtr( ) function, 7
- SI_GetPstnlClrFtrW( ) function, 7
- SI_GetSizedThmbnl( ) function, 7
- SI_GetTextureFtr( ) function, 7
- SI_GetTextureFtrW( ) function, 7
- SI_GetThmbnl( ) function, 7
- SI_GetWidth( ) function, 7
- SI_Height( ) method, 7
- SI_InitFeatures( ) method, 7
- SI_MkAvgClr( ) function, 7
- SI_MkClrHstgr( ) function, 7
- SI_MkFtrList( ) function, 7
- SI_MkRGBClr( ) function, 7
- SI_MkStillImage1( ) function, 7, 7
- SI_MkStillImage2( ) function, 7
- SI_PositionalColor( ) method, 7
- SI_PstnlClrFtr( ) method, 7
- SI_PstnlClrFtrWght( ) method, 7
- SI_RetainFeatures( ) method, 7
- SI_RGBColor( ) method, 7
- SI_Score( ) for SI_FeatureList method, 7
- SI_Score( ) method for SI_AverageColor, 7
- SI_Score( ) method for SI_ColorHistogram, 7
- SI_Score( ) method for SI_PositionalColor, 7
- SI_Score( ) method for SI_Texture, 7
- SI_ScoreByAvgClr( ) function, 7
- SI_ScoreByClrHstgr( ) function, 7
- SI_ScoreByFtrList function, 7
- SI_ScoreByPstnlClr( ) function, 7
- SI_ScoreByTexture( ) function, 7
- SI_SetAvgClrFtr( ) procedure, 7
- SI_SetClrHstgrFtr( ) procedure, 7
- SI_SetContent( ) method, 7
- SI_SetFeature(averageColorFeature, averageColorFeatureWeight) method, 7
- SI_SetFeature(colorHistogramFeature, colorHistogramFeatureWeight) method, 7
- SI_SetFeature(positionalColorFeature, positionalColorFeatureWeight) method, 7
- SI_SetFeature(textureFeature, textureFeatureWeight) method, 7
- SI_SetPstnlClrFtr( ) procedure, 7
- SI_SetTextureFtr( ) procedure, 7
- SI_StillImage object type
- reference information, 7
- SI_StillImage(content) method, 7
- SI_StillImage(content, explicitFormat) method, 7
- SI_StillImage(content, explicitFormat, height, width) method, 7
- SI_Texture object type
- reference information, 7
- SI_Texture( ) method, 7
- SI_TextureFtr( ) method, 7
- SI_TextureFtrWght( ) method, 7
- SI_Thumbnail( ) method, 7
- SI_Thumbnail(height, width) method, 7
- SI_VALUES view, 7
- SI_Width( ) method, 7
- SQL functions
- SI_ArrayClrHstgr( ), 7
- SI_FindAvgClr( ), 7
- SI_FindClrHstgr( ), 7
- SI_FindPstnlClr( ), 7
- SI_FindTexture( ), 7
- SI_GetAvgClrFtr( ), 7
- SI_GetAvgClrFtrW( ), 7
- SI_GetClrHstgrFtr( ), 7
- SI_GetClrHstgrFtrW( ), 7
- SI_GetContent( ), 7
- SI_GetContentLngth( ), 7
- SI_GetFormat( ), 7
- SI_GetHeight( ), 7
- SI_GetPstnlClrFtr( ), 7
- SI_GetPstnlClrFtrW( ), 7
- SI_GetSizedThmbnl( ), 7
- SI_GetTextureFtr( ), 7
- SI_GetTextureFtrW( ), 7
- SI_GetThmbnl( ), 7
- SI_GetWidth( ), 7
- SI_MkAvgClr( ), 7
- SI_MkClrHstgr( ), 7
- SI_MkFtrList( ), 7
- SI_MkRGBClr( ), 7
- SI_MkStillImage1( ), 7, 7
- SI_MkStillImage2( ), 7
- SI_ScoreByAvgClr( ), 7
- SI_ScoreByClrHstgr( ), 7
- SI_ScoreByFtrList, 7
- SI_ScoreByPstnlClr( ), 7
- SI_ScoreByTexture( ), 7
- SQL procedures
- SI_AppendClrHstgr( ), 7
- SI_ChgContent( ), 7
- SI_ConvertFormat( ), 7
- SI_SetAvgClrFtr( ), 7
- SI_SetClrHstgrFtr( ), 7
- SI_SetPstnlClrFtr( ), 7
- SI_SetTextureFtr( ), 7
- static methods
- ORDAudio relational functional interface, 9, 9
- ORDDoc relational functional interface, 9
- ORDImage relational functional interface, 9
- ORDVideo relational functional interface, 9
- SUNRLE image compression format, B.2
- TARGARLE image compression format, B.2
- textureEncoding internal helper type, 7
- TGAF image format, B.1
- thumbnail images, 6, 9
- TIFF image format, B.1
- tiled operator, 6, D.3.10
- trim( ) method, 10
- trimSource( ) method, 3.3
- video compression formats, C
- video data formats
- MPEG, C.4
- video file formats, C
- video formats
- Apple QuickTime 3.0, C.1
- AVI, C.2
- RealNetworks Real Video, C.3
- views
- WAV data formats, A.6
- WBMP image format, B.1
- write methods
- write( ), 10
- writeToSource( ) method, 3.3
- xScale operator, 6, D.3.9.4
- yScale operator, 6, D.3.9.5