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Manual: Volume Replicator 4.1 Installation Guide   

Upgrading VVR When VCS Agents are Configured

This section details the procedure for upgrading VVR when VCS is present, with and without using upgrade scripts.

Note   Note    We recommend that you upgrade VVR using upgrade scripts. The vvr_upgrade_start and the vvr_upgrade_finish scripts can be found on the VERITAS software disc under the foundation_suite/volume_replicator/scripts/ directory.

If you do not intend to use the vvr_upgrade_start script, perform the steps listed under the section Preparing for the Upgrade.

To upgrade VVR, perform the following tasks:

Determining the Nodes on Which the RVG Resource is Online

This section gives instructions for determining the nodes within a cluster on which VVR must be upgraded. Perform the following steps for the Primary and Secondary clusters.

  1. Log in as the superuser.
  2. Make sure that /opt/VRTS/bin is in your PATH so that you can execute all the product commands.
  3. Display the list of service groups that have RVG resources by typing the following command on any node in the cluster:
      # hares -display -type RVG -attribute Group
  4. For each of the service groups listed in the output of step 3, get the list of nodes on which the service group is present by typing the following command on any node in the cluster:
      # hagrp -value group_name SystemList

    Note the list of the nodes displayed in the output of the command.

  5. Repeat step 1 to step 4 for each cluster.

Freezing the Service Groups and Stopping all the Applications

  1. On any node in the cluster, list the disk groups in your configuration, and note down the disk group names listed in the output for future use:
      # hares -display -type RVG -attribute DiskGroup

    The output displays a list of the disk groups that are under VCS control.

  2. For each disk group listed in the output in step 1, list its corresponding disk group resource name:
      # hares -list DiskGroup=diskgroup Type=DiskGroup
  3. For each disk group resource name listed in the output in step 2, get and note down the node on which the disk group is imported by typing the following command:
      # hares -display dg_resname -attribute State

    The output displays the disk groups that are under VCS control and nodes on which the disk groups are imported.

  4. Because the upgrade requires a reboot, cleanly shut down all applications as follows:

    • OFFLINE all application service groups that do not contain RVG resources.
    • If the application resources are part of the same service group as an RVG resource, then OFFLINE only the application resources.

    • Note   Note    You must also stop any remaining applications not managed by VCS.

  5. On any node in the cluster, make the VCS configuration writable:
      # haconf -makerw
  6. On any node in the cluster, list the groups in your configuration:
      # hagrp -list
  7. On any node in the cluster, freeze all service groups by typing the following command for each group name displayed in the output from step 5:
      # hagrp -freeze group_name -persistent

    Note down the list of frozen service groups for future use.

  8. On any node in the cluster, save the configuration file ( with the groups frozen:
      # haconf -dump -makero
    Note   Note    Continue only after you have performed step 1 to step 8 for each node of the cluster.
  9. Shut down VCS on each of the nodes that have been identified for upgrade, in the section Determining the Nodes on Which the RVG Resource is Online.

    For each node being upgraded, enter the following command on any node in the cluster:

      # hastop -sys node_name... -force
    Note   Note    Perform this step for all of the nodes that you are upgrading, on the Primary and Secondary clusters.

Preparing for the Upgrade VVR When VCS is Present

  1. List the disk groups on each of the nodes by typing the following command on each node:
      # vxdisk -o alldgs list

    The output displays a list of the disk groups that are under VCS control and the disk groups that are not under VCS control. Note that disk groups that are not locally imported are displayed in parentheses.

  2. If any of the disk groups in your VCS configuration that contain RVGs have not been imported on any node, import them by entering the following command on any node:
      # vxdg -t import diskgroup
  3. For the remaining disk groups listed for each node in step 1, if any disk group is not imported, then import the disk group by typing the following command on the appropriate node:
      # vxdg import diskgroup
  4. If a disk group is already imported, then recover the disk group by typing the following command on the node on which it is imported:
      # vxrecover -bs
  5. Verify that all the Primary RLINKs are up to date on all the Primary nodes on which applications were OFFLINED or stopped in step 4 of the section Freezing the Service Groups and Stopping all the Applications.
      # vxrlink -g diskgroup status rlink_name
    Note   Note    Do not continue until the Primary RLINKs are up to date.
  6. To preserve the original VVR configuration perform one of the following tasks:
    1. Run the vvr_upgrade_start script on the nodes that are to be upgraded, before upgrading your installation.

    2. Note   Note    The vvr_upgrade_start script can be found on the VERITAS software disc under the foundation_suite/volume_replicator/scripts/ directory. Use the upgrade scripts only for VERITAS versions 3.5 and later. For versions prior to 3.5 you must manually perform the tasks to preserve the configuration.

        # /dvd_path/volume_replicator/scripts/upgrade/vvr_upgrade_start
    3. To preserve the VVR configuration without using upgrade scripts, perform the steps prelisted under the section Preparing for the Upgrade.

Upgrading VERITAS Packages When VCS is Present

Note   Note    Upgrade VVR only after you have completed the steps provided in the section Preparing for the Upgrade VVR When VCS is Present, on the Primary and Secondary clusters. You must upgrade VVR on the nodes identified by the steps in the section Determining the Nodes on Which the RVG Resource is Online for the Primary and Secondary cluster.

To upgrade to VVR packages using the product installer, refer to the information provided in the section Upgrading the VERITAS Packages.

To upgrade to VVR packages using the swinstall command, refer to the information provided in the section Upgrading the VERITAS Packages.

Unfreezing the Service Groups

  1. On any node in the cluster, make the VCS configuration writable:
      # haconf -makerw
  2. Unfreeze all service groups that were frozen in step 7 of the section Freezing the Service Groups and Stopping all the Applications, by typing the following command on any node in the cluster:
      # hagrp -unfreeze service_group -persistent
  3. Save the configuration on any node in the cluster.
      # haconf -dump -makero
  4. Bring the respective IP resources online on each node listed in step 3 of the section Freezing the Service Groups and Stopping all the Applications, by typing the following command on any node in the cluster. This IP is the virtual IP that is used for replication within the cluster.
      # hares -online ip_name -sys system

Restoring the Original Configuration

  1. Upgrade VVR on all the nodes in the Primary and Secondary clusters.
  2. Import all the disk groups in your VVR configuration.
      # vxdg -t import diskgroup

    Each disk group should be imported onto the same node on which it was online when the upgrade was performed. The reboot after the upgrade could result in another node being online; for example, because of the order of the nodes in the AutoStartList. In this case, switch the disk groups to the node which was originally online using the following command:

      # hagrp -switch diskgroup -to system
  3. Recover all the disk groups by typing the following command on the node on which the disk group was imported in step 2 above:
      # vxrecover -bs
  4. On all nodes that are Secondary hosts of VVR, make sure the data volumes on the Secondary are the same length as the corresponding ones on the Primary. To shrink volumes that are longer on the Secondary than the Primary, use the following command on each volume on the Secondary:
      # vxassist -g diskgroup shrinkto volume_name volume_length

    where volume_length is the length of the volume on the Primary.

    Note   Note    Do not continue until you complete this step on all the nodes in the Primary and Secondary clusters on which VVR is upgraded.
  5. Restore the configuration according to the method you used for preserving the configuration:

    If you used the upgrade scripts to preserve the configuration for upgrading from VVR 3.5

    1. Complete the upgrade by running the vvr_upgrade_finish script on all the nodes on which VVR was upgraded. We recommend that you first run the vvr_upgrade_finish script on each node that is a Secondary host of VVR.
      • The vvr_upgrade_finish script can be found on the VERITAS software disc under the foundation_suite/volume_replicator/scripts/ directory.

    2. To run the vvr_upgrade_finish script, type the following command:

    3.    # /dvd-path/volume_replicator/scripts/vvr_upgrade_finish
    4. Attach the RLINKs to the RVG:

    5.    # vxrlink -g diskgroup -f att rlink_name

        If the following messages appear on any node, go to step d; otherwise, skip to step 6.
        vxvm:vxrlink: INFO: V-5-0-5298 Unable to establish connection with remote host remote_hostname, retrying.
        vxvm:vxrlink: ERROR: 
        V-5-0-5579 Unable to establish connection with remote remote_hostname.

    6. Start vradmind on the remote host using the command

    7.     # /sbin/init.d/ start
    8. Attach the RLINKs on the nodes on which the messages were displayed:

    9.    # vxrlink -g diskgroup -f att rlink_name

      If you did not use the upgrade scripts to preserve the configuration for upgrading from releases prior to VVR 3.5

    10. Perform the steps listed under the section Restoring the Original Configuration.
    11. Attach the RLINKs to the RVG:

    12.    # vxrlink -g diskgroup -f att rlink_name

        If the following messages appear on any node, go to step c; otherwise, skip to step 6.
        vxvm:vxrlink: INFO: V-5-0-5298 Unable to establish connection with remote host remote_hostname, retrying.
        vxvm:vxrlink: ERROR: 
        V-5-0-5579 Unable to establish connection with remote remote_hostname.

    13. Start vradmind on the remote host using the command

    14.     # /sbin/init.d/ start
    15. Attach the RLINKs on the nodes on which the messages were displayed:

    16.    # vxrlink -g diskgroup -f att rlink_name
  6. Upgrade all the disk groups on all the nodes on which VVR has been upgraded:
       # vxdg upgrade diskgroup
  7. Restart the applications that were stopped.
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Product: Volume Replicator Guides  
Manual: Volume Replicator 4.1 Installation Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation