A P P E N D I X  C

Show Configuration Command Output

This appendix includes a list of the items included in the output of the show configuration command and the sample XML output of the show configuration XML file command. Regardless of the file format, xml, txt, or onscreen, the output content is the same.

Topics in this appendix include:

For details on how to execute the show configuration command, see show configuration.

C.1 Show Configuration Output

The show configuration command runs the following commands:

The XML output produced by show configuration --xml includes the following data:

The FRU Information output shows:

The Channel Information output shows:

The Network Setting output shows:

The Communications Port Settings output shows:

The Cache Parameters output shows:

The Array Parameters output shows:

The Drive Parameters output shows:

The Host Parameters output shows:

The Redundant Parameters output shows:

The Logical Drive Parameters output shows:

The Partitions output shows:

The SES Parameters output shows:

The SAF-TE Parameters output shows:

The Port WWN output shows:

The Inter Controller Link (ICL) Parameters output shows:

The Battery Status output shows:

The Disk Drives output shows:

The Host WWN output shows:



The show configuration --xml command conforms to the following DTD.

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<!-- ****************************************************** -->
<!-- Root element, the RAID BaseView                        -->
<!-- ****************************************************** -->
<!ELEMENT raidbaseview (raidsystem*)>
<!-- ****************************************************** -->
<!-- raidsystem element : The entire RAID system, which	    -->
<!--   consists of:					    -->
<!--     name: The RAID System name			    -->
<!--     status: the system status			    -->
<!--     manufacturer:					    -->
<!--     model: product model				    -->
<!--     firmware_version: Firmware version		    -->
<!--     bootrecord_version: Boot Record version.	    -->
<!--     mac_address: network MAC address.		    -->
<!--     ip: network IP address.			    -->
<!--     netmask: network mask address.			    -->
<!--     gateway: network gateway address.		    -->
<!--                                      (optional)	    -->
<!--     primary_sn: Primary Serial Number		    -->
<!--     secondary_sn: Secondary Serial Number		    -->
<!--                                      (optional)	    -->
<!--     controller_name: Controller Name		    -->
<!--     unique_id: Unique ID of the RAID System.	    -->
<!--     id_of_nvram_defaults:				    -->
<!--     total_logical_drives:				    -->
<!--     total_partitions:				    -->
<!--     total_physical_drives: Total Phyical Drivers	    -->
<!--     total_ses_devices:				    -->
<!--     cache_size:					    -->
<!--     cpu:						    -->
<!--     fru: Controller FRU info			    -->
<!--                                      (optional)	    -->
<!--     channel: RAID System Channel info.		    -->
<!--     network: network channel info			    -->

<!--                                      (optional)	    -->
<!--     com_port: RAID System COM port info		    -->
<!--     cache_param: Cacahe parameter			    -->
<!--     array_param: Disk Array parameter		    -->
<!--     drive_param: Disk side parameter		    -->
<!--     host_param: Host side parameter		    -->
<!--     redundant_param: is system in redundant model	    -->
<!--     logical_volume Logical Volumes			    -->
<!--                                      (optional)	    -->
<!--     logical_drive: Logical Drivers			    -->
<!--                                      (optional)	    -->
<!--     ses: the SES device info			    -->
<!--                                      (optional)	    -->
<!--     port_wwn: port wwn info          (optional)	    -->
<!--     inter_controller_link:           (optional)	    -->
<!--                                      (optional)	    -->
<!--     battery_status: Battery status			    -->
<!--                                      (optional)	    -->
<!--     config_components Disk and SAFTE device info.	    -->
<!--     hostwwns: host wwn info          (optional)	    -->
<!--     enclosure:             (optional enclosure status) -->
<!-- ****************************************************** -->
<!ELEMENT raidsystem (name,status,manufacturer,model,firmware_version,

<!-- name element:                                          -->
<!ELEMENT name (#CDATA)>
<!-- status element:                                        -->
<!--                It may be one of Online, Offline,       -->
<!--                Critical, Degraded                      -->
<!ELEMENT status (#CDATA)>
<!-- manufacturer element:                                  -->
<!ELEMENT manufacturer (#CDATA)>
<!-- model element:                                         -->
<!ELEMENT model (#CDATA)>
<!-- firmware_version element:                              -->
<!--      The RAID system Firmware version                  -->
<!--      format is major.minorEnginer                      -->
<!ELEMENT firmware_version (#CDATA)>
<!-- bootrecord_version element:                            -->
<!--      The RAID system boot record version               -->
<!ELEMENT bootrecord_version (#CDATA)>
<!-- primary_sn element:                                    -->
<!--      The RAID system primary controller serial number  -->
<!ELEMENT primary_sn (#CDATA)>
<!-- secondary_sn element:                                  -->
<!--      The RAID system seconday controller serial number -->
<!--      It is optional, for some system may have only     -->
<!--      one controller                                    -->
<!ELEMENT secondary_sn (#CDATA)>
<!-- controller_name element:                               -->
<!--      The RAID system controller name                   -->
<!ELEMENT controller_name (#CDATA)>
<!-- unique_id element:                                     -->
<!--      The RAID system Unique ID                         -->
<!ELEMENT unique_id (#CDATA)>
<!-- id_of_nvram_defaults element:                          -->
<!ELEMENT id_of_nvram_defaults (#CDATA)>

<!-- total_logical_drives element:                          -->
<!--                The RAID system total logical           -->
<!--                driver number                           -->
<!ELEMENT total_logical_drives (#CDATA)>
<!-- total_partitions element:                              -->
<!--                The RAID system total partition         -->
<!--                number                                  -->
<!ELEMENT total_partitions (#CDATA)>
<!-- total_physical_drives element:                         -->
<!--                The RAID system total phyical drives    -->
<!--                number                                  -->
<!ELEMENT total_physical_drives (#CDATA)>
<!-- total_ses_devices element:                             -->
<!--                The RAID system total SAFTE device      -->
<!--                number                                  -->
<!ELEMENT total_ses_devices (#CDATA)>
<!-- cache_size element: The cache size, in binary MB       -->
<!ELEMENT cache_size (#CDATA)>
<!-- cpu element: The CPU type of the RAID system           -->
<!-- ****************************************************** -->
<!-- fru element: FRU info for one FRU component	    -->
<!--        Includes these sub-elements:		    -->
<!--        idx: the index				    -->
<!--        name: the name of the FRU			    -->
<!--        description:				    -->
<!--        part_number: the part number		    -->
<!--        serial_number: the serial number		    -->
<!--        revision:					    -->
<!--        manufacturing_date: Manufacture Date	    -->
<!--        manufacturing_location: Manufacture Location    -->
<!--        manufacturer_jedec_id: Vendor JEDEC ID	    -->
<!--        fru_location: location with the chassis	    -->
<!--        chassis_serial_number: sn			    -->
<!-- ****************************************************** -->

<!ELEMENT fru (idx,name,description,part_number,serial_number,
<!-- idx element:                                           -->
<!-- part_number element:                                   -->
<!ELEMENT part_number (#CDATA)>
<!-- revision element:                                      -->
<!ELEMENT revision (#CDATA)>
<!-- manufacturer_jedec_id element:                         -->
<!ELEMENT manufacturer_jedec_id (#CDATA)>
<!-- fru_location element:                                  -->
<!ELEMENT fru_location (#CDATA)>
<!-- chassis_serial_number element:                         -->
<!ELEMENT chassis_serial_number (#CDATA)>
<!-- manufacturing_date element:                            -->
<!ELEMENT manufacturing_date (#CDATA)>
<!-- manufacturing_location element:                        -->
<!ELEMENT manufacturing_location (#CDATA)>
<!-- descriptionn element:                                  -->
<!ELEMENT descriptionn (#CDATA)>
<!-- ****************************************************** -->
<!-- channel element: The channel info of the RAID system   -->
<!--     It include these elements			    -->
<!--        idx: the index, the phyical channel number	    -->
<!--        logchl: Logical Channel number		    -->
<!--        mode: Channel model				    -->
<!--        type: Channel Type				    -->
<!--        pid: Channel PID				    -->
<!--        sid: Channel SID				    -->
<!--        term: Channel Terminl			    -->
<!--        defclk: Channel default clock		    -->
<!--        curclk: Channel current clock		    -->
<!--        defwid: Channle default width		    -->
<!--        curwid: Channle current width		    -->

<!-- *****************************************************  -->
<!ELEMENT channel (idx,logchl,mode,type,pid,sid,term,
<!-- logchl element: Logical Channel number                 -->
<!ELEMENT logchl (#CDATA)>
<!-- mode element: The Channel work mode can be "Host"      -->
<!--               "Drive", "RCCOM", "Other"                -->
<!ELEMENT mode (#CDATA)>
<!-- type element: Channel type can be "SCSI" "PCI" "FC"    -->
<!ELEMENT type (#CDATA)>
<!-- pid element: PID of this channel                       -->
<!-- sid element: SID of this channel                       -->
<!-- defclk element: Default clock                          -->
<!ELEMENT defclk (#CDATA)>
<!-- defwid element: Default width                          -->
<!ELEMENT defwid (#CDATA)>
<!-- term element: This channel have term or not            -->
<!ELEMENT term (#CDATA)>
<!-- defclk element: Current clock                          -->
<!ELEMENT curclk (#CDATA)>
<!-- defwid element: Current width                          -->
<!ELEMENT curwid (#CDATA)>
<!-- ****************************************************** -->
<!-- network element: The channel info of the RAID system   -->
<!--     It include these elements			    -->
<!--        idx:					    -->
<!--        mac_address:				    -->
<!--        static_address:				    -->
<!--        current_ip_assignment_mechanism_list:	    -->
<!--        transfer_speed_configurable:		    -->
<!--        current_transfer_speed:			    -->
<!--        supported_transfer_speed:			    -->
<!--        mac_address_configurable:			    -->

<!-- ****************************************************** -->
<!ELEMENT network (idx,mac_address,static_address,
<!-- mac_address element: Mac address                       -->
<!--                 format is ##:##:##:##:##:##            -->
<!ELEMENT mac_address (#CDATA)>
<!-- defclk current_ip_assignment_mechanism_list:           -->
<!ELEMENT current_ip_assignment_mechanism_list (#CDATA)>
<!-- transfer_speed_configurable element:                   -->
<!ELEMENT transfer_speed_configurable (#CDATA)>
<!-- current_transfer_speed element: in MB                  -->
<!ELEMENT current_transfer_speed (#CDATA)>
<!-- supported_transfer_speed element: in MB                -->
<!ELEMENT supported_transfer_speed (#CDATA)>
<!-- mac_address_configurable element: Enable, Disable      -->
<!ELEMENT mac_address_configurable (#CDATA)>
<!-- static_address element:                                -->
<!ELEMENT static_address  (ip, netmask, gateway)>
<!-- ip element: IP address                                 -->
<!-- netmask element:                                       -->
<!ELEMENT netmask (#CDATA)>
<!-- gateway element:                                       -->
<!ELEMENT gateway (#CDATA)>

<!-- ****************************************************** -->
<!-- com_port element: The RS-232 port info		    -->
<!--     It include these elements			    -->
<!--        idx: the index				    -->
<!--        max_bps:					    -->
<!--        min_bps:					    -->
<!--        default_bps:				    -->
<!--        current_bps:				    -->
<!-- ****************************************************** -->
<!ELEMENT com_port (idx, max_bps, min_bps, default_bps, current_bps)>
<!-- max_bps element: Max baud rate, in BPS		    -->
<!ELEMENT max_bps (#CDATA)>
<!-- min_bps element: Min baud rate, in BPS		    -->
<!ELEMENT min_bps (#CDATA)>
<!-- default_bps element: Default baud rate, in BPS	    -->
<!ELEMENT default_bps (#CDATA)>
<!-- current_bps element: Current baud rate, in BPS	    -->
<!ELEMENT current_bps (#CDATA)>
<!-- ****************************************************** -->
<!-- drive_param element: The Driver side configuation	    -->
<!--     It include these elements			    -->
<!--        scsi_motor_spin_up:				    -->
<!--        power_up_scsi_reset:			    -->
<!--        disk_access_latency:			    -->
<!--        scsi_io_timeout:				    -->
<!--        tag_count_per_drive:			    -->
<!--        drive_check_period:				    -->
<!--        safte_polling_period:			    -->
<!--        auto_detect_drive_check:			    -->
<!--        drive_smart_mode				    -->
<!--        auto_global_spare				    -->
<!-- ****************************************************** -->

<!ELEMENT drive_param (scsi_motor_spin_up,power_up_scsi_reset,
<!-- scsi_motor_spin_up element : in sec                    -->
<!ELEMENT scsi_motor_spin_up (#CDATA)>
<!-- power_up_scsi_reset element:                           -->
<!ELEMENT power_up_scsi_reset (#CDATA)>
<!-- disk_access_latency element:                           -->
<!ELEMENT disk_access_latency (#CDATA)>
<!-- tag_count_per_drive element:                           -->
<!ELEMENT tag_count_per_drive (#CDATA)>
<!-- safte_polling_period element:                          -->
<!ELEMENT safte_polling_period (#CDATA)>
<!-- scsi_io_timeout element:                               -->
<!ELEMENT scsi_io_timeout (#CDATA)>
<!-- drive_check_period element:                            -->
<!ELEMENT drive_check_period (#CDATA)>
<!-- auto_detect_drive_check element:                       -->
<!ELEMENT auto_detect_drive_check (#CDATA)>
<!-- drive_smart_mode element:                              -->
<!ELEMENT drive_smart_mode (#CDATA)>
<!-- auto_global_spare element:                             -->
<!ELEMENT auto_global_spare (#CDATA)>
<!-- ****************************************************** -->
<!-- cache_param element: RAID system cache modes	    -->
<!--     write_back_flag: (Enabled,Disabled)		    -->
<!--     optimization: (Sequential I/O,Random I/O)	    -->
<!-- ****************************************************** -->

<!ELEMENT cache_param (write_back_flag, optimization)>
<!-- write_back_flag element: can be "Sequential I/O"       -->
<!--                         "Random I/O"                   -->
<!ELEMENT write_back_flag (#CDATA)>
<!-- optimization element: can be "Enabled", "Disabled	"    -->
<!ELEMENT optimization (#CDATA)>
<!-- ****************************************************** -->
<!-- array_param element: RAID system array info, includes  -->
<!--             verify_on_init				    -->
<!--             verify_on_rebuild			    -->
<!--             verify_on_normal			    -->
<!--             rebuild_priority			    -->
<!-- ****************************************************** -->
<!ELEMENT array_param (verify_on_init, verify_on_rebuild,
                        verify_on_normal, rebuild_priority)>
<!-- verify_on_init element: can be "Enable" "Disable"      -->
<!ELEMENT verify_on_init (#CDATA)>
<!-- verify_on_rebuild element: can be "Enable" "Disable"   -->
<!ELEMENT verify_on_rebuild (#CDATA)>
<!-- verify_on_normal element: can be "Enable" "Disable"    -->
<!ELEMENT verify_on_normal (#CDATA)>
<!-- rebuild_priority element: can be "Hight" "Improved"    -->
<!--                            "Normal" "Low"              -->
<!ELEMENT rebuild_priority (#CDATA)>
<!-- host_param element: RAID system host side bus info:    -->
<!--             queue_io_count                             -->
<!--             luns_per_host                              -->
<!--             fibre_connection_mode                      -->
<!ELEMENT host_param (queue_io_count,luns_per_host,
<!-- queue_io_count element:                                -->
<!ELEMENT queue_io_count (#CDATA)>

<!-- luns_per_host element:                                 -->
<!ELEMENT luns_per_host (#CDATA)>
<!-- fibre_connection_mode element:                         -->
<!ELEMENT fibre_connection_mode (#CDATA)>
<!-- ****************************************************** -->
<!-- redundant_param element for RAID controllers:	    -->
<!--             Primary_sn				    -->
<!--             Redundancy_mode			    -->
<!--             redundant_status			    -->
<!--             secondary_sn				    -->
<!-- ****************************************************** -->
<!ELEMENT redundant_param (role,Primary_sn,Redundancy_mode,
<!-- role element:                                          -->
<!ELEMENT role (#CDATA)>
<!-- Primary_sn element:                                    -->
<!ELEMENT Primary_sn (#CDATA)>
<!-- Redundancy_mode element:                               -->
<!ELEMENT Redundancy_mode (#CDATA)>
<!-- redundant_status element:                              -->
<!ELEMENT redundant_status (#CDATA)>
<!-- ****************************************************** -->
<!-- logical_drive element: The Logical Drive info, include -->
<!--             ld_id					    -->
<!--             ld_idx					    -->
<!--             assignment				    -->
<!--             status					    -->
<!--             raid_level				    -->
<!--             number_of_drives			    -->
<!--             physical_drive				    -->
<!--             size					    -->
<!--             total_partitions			    -->
<!--             partition				    -->
<!-- ****************************************************** -->

<!ELEMENT logical_drive (ld_id,ld_idx,assignment,status,
<!-- ld_id element:                                         -->
<!ELEMENT ld_id (#CDATA)>
<!-- ld_idx element:                                        -->
<!ELEMENT ld_idx (#CDATA)>
<!-- assignment element:                                    -->
<!ELEMENT assignment (#CDATA)>
<!-- raid_level element: can be RAID0, RAID1, RAID3 ....   -->
<!ELEMENT raid_level (#CDATA)>
<!-- number_of_drives element:                              -->
<!ELEMENT number_of_drives (#CDATA)>
<!-- physical_drive element:                                -->
<!ELEMENT physical_drive (#PCDATA)>
<!-- size element: in MB                                    -->
<!ELEMENT size (#CDATA)>
<!-- ****************************************************** -->
<!-- ses element: The SES device info, include		    -->
<!--             idx: index number			    -->
<!--             ch: channel number			    -->
<!--             id: SCSI ID				    -->
<!--             chassis				    -->
<!--             vendor_product_id			    -->
<!--             rev					    -->
<!--             pld					    -->
<!--             wwnn					    -->
<!--             wwpn					    -->
<!--             topology				    -->
<!-- ****************************************************** -->
<!ELEMENT ses (idx,ch,id,chassis,vendor_product_id,

<!-- id element:                                            -->
<!-- chassis element:                                       -->
<!ELEMENT chassis (#CDATA)>
<!-- vendor_product_id element:                             -->
<!ELEMENT vendor_product_id (#CDATA)>
<!-- rev element:                                           -->
<!-- pld element:                                           -->
<!-- wwnn element:                                          -->
<!ELEMENT wwnn (#CDATA)>
<!-- wwpn element:                                          -->
<!ELEMENT wwpn (#CDATA)>
<!-- topology element:                                      -->
<!ELEMENT topology (#CDATA)>
<!-- ****************************************************** -->
<!-- port_wwns element:                     include	    -->
<!--             port_wwn				    -->
<!-- ****************************************************** -->
<!ELEMENT port_wwns (port_wwn*)>
<!-- ****************************************************** -->
<!-- port_wwn element: include				    -->
<!--             idx					    -->
<!--             ch					    -->
<!--             id					    -->
<!--             wwnn					    -->
<!-- ****************************************************** -->
<!ELEMENT port_wwn (idx,ch,id,wwnn)>
<!-- ****************************************************** -->
<!-- hostwwns element:                     include	    -->
<!--             hostwwns				    -->
<!-- ****************************************************** -->
<!ELEMENT hostwwns (hostwwns*)>

<!-- ****************************************************** -->
<!-- hostwwn element: include				    -->
<!--             wwn					    -->
<!--             name					    -->
<!-- ****************************************************** -->
<!ELEMENT hostwwn (wwn,name)>
<!-- wwn element:                                           -->
<!-- ****************************************************** -->
<!-- inter_controller_link element: include		    -->
<!--             idx					    -->
<!--             slot					    -->
<!--             ch					    -->
<!--             ch_mode				    -->
<!--             bypass_status				    -->
<!-- ****************************************************** -->
<!ELEMENT inter_controller_link (idx,slot,ch,ch_mode,bypass_status)>
<!-- slot element:                                          -->
<!ELEMENT slot (#CDATA)>
<!-- ch_mode element:                                       -->
<!ELEMENT ch_mode (#CDATA)>
<!-- bypass_status element:                                 -->
<!ELEMENT bypass_status (#CDATA)>
<!-- ****************************************************** -->
<!-- battery_status element: battery status info, include   -->
<!--             name					    -->
<!--             type					    -->
<!--             manufacturing_date			    -->
<!--             placed_in_service			    -->
<!-- ****************************************************** -->
<!ELEMENT battery_status (name,type,manufacturing_date,placed_in_service)>
<!-- placed_in_service element:                             -->
<!ELEMENT placed_in_service (#CDATA)>
<!-- ****************************************************** -->

<!-- partition element: The partition info, include	    -->
<!--             idx					    -->
<!--             effective_size				    -->
<!--             offset					    -->
<!--             mapping				    -->
<!-- ****************************************************** -->
<!ELEMENT partition (idx, effective_size, offset, mapping?, filter_mapping?)>
<!-- effective_size element: in MB                          -->
<!ELEMENT effective_size (#CDATA)>
<!-- offset element: in MB                                  -->
<!ELEMENT offset (#CDATA)>
<!-- mapping element:                                       -->
<!ELEMENT mapping (#CDATA)>
<!-- filter_mapping element:                                -->
<!ELEMENT filter_mapping (#CDATA)>
<!-- ****************************************************** -->
<!-- logical_volume element: Logical Volume Info	    -->
<!--             lv_id					    -->
<!--             lv_idx					    -->
<!--             assignment				    -->
<!--             status					    -->
<!--             size					    -->
<!--             logical_drive				    -->
<!--             total_partitions			    -->
<!--             partition				    -->
<!-- ****************************************************** -->
<!ELEMENT logical_volume (lv_id,lv_idx,assignment,status,
<!-- lv_id element:                                         -->
<!ELEMENT lv_id (#CDATA)>
<!-- number_of_logical_drive element: LV include LD number  -->
<!ELEMENT number_of_logical_drive (#CDATA)>
<!-- lv_idx element:                                        -->
<!ELEMENT lv_idx (#CDATA)>

<!-- ****************************************************** -->
<!-- config_components element:				    -->
<!-- ****************************************************** -->
<!ELEMENT config_components (disk*)>
<!-- ****************************************************** -->
<!-- Disk element:					    -->
<!-- ****************************************************** -->
<!ELEMENT disk (ch,target,status,manufacturer,model,
                serial_number, product_revision,capacity,
<!-- ch element:                                            -->
<!-- target element:                                        -->
<!ELEMENT target (#CDATA)>
<!-- serial_number element:                                 -->
<!ELEMENT serial_number (#CDATA)>
<!-- product_revision element:                              -->
<!ELEMENT product_revision (#CDATA)>
<!-- capacity element:                                      -->
<!ELEMENT capacity (#CDATA)>
<!-- remaining_size element:                                -->
<!ELEMENT remaining_size (#CDATA)>
<!-- rpm element:                                           -->
<!-- ****************************************************** -->
<!-- enclosure element:					    -->
<!-- added in sccli 1.5 (LVD SCSI only)			    -->
<!-- ****************************************************** -->
<!ELEMENT enclosure (mgmt_device,component)>
<!ATTLIST enclosure status (OK|Fault|Missing|Unknown) #REQUIRED>
<!ATTLIST enclosure fru-pn CDATA #REQUIRED>
<!ATTLIST enclosure fru-sn CDATA #REQUIRED>
<!-- ****************************************************** -->

<!-- mgmt_device element:				    -->
<!-- (a reference to an ses or saf-te element)		    -->
<!-- ****************************************************** -->
<!ELEMENT mgmt_device (EMPTY)>
<!ATTLIST mgmt_device name CDATA #REQUIRED>
<!ATTLIST mgmt_device idx CDATA #REQUIRED>
<!-- ****************************************************** -->
<!-- component element:					    -->
<!-- ****************************************************** -->
<!ELEMENT component (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST component type (diskslot,fan,ps,temp) #REQUIRED>
<!ATTLIST component unit CDATA #REQUIRED>
<!ATTLIST component status (OK|Fault|Missing|Unknown) #REQUIRED>
<!ATTLIST component fru-pn CDATA #REQUIRED>
<!ATTLIST component fru-sn CDATA #REQUIRED>
<!-- ****************************************************** -->
<!-- component sub-elements:				    -->
<!--							    -->
<!-- Unique attributes for certain chassis components. They -->
<!-- are defined as ad-hoc child elements so we can treat   -->
<!-- all chassis  components the same way, rather than	    -->
<!-- displaying each type differently.			    -->
<!-- ****************************************************** -->
<!-- SCSI backplane select id for diskslot component	    -->
<!ELEMENT addr (#CDATA)>
<!-- disk slot's led state (on|off) for diskslot component  -->
<!-- temperature in degrees celsius for temp component	    --> 
<!ELEMENT temp (#CDATA)>

C.3 Sample Show Configuration XML Output

The following pages show a sample of the show configuration command output in XML format for the Sun StorEdge 3510 FC array. The following output is specific to this configuration. Each configuration varies based on how the array is set up. Regardless of the file format, xml or txt or onscreen, the output content is the same.

  <name>StorEdge 3510 A-A Array SN#000001</name> 
  <model>StorEdge 3510</model> 
  <controller_name /> 
  <id_of_nvram_defaults>327R 3510 v2.58</id_of_nvram_defaults> 
  <cache_size>1024MB ECC SDRAM</cache_size> 

  <description>SE3510 I/O w/SES + RAID Cont 1GB</description> 
  <manufacturing_date>Tue Jan 28 06:05:29 2003</manufacturing_date> 
  <fru_location>UPPER FC RAID IOM SLOT</fru_location> 
  <description>SE3510 Hot Swap Battery Module</description> 
  <manufacturing_date>Thu Jan 23 06:07:40 2003</manufacturing_date> 
  <fru_location>UPPER BATTRY BOARD SLOT</fru_location> 
  <description>SE3510 I/O w/SES + RAID Cont 1GB</description> 
  <manufacturing_date>Tue Jan 28 05:23:40 2003</manufacturing_date> 
  <fru_location>LOWER FC RAID IOM SLOT</fru_location> 

  <description>SE3510 Hot Swap Battery Module</description> 
  <manufacturing_date>Thu Jan 23 06:05:11 2003</manufacturing_date> 
  <fru_location>LOWER BATTERY BOARD SLOT</fru_location> 


  <sid /> 

  <pid /> 
  <sid /> 

  <optimization>Sequential I/O</optimization> 
  <role>Redundant Primary</role> 
  <redundant_status>Redundant deassert reset</redundant_status> 
  <raid_level>RAID 5</raid_level> 
  <physical_drive>2.0 2.1 2.2</physical_drive> 


  <raid_level>RAID 5</raid_level> 
  <physical_drive>2.3 2.4 2.5</physical_drive> 
  <raid_level>RAID 5</raid_level> 
  <physical_drive>2.6 2.7 2.8</physical_drive> 

  <raid_level>RAID 5</raid_level> 
  <physical_drive>2.9 2.10 2.11</physical_drive> 
  <vendor_product_id>SUN StorEdge 3510F A</vendor_product_id> 
  <vendor_product_id>SUN StorEdge 3510F A</vendor_product_id> 

  <ch_mode>host channel</ch_mode> 
  <ch_mode>host channel</ch_mode> 

  <ch_mode>host channel</ch_mode> 
  <ch_mode>host channel</ch_mode> 
  <ch_mode>host channel</ch_mode> 
  <ch_mode>host channel</ch_mode> 
  <ch_mode>host channel</ch_mode> 
  <ch_mode>host channel</ch_mode> 

  <name>Upper Battery</name> 
  <type>too old</type> 
  <name>Lower Battery</name> 
  <type>too old</type> 




  <hostwwns /> 