Oracle® interMedia Reference 10g Release 1 (10.1) Part Number B10829-01 |
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This section presents reference information on the interMedia static methods unique to the ORDImage relational interface.
The relational interface adds interMedia support to image data stored in BLOBs and BFILEs rather than in the ORDImage object type. The following interface is defined in the ordispec.sql file:
. . . -- Static Methods for the relational interface STATIC PROCEDURE export(ctx IN OUT RAW, local_data IN BLOB, source_type IN VARCHAR2, source_location IN VARCHAR2, source_name IN VARCHAR2), -- STATIC PROCEDURE importFrom(ctx IN OUT RAW, local_data IN OUT NOCOPY BLOB, source_type IN VARCHAR2, source_location IN VARCHAR2, source_name IN VARCHAR2), -- STATIC PROCEDURE importFrom(ctx IN OUT RAW, local_data IN OUT NOCOPY BLOB, source_type IN VARCHAR2, source_location IN VARCHAR2, source_name IN VARCHAR2, format OUT VARCHAR2, mime_type OUT VARCHAR2), -- STATIC PROCEDURE getProperties(imageBlob IN BLOB, attributes IN OUT NOCOPY CLOB, mimeType OUT VARCHAR2, width OUT INTEGER, height OUT INTEGER, fileFormat OUT VARCHAR2, contentFormat OUT VARCHAR2, compressionFormat OUT VARCHAR2, contentLength OUT INTEGER), -- STATIC PROCEDURE getProperties(imageBlob IN BLOB, attributes IN OUT NOCOPY CLOB), -- STATIC PROCEDURE getProperties(imageBfile IN OUT NOCOPY BFILE, attributes IN OUT NOCOPY CLOB, mimeType OUT VARCHAR2, width OUT INTEGER, height OUT INTEGER, fileFormat OUT VARCHAR2, contentFormat OUT VARCHAR2, compressionFormat OUT VARCHAR2, contentLength OUT INTEGER), -- STATIC PROCEDURE getProperties(imageBfile IN OUT NOCOPY BFILE, attributes IN OUT NOCOPY CLOB), -- STATIC PROCEDURE process(imageBlob IN OUT NOCOPY BLOB, command IN VARCHAR2), -- STATIC PROCEDURE processCopy(imageBlob IN OUT NOCOPY BLOB, command IN VARCHAR2, dest IN OUT NOCOPY BLOB), -- STATIC PROCEDURE processCopy(imageBfile IN OUT BFILE, command IN VARCHAR2, dest IN OUT NOCOPY BLOB), . . .
Example Image Table Definition
The methods described in this section show examples based on a test image table TIMG. Refer to the TIMG table definition that follows when reading through the examples:
CREATE TABLE timg(n NUMBER, img BLOB, attributes CLOB, mimetype VARCHAR2(4000), width INTEGER, height INTEGER, fileformat VARCHAR2(4000), contentformat VARCHAR2(4000), compressionformat VARCHAR2(4000), contentlength INTEGER) STORAGE (INITIAL 100K NEXT 100K PCTINCREASE 0); INSERT INTO timg VALUES(1, EMPTY_BLOB(), EMPTY_CLOB(), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); INSERT INTO timg VALUES(2, EMPTY_BLOB(), EMPTY_CLOB(), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); COMMIT;
getProperties(imageBlob IN BLOB,
attributes IN OUT NOCOPY CLOB);
Reads the image BLOB data to get the values of the media attributes for supported formats, and then stores them in the input CLOB. This method populates the CLOB with a set of format properties in XML form.
The image data represented as a BLOB.
The CLOB to hold the XML attribute information generated by the getProperties( ) method. This CLOB is populated with a set of format properties of the image BLOB data in XML form.
Usage Notes
This exception is raised when the imageBlob parameter is NULL.
Get the property information for known image attributes:
DECLARE img_attrib CLOB; img_data BLOB; BEGIN SELECT img, attributes INTO img_data, img_attrib FROM timg WHERE N = 1 FOR UPDATE; ORDSYS.ORDImage.getProperties(img_data, img_attrib); DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('Size of XML Annotations ' || TO_CHAR(DBMS_LOB.GETLENGTH(img_attrib))); UPDATE timg SET img=img_data, attributes=img_attrib WHERE N=1; COMMIT; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN RAISE; END; /
getProperties(imageBlob IN BLOB,
attributes IN OUT NOCOPY CLOB,
mimeType OUT VARCHAR2,
fileFormat OUT VARCHAR2,
contentFormat OUT VARCHAR2,
compressionFormat OUT VARCHAR2,
contentLength OUT INTEGER);
Reads the image BLOB data to get the values of the media attributes for supported formats, and then stores them in the input CLOB and returns them as explicit parameters. This method gets the properties for the following attributes of the image data: MIME type, width, height, file format, content format, compression format, and content length. It populates the CLOB with a set of format properties in XML form.
The image data represented as a BLOB.
The CLOB to hold the XML attribute information generated by the getProperties( ) method. This CLOB is populated with a set of format properties of the image BLOB data in XML form.
The MIME type of the image data.
The width of the image in pixels.
The height of the image in pixels.
The format of the image data.
The type of image (monochrome, and so forth).
The compression algorithm used on the image data.
The size of the image file on disk, in bytes.
Usage Notes
If a property cannot be extracted from the media source, then the respective parameter is set to NULL.
This exception is raised when the imageBlob parameter is NULL.
Get the property information for known image attributes:
DECLARE img_data BLOB; img_attrib CLOB; mimeType VARCHAR2(4000); width NUMBER; height NUMBER; fileFormat VARCHAR2(32); contentFormat VARCHAR2(4000); compressionFormat VARCHAR2(4000); contentLength NUMBER; BEGIN SELECT img, attributes, mimetype, width, height, fileformat, contentformat, compressionformat, contentlength INTO img_data, img_attrib, mimeType, width, height, fileFormat, contentFormat, compressionFormat, contentLength FROM timg WHERE N = 1 FOR UPDATE; ORDSYS.ORDImage.getProperties(img_data, img_attrib, mimeType, width, height, fileFormat, contentFormat, compressionFormat, contentLength); DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('Size of XML Annotations ' || TO_CHAR(DBMS_LOB.GETLENGTH(img_attrib))); DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('mimeType: ' || mimeType ); DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('width: ' || width ); DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('height: ' || height ); DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('fileFormat: ' || fileFormat ); DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('contentFormat: ' || contentFormat ); DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('compressionFormat: ' || compressionFormat ); DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('contentLength: ' || contentLength ); UPDATE timg SET img=img_data, attributes=img_attrib, mimetype=mimeType, width=width, height=height, fileformat=fileFormat, contentformat=contentFormat, compressionformat=compressionFormat, contentlength=contentLength WHERE N=1; COMMIT; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN RAISE; END; /
getProperties(imageBfile IN OUT NOCOPY BFILE,
attributes IN OUT NOCOPY CLOB);
Reads the image BFILE data to get the values of the media attributes for supported formats, and then stores them in the input CLOB. This method populates the CLOB with a set of format properties in XML form.
The image data represented as a BFILE.
The CLOB to hold the XML attribute information generated by the getProperties( ) method. This CLOB is populated with a set of format properties of the image BFILE data in XML form.
Usage Notes
This exception is raised when the imageBfile parameter is NULL.
Get the property information for known image attributes:
DECLARE img_attrib CLOB; data BFILE := BFILENAME('IMAGEDIR','testimg.dat'); BEGIN DBMS_LOB.CREATETEMPORARY(img_attrib, FALSE, DBMS_LOB.CALL); ORDSYS.ORDImage.getProperties(data, img_attrib); DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('Size of XML Annotations ' || TO_CHAR(DBMS_LOB.GETLENGTH(img_attrib))); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN RAISE; END; /
getProperties(imageBfile IN OUT NOCOPY BFILE,
attributes IN OUT NOCOPY CLOB,
mimeType OUT VARCHAR2,
fileFormat OUT VARCHAR2,
contentFormat OUT VARCHAR2,
compressionFormat OUT VARCHAR2,
contentLength OUT INTEGER);
Reads the image BFILE data to get the values of the media attributes for supported formats, and then stores them in the input CLOB and returns them as explicit parameters. This method gets the properties for the following attributes of the image data: MIME type, width, height, file format, content format, compression format, and content length. It populates the CLOB with a set of format properties in XML form.
The image data represented as a BFILE.
The CLOB to hold the XML attribute information generated by the getProperties( ) method. This CLOB is populated with a set of format properties of the image BFILE data in XML form.
The MIME type of the image data.
The width of the image in pixels.
The height of the image in pixels.
The format of the image data.
The type of image (monochrome, and so forth).
The compression algorithm used on the image data.
The size of the image file on disk, in bytes.
Usage Notes
If a property cannot be extracted from the media source, then the respective parameter is set to NULL.
This exception is raised when the imageBfile parameter is NULL.
Get the property information for known image attributes:
DECLARE img_data BFILE := BFILENAME('IMAGEDIR','testimg.dat'); img_attrib CLOB; mimeType VARCHAR2(80); width NUMBER; height NUMBER; fileFormat VARCHAR2(32); contentFormat VARCHAR2(4000); compressionFormat VARCHAR2(4000); contentLength NUMBER; BEGIN DBMS_LOB.CREATETEMPORARY(img_attrib, FALSE, DBMS_LOB.CALL); ORDSYS.ORDImage.getProperties(img_data, img_attrib, mimeType, width, height, fileFormat, contentFormat, compressionFormat, contentLength); DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('Size of XML Annotations ' || TO_CHAR(DBMS_LOB.GETLENGTH(img_attrib))); DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('mimeType: ' || mimeType ); DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('width: ' || width ); DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('height: ' || height ); DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('fileFormat: ' || fileFormat ); DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('contentFormat: ' || contentFormat ); DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('compressionFormat: ' || compressionFormat ); DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('contentLength: ' || contentLength ); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN RAISE; END; /
process(imageBlob IN OUT NOCOPY BLOB,
command IN VARCHAR2);
Performs one or more image processing operations on a BLOB, writing the image back onto itself.
The image data represented as a BLOB.
A list of image processing operations to perform on the image.
Usage Notes
You can change one or more of the image attributes shown in Table 6-1. Table 6-2 shows additional changes that can be made only to raw pixel and foreign images.
See Appendix D for more information on process( ) operators.
The process( ) method changes image attributes, therefore if you are storing image attributes, you should call the getProperties( ) method after calling the process( ) method.
This exception is raised if you call the process( ) method and the imageBlob parameter is not initialized.
Example 1: Change the image in the image_data BLOB to use higher quality JPEG compression and double the length of the image along the X-axis:
ORDSYS.ORDImage.process( image_data,'compressionFormat=JPEG,compressionQuality=MAXCOMPRATIO, xScale="2.0"');
Note that changing the length on only one axis (for example, xScale=2.0) does not affect the length on the other axis, and would result in image distortion. Also, only the xScale and yScale parameters can be combined in a single scale operation. Any other combinations of scale operators result in an error.
Example 2: Create at most a 32-by-32 pixel thumbnail image, preserving the original aspect ratio. The maxScale and fixedScale operators are especially useful for creating thumbnail images from various-sized originals:
ORDSYS.ORDImage.process(image_data, 'maxScale=32 32');
Example 3: Convert the image to TIFF:
DECLARE img_attrib CLOB; image_data BLOB; BEGIN SELECT img, attributes INTO image_data, img_attrib FROM timg WHERE N = 1 FOR UPDATE; ORDSYS.ORDImage.process(image_data, 'fileFormat=TIFF'); ORDSYS.ORDImage.getProperties(image_data, img_attrib); UPDATE timg SET img = image_data, attributes=img_attrib WHERE N = 1; COMMIT; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN RAISE; END; /
processCopy(imageBlob IN BLOB,
command IN VARCHAR2,
Copies an image stored internally or externally to another image stored internally in the source.localData attribute (of the embedded ORDSource object) and performs one or more image processing operations on the copy.
The source image data represented as a BLOB.
A list of image processing changes to make for the image in the new copy.
The destination of the new image.
Usage Notes
See Table 6-1, "Image Processing Operators" and Table 6-2, "Additional Image Processing Operators for Raw Pixel and Foreign Images".
You cannot specify the same BLOB as both the source and destination.
Calling this method processes the image into the destination BLOB from any source BLOB.
The processCopy( ) method changes image attributes, therefore, if you are storing image attributes, you should call the getProperties( ) method on the destination image after calling the processCopy( ) method.
See Appendix D for more information on processCopy( ) operators.
This exception is raised if you call the processCopy( ) method and the imageBlob parameter is not initialized.
Copy an image, changing the file format, compression format, and content format in the destination image:
DECLARE dest_attrib CLOB; image_data BLOB; destination_data BLOB; the_Command VARCHAR2(4000); BEGIN SELECT img INTO image_data FROM timg WHERE N = 1; SELECT img, attributes INTO destination_data, dest_attrib FROM timg WHERE N = 2 FOR UPDATE; the_Command := 'fileFormat=tiff, compressionFormat=packbits, contentFormat=8bitlut'; ORDSYS.ORDImage.processCopy(image_data, the_Command, destination_data); ORDSYS.ORDImage.getProperties(destination_data, dest_attrib); UPDATE timg SET img = destination_data, attributes=dest_attrib WHERE N = 2; COMMIT; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN RAISE; END; /
processCopy(imageBfile IN OUT NOCOPY BFILE,
command IN VARCHAR2,
Copies an image stored internally or externally to another image stored internally in the source.localData attribute (of the embedded ORDSource object) and performs one or more image processing operations on the copy.
The image data represented as a BFILE.
A list of image processing changes to make for the image in the new copy.
The destination of the new image.
Usage Notes
See Table 6-1, "Image Processing Operators" and Table 6-2, "Additional Image Processing Operators for Raw Pixel and Foreign Images".
Calling this method processes the image into the destination BLOB from any source BFILE.
The processCopy( ) method changes image attributes, therefore, if you are storing image attributes, you should call the getProperties( ) method on the destination image after calling the processCopy( ) method.
See Appendix D for more information on processCopy( ) operators.
This exception is raised if you call the processCopy( ) method and the destination image is NULL.
This exception is raised when the imageBfile parameter is NULL.
Copy an image, generating a thumbnail image of, at most, 32 x 32 pixels in the destination image:
DECLARE dest_attrib CLOB; image_data BFILE := BFILENAME('IMAGEDIR','testimg.dat'); destination_data BLOB; the_Command VARCHAR2(4000); BEGIN SELECT img, attributes INTO destination_data, dest_attrib FROM timg WHERE N = 2 FOR UPDATE; the_Command := 'maxScale=32 32'; ORDSYS.ORDImage.processCopy(image_data, the_Command, destination_data); ORDSYS.ORDImage.getProperties(destination_data, dest_attrib); UPDATE timg SET img = destination_data, attributes=dest_attrib WHERE N = 2; COMMIT; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN RAISE; END; /