Oracle® interMedia Reference 10g Release 1 (10.1) Part Number B10829-01 |
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This section presents reference information on the interMedia static methods unique to the ORDAudio relational interface.
The relational interface adds interMedia support to audio data stored in BLOBs and BFILEs rather than in the ORDAudio object type. The following interface is defined in the ordaspec.sql file:
. . . -- Static Methods for the relational interface STATIC PROCEDURE export(ctx IN OUT RAW, local_data IN BLOB, source_type IN VARCHAR2, source_location IN VARCHAR2, source_name IN VARCHAR2), -- STATIC PROCEDURE importFrom(ctx IN OUT RAW, local_data IN OUT NOCOPY BLOB, source_type IN VARCHAR2, source_location IN VARCHAR2, source_name IN VARCHAR2), -- STATIC PROCEDURE importFrom(ctx IN OUT RAW, local_data IN OUT NOCOPY BLOB, source_type IN VARCHAR2, source_location IN VARCHAR2, source_name IN VARCHAR2, format OUT VARCHAR2, mime_type OUT VARCHAR2), -- STATIC PROCEDURE getProperties(ctx IN OUT RAW, audioBlob IN BLOB, attributes IN OUT NOCOPY CLOB, format IN VARCHAR2), -- STATIC PROCEDURE getProperties(ctx IN OUT RAW, audioBlob IN BLOB, attributes IN OUT NOCOPY CLOB, mimeType OUT VARCHAR2, format IN OUT VARCHAR2, encoding OUT VARCHAR2, numberOfChannels OUT INTEGER, samplingRate OUT INTEGER, sampleSize OUT INTEGER, compressionType OUT VARCHAR2, audioDuration OUT INTEGER), -- STATIC PROCEDURE getProperties(ctx IN OUT RAW, audioBfile IN OUT NOCOPY BFILE, attributes IN OUT NOCOPY CLOB, format IN VARCHAR2), -- STATIC PROCEDURE getProperties(ctx IN OUT RAW, audioBfile IN OUT NOCOPY BFILE, attributes IN OUT NOCOPY CLOB, mimeType OUT VARCHAR2, format IN OUT VARCHAR2, encoding OUT VARCHAR2, numberOfChannels OUT INTEGER, samplingRate OUT INTEGER, sampleSize OUT INTEGER, compressionType OUT VARCHAR2, audioDuration OUT INTEGER), . . .
Example Audio Table Definition
The methods described in this section show examples based on a test audio table TAUD. Refer to the TAUD table definition that follows when reading through the examples:
CREATE TABLE taud(n NUMBER, aud BLOB, attributes CLOB, mimetype VARCHAR2(4000), format VARCHAR2(31), encoding VARCHAR2(256), numberofchannels INTEGER, samplingrate INTEGER, samplesize INTEGER, compressiontype VARCHAR2(4000), audioduration INTEGER) STORAGE (INITIAL 100K NEXT 100K PCTINCREASE 0); INSERT INTO taud VALUES(1,EMPTY_BLOB(),EMPTY_CLOB(), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO taud VALUES(2,EMPTY_BLOB(),EMPTY_CLOB(), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); COMMIT;
getProperties(ctx IN OUT RAW,
audioBlob IN BLOB,
attributes IN OUT NOCOPY CLOB,
format IN VARCHAR2);
Reads the audio BLOB data to get the values of the media attributes for supported formats, and then stores them in the input CLOB. This method populates the CLOB with an extensive set of format and application properties in XML form.
The format plug-in context information.
The audio data represented as a BLOB.
The CLOB to hold the XML attribute information generated by the getProperties( ) method. This CLOB is populated with an extensive set of format and application properties of the audio BLOB data in XML form.
The format of the audio data. If a non-NULL value is specified for this parameter, then the format plug-in for this format type is invoked; otherwise, the default plug-in is used.
Usage Notes
This exception is raised if you call the getProperties( ) method and the audio plug-in raises an exception.
This exception is raised when the value of the source.local attribute is 1 or 0 (TRUE), but the value of the source.localData attribute is NULL.
Get the property information for known audio attributes:
DECLARE aud_attrib CLOB; ctx RAW(64) :=NULL; aud_data BLOB; aud_format VARCHAR2(160) := NULL; BEGIN SELECT aud, attributes INTO aud_data, aud_attrib FROM taud WHERE N =1 FOR UPDATE; ORDSYS.ORDAudio.getProperties(ctx,aud_data,aud_attrib,aud_format); DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('Size of XML Annotations: ' || TO_CHAR(DBMS_LOB.GETLENGTH(aud_attrib))); UPDATE taud SET attributes=aud_attrib WHERE N=1; COMMIT; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN RAISE; END; /
getProperties(ctx IN OUT RAW,
audioBlob IN BLOB,
attributes IN OUT NOCOPY CLOB,
mimeType OUT VARCHAR2,
encoding OUT VARCHAR2,
numberOfChannels OUT INTEGER,
samplingRate OUT INTEGER,
sampleSize OUT INTEGER,
compressionType OUT VARCHAR2,
audioDuration OUT INTEGER);
Reads the audio BLOB data to get the values of the media attributes for supported formats, and then stores them in the input CLOB and returns them as explicit parameters. This method gets the properties for the following attributes of the audio data: duration, MIME type, compression type, format, encoding type, number of channels, sampling rate, and sample size. It populates the CLOB with an extensive set of format and application properties in XML form.
The format plug-in context information.
The audio data represented as a BLOB.
The CLOB to hold the XML attribute information generated by the getProperties( ) method. This CLOB is populated with an extensive set of format and application properties of the audio BLOB data in XML form.
The MIME type of the audio data.
The format of the audio data. If a non-NULL value is specified, then the format plug-in for this format type is invoked. If not specified, the derived format value is returned.
The encoding type of the audio data.
The number of channels in the audio data.
The sampling rate in samples per second at which the audio data was recorded.
The sample width or number of samples of audio in the data.
The compression type of the audio data.
The total time required to play the audio data.
Usage Notes
If a property cannot be extracted from the media source, then the respective parameter is set to NULL.
This exception is raised if you call the getProperties( ) method and the audio plug-in raises an exception.
This exception is raised when the value of the source.local attribute is 1 or 0 (TRUE), but the value of the source.localData attribute is NULL.
Get the property information for known audio attributes:
DECLARE aud_attrib CLOB; ctx RAW(64) := NULL; aud_data BLOB; mimeType VARCHAR2(80); format VARCHAR2(32) := NULL; encoding VARCHAR2(160); numberOfChannels NUMBER; samplingRate NUMBER; sampleSize NUMBER; compressionType VARCHAR2(160); audioDuration NUMBER; BEGIN SELECT aud, attributes, mimetype, format, encoding, numberofchannels, samplingrate, samplesize, compressiontype, audioduration INTO aud_data, aud_attrib, mimeType, format, encoding, numberOfChannels, samplingRate, sampleSize, compressionType, audioDuration FROM taud WHERE N = 1 FOR UPDATE; ORDSYS.ORDAudio.getProperties(ctx, aud_data, aud_attrib, mimeType, format, encoding, numberOfChannels, samplingRate, sampleSize, compressionType, audioDuration); DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('Size of XML Annotations ' || TO_CHAR(DBMS_LOB.GETLENGTH(aud_attrib))); DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('mimeType: ' || mimeType ); DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('format: ' || format ); DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('encoding: ' || encoding ); DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('numberOfChannels: ' || numberOfChannels ); DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('samplingRate: ' || samplingRate ); DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('sampleSize: ' || sampleSize ); DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('compressionType: ' || compressionType ); DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('audioDuration: ' || audioDuration ); UPDATE taud SET aud=aud_data, attributes=aud_attrib, mimetype=mimeType, format=format, encoding=encoding, numberofchannels=numberOfChannels, samplingrate=samplingRate, samplesize=sampleSize, compressiontype=compressionType, audioduration=audioDuration WHERE n=1; COMMIT; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN RAISE; END; /
getProperties(ctx IN OUT RAW,
attributes IN OUT NOCOPY CLOB,
format IN VARCHAR2);
Reads the audio BFILE data to get the values of the media attributes for supported formats, and then stores them in the input CLOB. This method populates the CLOB with an extensive set of format and application properties in XML form.
The format plug-in context information.
The audio data represented as a BFILE.
The CLOB to hold the XML attribute information generated by the getProperties( ) method. This CLOB is populated with an extensive set of format and application properties of the audio BFILE data in XML form.
The format of the audio data. If a non-NULL value is specified for this parameter, then the format plug-in for this format type is invoked.
Usage Notes
This exception is raised if you call the getProperties( ) method and the audio plug-in raises an exception.
This exception is raised when the value of the source.local attribute is 1 or 0 (TRUE), but the value of the source.localData attribute is NULL.
Get the property information for known audio attributes:
DECLARE aud_attrib CLOB; ctx RAW(64) :=NULL; aud_data BFILE := BFILENAME('AUDIODIR','testaud.dat'); aud_format VARCHAR2(160) := NULL; BEGIN DBMS_LOB.CREATETEMPORARY(aud_attrib, FALSE, DBMS_LOB.CALL); ORDSYS.ORDAudio.getProperties(ctx, aud_data, aud_attrib, aud_format); DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('Size of XML Annotations ' || TO_CHAR(DBMS_LOB.GETLENGTH(aud_attrib))); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN RAISE; END; /
getProperties(ctx IN OUT RAW,
attributes IN OUT NOCOPY CLOB,
mimeType OUT VARCHAR2,
encoding OUT VARCHAR2,
numberOfChannels OUT INTEGER,
samplingRate OUT INTEGER,
sampleSize OUT INTEGER,
compressionType OUT VARCHAR2,
audioDuration OUT INTEGER);
Reads the audio BFILE data to get the values of the media attributes for supported formats, and then stores them in the input CLOB and returns them as explicit parameters. This method gets the properties for the following attributes of the audio data: duration, MIME type, compression type, format, encoding type, number of channels, sampling rate, and sample size. It populates the CLOB with an extensive set of format and application properties in XML form.
The format plug-in context information.
The audio data represented as a BFILE.
The CLOB to hold the XML attribute information generated by the getProperties( ) method. This CLOB is populated with an extensive set of format and application properties of the audio BFILE data in XML form.
The MIME type of the audio data.
The format of the audio data. If a non-NULL value is specified, then the format plug-in for this format type is invoked. If not specified, the default plug-in is used and the derived format value is returned.
The encoding type of the audio data.
The number of channels in the audio data.
The sampling rate in samples per second at which the audio data was recorded.
The sample width or number of samples of audio in the data.
The compression type of the audio data.
The total time required to play the audio data.
Usage Notes
If a property cannot be extracted from the media source, then the respective parameter is set to NULL.
This exception is raised if you call the getProperties( ) method and the audio plug-in raises an exception.
This exception is raised when the value of the source.local attribute is 1 or 0 (TRUE), but the value of the source.localData attribute is NULL.
Get the property information for known audio attributes:
DECLARE aud_attrib CLOB; ctx RAW(64) :=NULL; data BFILE := BFILENAME('AUDIODIR','testaud.dat'); mimeType VARCHAR2(80); format VARCHAR2(32) := NULL; encoding VARCHAR2(160); numberOfChannels NUMBER; samplingRate NUMBER; sampleSize NUMBER; compressionType VARCHAR2(160); audioDuration NUMBER; BEGIN DBMS_LOB.CREATETEMPORARY(aud_attrib, FALSE, DBMS_LOB.CALL); ORDSYS.ORDAudio.getProperties(ctx, data, aud_attrib, mimeType, format, encoding, numberOfChannels, samplingRate, sampleSize, compressionType, audioDuration); DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('Size of XML Annotations ' || TO_CHAR(DBMS_LOB.GETLENGTH(aud_attrib))); DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('mimeType: ' || mimeType ); DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('format: ' || format ); DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('encoding: ' || encoding ); DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('numberOfChannels: ' || numberOfChannels ); DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('samplingRate: ' || samplingRate ); DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('sampleSize: ' || sampleSize ); DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('compressionType: ' || compressionType ); DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('audioDuration: ' || audioDuration ); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN RAISE; END; /