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Oracle9i Database Documentation Release Notes
Release 2 (

Part Number B10280-01
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Oracle9i Database

Documentation Release Notes

Release 2 (

September 13, 2002

Part No. B10280-01

These Release Notes replace the Documentation Addendum published with Release 2 (

The following manuals have been reissued:

Part Number Title


Oracle Data Guard Concepts and Administration


Oracle Enterprise Manager Configuration Guide


Oracle Intelligent Agent User's Guide


Oracle9i Data Mining Concepts


Oracle9i Database Migration


Oracle9i Database New Features


Oracle9i Database Performance Tuning Guide and Reference


Oracle9i Database Reference


Oracle9i Net Services Administrator's Guide


Oracle9i Net Services Reference Guide


Oracle9i OLAP User's Guide


Oracle9i Real Application Clusters Setup and Configuration


Oracle9i SQL Reference


Oracle9i Streams


Oracle9i XML Database Developer's Guide - Oracle XML DB

These Release Notes contain corrections to the following documents:

Oracle9i Database Administrator's Guide

These are corrections to the Oracle9i Database Administrator's Guide.

Managing Undo Space

In Chapter 13, "Managing Undo Space", in the "Switching Undo Tablespaces" section, the following paragraph is incorrect:

If the parameter value for UNDO TABLESPACE is set to '' (two single quotes), the current undo tablespace will be switched out without switching in any other undo tablespace. This can be used, for example, to unassign an undo tablespace in the event that you want to revert to manual undo management mode.

There is no way to dynamically revert to manual undo management mode. The paragraph should read as follows:

If the parameter value for UNDO TABLESPACE is set to '' (two single quotes), then the current undo tablespace will be switched out and the next available undo tablespace will be switched in. Use this statement with care, because if there is no available undo tablespace available, the SYSTEM rollback segment is used and an alert message is written to the alert file to warn that the system is running without an undo tablespace.

Establishing Security Policies

Chapter 23, "Establishing Security Policies", contains a section titled "A Security Checklist". This checklist is intended to provide guidance for configuring Oracle9i, Release 2 (9.2), in a secure manner, thus protecting the database itself from attack. However, the checklist has been updated since the close date for publication of the manual. Please refer to the following URL for the most recent version of the security checklist:

DISPATCHERS Initialization Parameter

In this release, the SCOPE clause is not supported for the DISPATCHERS initialization parameter in an ALTER SYSTEM statement. This fact is not mentioned in Chapter 2, in the section on managing initialization parameters.

To reconfigure the DISPATCHERS parameter for the current instance, issue an ALTER SYSTEM SET DISPATCHERS statement without the SCOPE clause. To make the new configuration persistent, specify a setting for the DISPATCHERS parameter in your initialization parameter file before starting the database. If you are using a server parameter file (spfile) to start up the database, then you need to re-create your spfile from the initialization parameter file by issuing a CREATE SPFILE statement.

See Also:

Oracle9i Database Administrator's Guide

Oracle9i Database Concepts

In Chapter 1 of Oracle9i Database Concepts, the section titled "Oracle Internet File System" no longer pertains to this manual. Oracle Internet File System is not included with the database release 9.2.

See Also:

Oracle9i Database Concepts

Oracle9i Database Globalization Support Guide

Creating a New Character Set Definition with the Oracle Locale Builder

When you create a new character set definition for a multibyte character set, base the new character set on an existing 8-bit or multibyte character set. Do not base it on a 7-bit character set because classification verification for multibyte character sets does not apply to 7-bit character sets.

See Also:

Oracle9i Database Globalization Support Guide

Oracle9i Database Reference

In this release, the SCOPE clause is not supported for the DISPATCHERS initialization parameter in an ALTER SYSTEM statement. This fact is not mentioned in Chapter 1, "Initialization Parameters," in the section on DISPATCHERS.

To reconfigure the DISPATCHERS parameter for the current instance, issue an ALTER SYSTEM SET DISPATCHERS statement without the SCOPE clause. To make the new configuration persistent, specify a setting for the DISPATCHERS parameter in your initialization parameter file before starting the database. If you are using a server parameter file (spfile) to start up the database, then you need to re-create your spfile from the initialization parameter file by issuing a CREATE SPFILE statement.

See Also:

Oracle9i Database Reference

Oracle9i Data Mining Administrator's Guide

Please note changes with regard to the following topics:

Sharing an ODM Instance

In a classroom situation, you may have several users who need to use ODM at the same time. The simplest solution is for each user to have a separate instance of Oracle9i Enterprise Edition with the ODM option installed on his or her system.

If it is necessary for users on different client systems to share one instance of Oracle9i and ODM, you must be aware of the following considerations:

  1. Ensure that ODM is properly configured: this means unlocking and assigning passwords to the accounts ODM and ODM_MTR in an Enterprise Edition of Oracle9i.
  2. Install Oracle9i JDeveloper on each of the client computers and download and install from Oracle Technology Network ( the JDeveloper project package that contains the ODM sample programs and data, as well as all the required libraries.
  3. Each user accesses Oracle9i as the user ODM. In each user's file, modify the Thin Client information to list the server hostname, port number, and SID; the user name is ODM and password is ODM's password (as assigned during configuration). The HTTP server is not required.
  4. Establish DB Connections from each JDeveloper instance to the schemas ODM and ODM_MTR (using the same connection information that was inserted into the Global property file). This allows the viewing of the schema tables and the execution of SQL*Plus queries from within JDeveloper, so no operating system-level access is needed.
  5. Each user must use a unique name for every Java object and database table or view created. This is a substantial requirement; as an indication of the extent of this requirement, go to the Oracle9i server and look in $ORACLE_HOME/dm/demo/sample (UNIX) or %ORACLE_HOME\dm\demo\sample (Windows) for all the property files for the ODM sample programs and note how many instances there are of a user-defined object name.

Stopping an ODM Task

If you stop an executing program that uses ODM, you must also stop the ODM task that was initiated by the program. For example, suppose that you start one of the ODM sample programs and then decide that you do not want to run that program after all. If you interrupt the program with Control-C, you will not stop the ODM task that the program started.

Follow these steps to stop an ODM task that was started by a program that is no longer running:

  1. Query ODM_MINING_TASK for the Task ID. Suppose the Task ID is 999. (You can verify that the task is still running by querying ODM_MINING_TASK_STATE for that Task ID. If the state is not TERMINATED, the task is still running.)
  2. Stop task 999 by setting the value for CLEAN FLAG in ODM_MINING_TASK to 1 where Task ID = 999.
  3. Wait a few seconds (at least). Now when you query ODM_MINING_TASK_STATE for the Task ID, you should see the value TERMINATED.

Starting and Stopping the ODM Task Monitor

This corrects the Oracle9i Data Mining Administrator's Guide. The commands in step 4 of Section, in step 2 of Section, and in Section 4.8 all contain a typographical error. The correct commands are described in this section.

To start the ODM task monitor, log in as ODM user and start the ODM Monitor with the following SQL*Plus command:


To stop the ODM task monitor, log in as ODM user and stop the ODM Monitor with the following SQL*Plus command:


Developer Project for the Sample Programs

You can download from the Data Mining area in Oracle Technology Network ( an Oracle9i JDeveloper project for the ODM sample programs. After you download and install the project, you can modify and execute the ODM sample programs using Oracle9i JDeveloper.

The readme file included in the download explains how to install the project and how to compile and execute the ODM sample programs using JDeveloper.

Need for Compatible Character Sets

When using ODM in a shared JVM environment, such as when integrated with a servlet application, all connections made to an ODM server (also known as a Data Mining Server) must be based on databases with compatible character sets. Otherwise, string length tests conducted in the JVM may not recognize these differences, allowing data to pass to the database, which could result in server-side failures.

Cannot Import Naive Bayes PMML Models

Importing Naive-Bayes PMML models fails when TargetValueCount element's count attribute contains a real number. The count attribute's value for the TargetValueCount element in a Naive-Bayes model most commonly contains an integer value; however, the PMML specification allows for real numbers. If the document to be imported contains real numbers for this attribute, the import fails. You should instead convert the values of the count attribute to integers before performing the PMML model import.

See Also:

Oracle9i Data Mining Concepts

Oracle9i SQL Reference

In this release, the SCOPE clause is not supported for the DISPATCHERS initialization parameter in an ALTER SYSTEM statement. This fact is not mentioned in Chapter 10, in the section on the DISPATCHERS initialization parameter.

To reconfigure the DISPATCHERS parameter for the current instance, issue an ALTER SYSTEM SET DISPATCHERS statement without the SCOPE clause. To make the new configuration persistent, specify a setting for the DISPATCHERS parameter in your initialization parameter file before starting the database. If you are using a server parameter file (spfile) to start up the database, then you need to re-create your spfile from the initialization parameter file by issuing a CREATE SPFILE statement.

See Also:

Oracle9i SQL Reference

Oracle9i Streams

The following are corrections to the Oracle9i Streams manual (part number A96571-02):

This sentence should be replaced with the following:

In a single database, all of the queue buffers combined can use up to 10% of shared pool.

Oracle9i Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference

Oracle9i XML Database Developer's Guide - Oracle XML DB

There are documentation corrections to the following chapters:

Chapter 5: Structured Mapping of XMLType

The following corrections related to QueryRewrite with XML Schema-Based Structured Storage.

What Is Query Rewrite?

When the XMLType is stored in structured storage (object-relationally) using an XML schema and queries using XPath are used, they can potentially be rewritten directly to the underlying object-relational columns. This rewrite of queries can also potentially happen when queries using XPath are issued on certain non-schema-based XMLType views.

This enables the use of B*Tree or other indexes, if present on the column, to be used in query evaluation by the Optimizer. This query rewrite mechanism is used for XPaths in SQL functions such as existsNode(), extract(), extractValue(), and updateXML(). This enables the XPath to be evaluated against the XML document without having to ever construct the XML document in memory.


Path queries that get rewritten are a subset of the set of supported XPath queries. As far as possible, queries should be written so that the query rewrite advantages are realized.

Example 1 Query Rewrite

For example a query such as:

     WHERE extractValue(value(p),'/PurchaseOrder/Company') = 'Oracle';

is trying to get the value of the Company element and compare it with the literal 'Oracle'. Since the MyPOs table has been created with XML schema-based structured storage, the extractValue operator gets rewritten to the underlying relational column that stores the company information for the purchaseorder.

Thus the preceding query is rewritten to the following:

     WHERE = 'Oracle';

See Also:

Chapter 4, "Using XMLType".

If there was a regular index created on the Company column, such as:

CREATE INDEX company_index ON MyPos e

then the preceding query would use the index for its evaluation.

Consider the XMLType view employee_xml created using SYS_XMLGEN() over the object type emp_t:

  SAL   NUMBER(7,2),
  COMM  NUMBER(7,2));

        (SYS_NC_ROWINFO$.EXTRACT('/ROW/EMPNO/text()').getnumberval()) AS
        emp_t(e.empno, e.ename, e.job, e.mgr, e.hiredate, e.sal, 
    FROM emp e;

Consider the following query to retrieve all employees with an employee number of 7934:

SELECT VALUE(p) FROM employee_xml p
     WHERE extractValue(value(p),'/ROW/EMPNO') = 7934;

This query is similarly trying to match the value of EMPNO with 12300. This query is rewritten as follows:

   emp_t(e.empno, e.ename, e.job, e.mgr, e.hiredate, e.sal, e.comm)) 
   FROM emp e WHERE emp_t(e.empno, e.ename, e.job, e.mgr, e.hiredate, 
        e.comm).empno - 7934;

The WHERE clause is further optimized to give the following query:

   emp_t(e.empno, e.ename, e.job, e.mgr, e.hiredate, e.sal, e.comm)) 
   FROM emp e where e.empno = 7934;

An index empno_index created on the empno column is picked up:

CREATE INDEX empno_index ON emp (empno);

The view may alternately be defined over an object view. The object view may either already exist or be created over the relational data. Consider the following object view created over existing relational data:

   SELECT emp_t(e.empno, e.ename, e.job, e.mgr, e.hiredate, e.sal, 
   FROM emp e;

A non-schema-based XMLType view may be created as follows :

   (SYS_NC_ROWINFO$.EXTRACT('/ROW/EMPNO/text()').getnumberval()) AS
    SELECT SYS_XMLGEN(value(p)) FROM employee_ov p;

When Does Query Rewrite Occur?

Query rewrite happens for the following SQL functions:

The rewrite happens when these SQL functions are present in any expression in a query, DML, or DDL statement. For example, you can use extractValue() to create indexes on the underlying relational columns.

What XPath Expressions Are Rewritten?

XPath expressions involving simple expressions with no wild cards or descendant axes get rewritten. The XPath may select an element or an attribute node. Predicates are supported and get rewritten into SQL predicates. In addition, wild cards and descendant axes are rewritten and supported with certain restrictions for XML schema-based XMLType tables and views when it can be determined that it can be mapped to a single unique XPath.

Table 1 lists the kinds of XPath expressions that can be translated into underlying SQL queries in this release.

Table 1  Supported XPath Expressions for Translation to Underlying SQL Queries
XPath Expression for Translation Description

Simple XPath expressions:



Involves traversals over object type attributes only, where the attributes are simple scalar or object types themselves. The only axes supported are the child and the attribute axes.

Collection traversal expressions:


Involves traversal of collection expressions. The only axes supported are child and attribute axes. Collection traversal is not supported if the SQL operator is used during CREATE INDEX or updateXML().




Predicates in the XPath are rewritten into SQL predicates. Predicates are not rewritten for updateXML()

List indexe:



Indexes are rewritten to access the n'th item in a collection. These are not rewritten for updateXML().

Supported XPath Constructs for Query Rewrites

The following XPath constructs get rewritten:

Supported Non-Schema-Based XMLType Views

Queries over non-schema-based XMLType views using SYS_XMLGEN can potentially get rewritten to operate on the arguments to SYS_XMLGEN.

How are the XPaths Rewritten For Non-Schema-Based XMLType Views?

Consider the following XMLType view definition. This XMLType view definition is used as the running example for this subsection. This subsection explains how XPaths are rewritten for non-schema-based XMLType views.

create type emp_t as object (
  EMPNO NUMBER(4), ename VARCHAR2(10), job VARCHAR2(9), mgr NUMBER(4),

create type emp_list is varray(100) of emp_t;

create or replace type dept_t as object (
  employees emp_list);

create view dept_ov of dept_t with object id (deptname) as
       select deptno, dname, loc, CAST( MULTISET(
              select emp_t(empno, ename, job, mgr, hiredate)
              from emp e where e.deptno = d.deptno) AS emp_list)
 from dept d;

create view dept_xv of xmltype
    with object id(SYS_NC_
ROWINFO$.extract('/ROW/@DEPTNO').getnumberval()) as
       select  SYS_XMLGEN(VALUE(p)) FROM dept_ov p ;

Non-Schema-Based XMLType Views: Mapping for a Simple XPath

A rewrite for a simple XPath involves accessing the attribute corresponding to the XPath expression. Thus, rewrite of the expressions `/ROW/DEPTNAME', '/ROW/@DEPTNO' and `/ROW/EMPLOYEES' map to dname, deptno, and CAST(MULTISET(select emp_t(empno, ...) from emp e where ...) AS emplist) respectively.

For example, consider a query that extracts the department number dno from the department view dept_xv:

SELECT extractvalue(value(p),'/ROW/@DEPTNO') dno from dept_xv p ;

This gets rewritten into the following query:


Non-Schema-Based XMLType Views: Mapping for Scalar Nodes

An Xpath expression containing a text() operator may be rewritten into the underlying relational column. For example, consider a query that extracts the department name dname from the department view dept_xv:

SELECT extract(value(p),'/ROW/DEPTNAME'/text()) dname from dept_xv p ;

This gets rewritten into the following query :


Non-Schema-Based XMLType Views: Mapping of Predicates

Predicates are mapped to SQL predicate expressions. For example, consider a query that gets the number of departments called ACCOUNTING:

select count(*)  from dept_xv e where existsnode(value(e), 

This query gets rewritten to the following :


Non-Schema-Based XMLType Views: Simple Collection Traversals

Simple traversals through a collection are rewritten using XMLAGG() to aggregate over the elements of the collection. Consider the following query extracts all the employee numbers from the department view. Since it needs to iterate over the elements of the collection of employees for each department, an XMLAGG() is added to aggregate over the final result.

SELECT extract(value(e), '/ROW/EMPLOYEES/EMP_T/EMPNO') empno from  dept_
xv e;

This is rewritten using XMLAGG() as follows :


Non-Schema-Based XMLType Views: Collection Indexing

An XPath expression can also access a particular index of a collection For example, `/ROW/EMPLOYEES/EMP_T[1]/EMPNO' is rewritten to get the first element in the employees collection of the department view, and then to get the employee number from the first element.

Non-Schema-Based XMLType Views: Predicates in Collections

An XPath expression that traverses through a collection might involve predicates. For example, the expression extract(value(p), `/ROW[EMPLOYEES/EMP_T/EMPNO > 7900]') involves a comparison predicate (> 7900). XPath 1.0 defines such XPaths to be satisfied if any of the items of the collection satisfies the predicate. Thus, this expression is rewritten to retrieve all those rows that have an employee collection such that at least one employee in the collection has an employee number greater than 7900. An existential check using the EXISTS() clause gets the list of all such rows.

Chapter 7: Searching XMLType Data with Oracle Text

Highlighting Support for INPATH and HASPATH Operators

Page 7-34 states that the CTX_DOC.HIGHLIGHT procedure does not support highlighting of XML documents with INPATH and HASPATH operators. While this is true for release 9.2, highlighting support has been added for these operators in This added support is documented with examples on page 7-49 Oracle9i XML Database Developer's Guide - Oracle XML DB, release, under the heading "Using Oracle Text: Advanced Techniques".

Chapter 10: Generating XML Data from the Database

The following functions were not previously documented:


The values for the flag of setNullHandling are:


This is a short-cut for setNullHandling(ctx, NULL_ATTR).

Appendix A: Installing and Configuring Oracle XMLDB

To re-install Oracle XML DB follow these steps:

  1. Remove the dispatcher.
  2. Drop user xdb.
  3. Drop tablespace xdb.
  4. Recreate tablespace xdb.
  5. Execute catnoqm.sql.
  6. Execute catqm.sql.
  7. Execute catxdbj.sql.

    See Also:

    Oracle9i XML Database Developer's Guide - Oracle XML DB

Oracle9i XML Developer's Kits Guide - XDK

Please note the corrections to documentation of the following topics:

XML-SQL Utility (XSU)

In Chapter 8, "XML SQL Utility (XSU)", Example 3 should be replaced as it is unnecessarily complex. You must first call XSU, then position the first element's cursor. Also, there is no need for a scrollable cursor. XSU processes all rows following the current row in the resultset. If you position the cursor at the first row of the resultset, then XSU starts with row #2. To position the cursor before the first row use the beforeFirst() method. XSU scrolls the resultset on its own so you do not have to worry about breaking.

The following example should replace the existing Example 3. It shows how you can use the XSU for Java API to generate an XML page:

------------------ ------------- 
import oracle.sql.*; 
import oracle.jdbc.driver.*; 
import oracle.xml.sql.*; 
import oracle.xml.sql.query.*; 
import oracle.xml.sql.dataset.*; 
import oracle.xml.sql.docgen.*; 

import java.sql.*; 

public class b 
  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception 

@    DriverManager.registerDriver(new 

    Connection conn = 

    Statement stmt = 

    ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(sCmd); 

    OracleXMLQuery xmlQry = new OracleXMLQuery(conn, rs); 

    String sXML = xmlQry.getXMLString(); 

XSU Dependencies

XML SQL Utility (XSU) depends on the following components:

Installing the XSU

XML SQL Utility (XSU) ships with the Oracle9i software CD, and is also part of XDK for Java available from OTN. XSU is comprised of the following two files:

By default Oracle Universal Installer installs XSU on your hard drive at the locations specified in the previous paragraph. It also loads XSU into the database. If XSU is not installed during the initial Oracle installation, it can be installed later. You can either use Oracle Universal Installer to install the XSU and its dependent components, or you can download the latest XDK for Java from OTN.

To load the XSU into the database you must perform one the following steps, depending on how you installed XSU:

XMLGEN API Has Been Deprecated

Before the first XSU production release, that is, before Oracle8i Release 3 (8.1.7), XSU for PL/SQL API was named "XMLGEN". This must not be confused with a) the XML generation SQL function SYS_XMLGEN, b) the XML generation PL/SQL supplied package DBMS_XMLGEN, or c) XMLGen() the SQLX standard function. Note that when XSU was first offered as a production release in Oracle8i Release 3 (8.1.7), the "XMLGEN" package was deprecated. In other words, "XMLGEN" was never offered as part of Oracle8i Release 3 (8.1.7) production code although it continued to be shipped with the Oracle software. It was never documented.

"XMLGEN" replacements are DBMS_XMLQuery, used for XML generation, and DBMS_XMLSave used for DML and data manipulation. Oracle9i Release 2 (9.2) and higher no longer include "XMLGEN" with the Oracle software.

Although for this release, the "XMLGEN" "deprecated" package can still be downloaded from OTN as part of the XSU download, which in turn is part of the XDK download, you are recommended to migrate to the latest production packages DBMS_XMLQuery and DBMS_XMLSave. Migration is simple as the method names are identical. The difference is that the new XSU for PL/SQL API contains more methods. Note that all take the context handle as the first argument.

See Also:

Oracle9i XML Developer's Kit Guide - XDK

Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide

Oracle Text Reference

Backup and Recovery Documentation

The following are corrections to Oracle9i Recovery Manager Reference:

The following notes are corrections to Oracle9i Recovery Manager User's Guide:

Documentation Accessibility

Our goal is to make Oracle products, services, and supporting documentation accessible, with good usability, to the disabled community. To that end, our documentation includes features that make information available to users of assistive technology. This documentation is available in HTML format, and contains markup to facilitate access by the disabled community. Standards will continue to evolve over time, and Oracle Corporation is actively engaged with other market-leading technology vendors to address technical obstacles so that our documentation can be accessible to all of our customers. For additional information, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program Web site at

Accessibility of Code Examples in Documentation

JAWS, a Windows screen reader, may not always correctly read the code examples in this document. The conventions for writing code require that closing braces should appear on an otherwise empty line; however, JAWS may not always read a line of text that consists solely of a bracket or brace.

Accessibility of Links to External Web Sites in Documentation

This documentation may contain links to Web sites of other companies or organizations that Oracle Corporation does not own or control. Oracle Corporation neither evaluates nor makes any representations regarding the accessibility of these Web sites.

Oracle is a registered trademark, and SQL*Plus, Oracle9i, and PL/SQL are trademarks or registered trademarks of Oracle Corporation. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.

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