C H A P T E R  4

Using Sun XVR-100 Graphics Accelerator Features

This chapter provides Sun XVR-100 graphics accelerator feature information.

Video Output Methods

There are three methods described in this section for video output from which to choose with the Sun XVR-100 graphics accelerator. This section lists the options:

The following section, Setting Up Video Output Methods, describes how to set up these video output methods.

Setting Up Video Output Methods

When there are two Sun XVR-100 graphics accelerators in a system, they are numbered from 0 and by ones (0, 1, 2, ...)

Setting Up Single Video Output (Default)

This enables the HD15 video output only. This is the default the system uses if no fbconfig commands have been given, or after fbconfig -dev pfb0

To set up single video output, do the following:

1. If enabled, disable doublewide mode.

To disable doublewide mode, type:

host% fbconfig -dev pfb0 -defaults

2. Set the desired screen resolution. For example, type:

host% fbconfig -dev pfb0 -res 1280x1024x76

To find all possible Sun XVR-100 graphics accelerator resolutions, type:

host% fbconfig -dev pfb0 -res \?

Setting Up Two Video Outputs Over One Large Frame Buffer

This enables two monitor support without the use of Xinerama software. This means that the Sun XVR-100 graphics accelerator creates one wide (or tall) frame buffer, displayed across two screens using the DVI port.

To set up two video outputs over one frame buffer, do the following:

1. Enable both video outputs, sharing a single frame buffer. Type:

host% fbconfig -dev pfb0 -doublewide enable

-offset xval yval

This is implemented only in -doublewide and -doublehigh modes. For
-doublewide, xval is used to position the rightmost video output. Negative is left (overlaps with the left video output). For -doublehigh, the yval is used to position the bottom video output. Negative is up (overlaps with top video output). The default is [0, 0].

2. Set the desired screen resolution. Type:

host% fbconfig -dev pfb0 -res 1280x1024x76

Note - Screen resolutions higher than 1280 × 1024 are not supported for the DVI video port. (See TABLE 1-2 for DVI port supported display resolutions.)

Setting Up Two Independent Video Outputs

This allows independent resolution for each video output.

Note - The use of two independent video outputs on a single board with Xinerama is not supported. The X window system and Sun OpenGL for Solaris performance may be noticeably degraded in this mode.

Set up two video outputs over one large frame buffer whenever possible for a dual video output configuration. See Setting Up Two Video Outputs Over One Large Frame Buffer.

To set up two independent video outputs, do the following:

1. To enable both video outputs, both devices /dev/fbs/pfb0a and /dev/fbs/pfb0b must appear in the /etc/dt/config/Xservers file.

As superuser, modify the Xservers file. For example:

For example, as superuser, type:

# cd /etc/dt/config
# vi + Xservers

Enter the Xservers file content in one long line.

:0  Local local_uid@console root /usr/openwin/bin/Xsun -dev /dev/fbs/pfb0a -dev /dev/fbs/pfb0b

2. Select an independent screen resolution for each frame buffer. For example:

host% fbconfig -dev pfb0a -res 1280x1024x76
host% fbconfig -dev pfb0b -res 1152x900x66

Default Color Depth

Use the -depth option to set the default depth (bits per pixel) on the device. Possible values are 8 or 24.

-depth 8 | 24

For example:

host% fbconfig -dev pfb0a -depth 24

Log out of the current window system session and log back in for the change to take effect. Any depth setting in the Xserver command line takes precedence over what is set using fbconfig. The default is 8.

Checking Device Configuration

Use fbconfig to check the X window system (-propt) and Sun XVR-100 graphics accelerator (-prconf) device configuration values.

The fbconfig -propt option displays the values of all options (for the specified device) saved in the OWconfig file (see below for an example). These are the values the X window system will use the next time it starts on that device:

host% fbconfig -dev pfb0 -propt
--- OpenWindows Configuration for /dev/fbs/pfb0 ---
OWconfig: machine
Video Mode: SUNW_DIG_1920x1200x60
Depth: 24
Screen Information:
        Doublewide: Disabled
        Doublehigh: Disabled
        Offset/Overlap: [0, 0]
        Output Configuration: Direct
        Fake8 Rendering: Disabled

fbconfig -prconf option displays the current Sun XVR-100 graphics accelerator device configuration (see below for an example). If certain values differ from those displayed in -propt, it is because those values have been configured since the X window system started.

host% fbconfig -dev pfb0 -prconf
--- Hardware Configuration for /dev/fbs/pfb0 ---
Type: XVR-100
ASIC: version 0x5159            REV: version 0x3000000
PROM: version 1.5
Monitor/Resolution Information:
        Monitor Manufacturer: SUN
        Product code: 1414
        Serial #: 808464432
        Manufacture date: 2002, week 32
        Monitor dimensions: 51x32 cm
        Monitor preferred resolution: 1920x1200x60
        Separate sync supported: yes
        Composite sync supported: yes
        EDID:  Version 1, Revision 3
        Monitor possible resolutions: 1920x1200x60, 1920x1080x60, 
        1280x1024x60, 1600x1200x60, SUNW_DIG_1920x1200x60, 
        SUNW_DIG_1920x1080x60, VESA_STD_1280x1024x60, 
        SUNW_STD_1280x1024x76, VESA_STD_1600x1200x60, 
          SUNW_STD_1152x900x66, VESA_STD_720x400x70, VESA_STD_640x480x60, 
        VESA_STD_640x480x67, VESA_STD_640x480x72, VESA_STD_640x480x75, 
        VESA_STD_800x600x56, VESA_STD_800x600x60, VESA_STD_800x600x72, 
        VESA_STD_800x600x75, VESA_STD_832x624x75, VESA_STD_1024x768x60, 
        VESA_STD_1024x768x70, VESA_STD_1024x768x70, 
        VESA_STD_1280x1024x75, APPLE_1152x870x75
        Current resolution setting: 1920x1200x60
Depth Information:
        Possible depths: 8, 24
        Current depth: 24