C H A P T E R  2

Installation and Setup

This chapter describes how to install, set up, start, stop, uninstall, reinstall, and reconfigure the Sun Management Center 3.5 software for the Sun Fire 15K/12K systems.

The Sun Management Center software is divided into:

Sun Fire 15K/12K support requires the Sun Management Center 3.5 base packages and the add-on Sun Fire 15K/12K packages. The Sun Management Center 3.5 Installation and Configuration Guide describes basic information about installing and setting up the Sun Management Center 3.5 base packages and starting and stopping the software. This chapter describes the processes specifically related to the Sun Fire 15K/12K systems.

caution icon

Caution - Use the installation scripts and the setup scripts provided with the Sun Management Center 3.5 software. Do not manually add packages or manually change configuration files.

Your Sun Management Center 3.5 installation and setup scripts or GUI panels may not display exactly the same messages in exactly the same sequence as the examples shown in this chapter. However, these examples show the basic messages you will receive in approximately the sequence you will receive them. Your actual installation and setup scripts depend on the add-on components you choose to install and other choices you make.

Sun Fire 15K/12K System-Specific Packages

The Sun Fire 15K/12K system-specific packages received with the Sun Management Center 3.5 basic functionality, and the minimum size required for installation in kilobytes (KB) are listed in TABLE 2-1. Refer to the Sun Management Center 3.5 Installation and Configuration Guide for information about general Sun Management Center prerequisites, including minimum disk space requirements.

TABLE 2-1 Sun Management Center Packages for the Sun Fire 15K/12K Systems



Size (KB)


Sun Management Center Sun Fire 15K/12K Platform Agent Support

2558 KB


Sun Management Center Sun Fire 15K/12K Domain Agent Support

1838 KB


Sun Management Center Sun Fire 15K/12K System Controller Agent Support

1500 KB


Sun Management Center Sun Fire 15K/12K Server Support

1500 KB


Sun Management Center Sun Fire 15K/12K System Controller Server Support

128 KB


Sun Management Center Sun Fire 15K/12K Common Support (Master Setup and Uninstall Scripts)

15 KB


Sun Management Center Agent Support for Dynamic Reconfiguration on Sun Fire 15K/12K/6800/4810/4800/3800 systems

176 KB


Sun Management Center Console Support for Dynamic Reconfiguration on Sun Fire 15K/12K/6800/4810/4800/3800 systems

160 KB


Sun Management Center Server Support for Dynamic Reconfiguration on Sun Fire 15K/12K/6800/4810/4800/3800 systems

140 KB


Sun Management Center Sun Fire 15K/12K Message Files

88 KB


Sun Manage Center Sun Fire Support - Console Component for Dynamic Reconfiguration

64 KB

Preparing for Installation

Your Sun Fire 15K/12K system must meet certain requirements before you install Sun Management Center 3.5 software. These requirements are explained in this section.

Choosing Server Machine

Before installing the Sun Management Center software, determine which server is to be the Sun Management Center server machine. The server must have a minimum of 256 megabytes of memory available. The server should be a system with high availability. When the Sun Management Center server is down, you will not be able to use Sun Management Center software to manage your system. Refer to the Sun Management Center 3.5 Installation and Configuration Guide for more information about server machine requirements.

Required Software Versions

TABLE 2-2 lists the software versions required for Sun Fire 15K/12K platform support.

TABLE 2-2 Required Software Versions


Required Software


Server machine

Solaris Operating System

Sun Management Center

8, 9


System controllers

Solaris Operating System

System Management Services (SMS)

Sun Management Center

8, 9



Sun Fire 15K/12K domains

Solaris Operating System

Sun Management Center

8, 9


Workstations (for console layer)

Solaris Operating System

Sun Management Center

2.6, 2.7, 8, 9


caution icon

Caution - Sun Management Center software may terminate or print error messages if a new version of the SMS software is installed on the system controller, but the Sun Management Center software is not upgraded to a compatible release. Be sure that you restart the Sun Management Center software on the system controller after you upgrade the SMS software. If need be, upgrade your Sun Management Center software to a compatible release. For example, Sun Management Center 3.5 software is compatible with SMS 1.3 software only.

Network Port Configuration

Sun Management Center software requires network ports to communicate with various components of the system. The default port addresses for these components are listed in TABLE 2-3:

TABLE 2-3 Default Sun Management Center Port Addresses



Default Port Number





Trap handler



Event manager



Topology manager



Configuration server



Platform agent





In some cases, this default port configuration conflicts with software already running on your system. Some Sun Fire 15K/12K domains might have port 161 conflicts because of the presence of legacy SMNP agents. During the Sun Management Center software setup, specify an alternate network port to avoid this conflict. Refer to the Sun Management Center 3.5 Installation and Configuration Guide for further information about solving port conflicts.

To create and access topology objects, the Sun Management Center agent layer software uses port 161 by default. If you configure an agent to use an alternate port, you must specify that port when the topology object is created or discovered. To simplify your Sun Management Center network configuration and management and enable more efficient discovery of Sun Management Center agents, select an alternate port number and use that number for all agent installations that cannot use the default port configuration.

The Sun Fire 15K/12K system controller has two Sun Management Center agents: the agent and the platform agent. The agent provides information about the system controller and the platform agent provides information about the Sun Fire 15K/12K systems. Usually there are no port conflicts with the default port configuration for the platform agent. When a platform topology object is created or discovered, the correct default port is provided and does not need to be specified.

Software Installation and Setup Summary

This section summarizes the procedures for installing and setting up Sun Management Center 3.5 software on Sun Fire 15K/12K systems. FIGURE 2-1 illustrates the Sun Management Center software that needs to be installed on the Sun Fire 15K/12K system controllers and other hosts.

 FIGURE 2-1 Installation and Setup on Sun Fire 15K/12K Systems

Graphic depicting overview of installation and set-up procedures for Sun Fire 15K/12K system controllers and domains, the Sun Management Center server, and workstations.

Server Layers on Server Machine

Following is a summary of the procedures for installing Sun Management Center 3.5 software on the server machine.

Agent Layers on System Controllers and Sun Fire 15K/12K Domains

Following is a summary of the procedures for installing and setting up Sun Management Center 3.5 software on the system controllers and Sun Fire 15K/12K domains:

1. Install and set up the Sun Management Center 3.5 base agent layer and Sun Fire 15K/12K domain agent add-on component for each Sun Fire 15K/12K domain you want to monitor.

2. Install and set up the Sun Management Center 3.5 base agent layer and the Sun Fire 15K/12K platform agent and system controller add-on components on the main and spare system controllers.

Console Layer and Basic Help on Workstations or Network

Following is a summary of the procedures for installing Sun Management Center 3.5 software on workstations or the network:

What You Can Do

With Sun Management Center 3.5 software, you can install, set up, uninstall, and update in several different ways. TABLE 2-4 lists the various methods with a cross-reference to the information in this chapter.

TABLE 2-4 Installation, Setup, Uninstallation, and Update Procedures

To Perform This Task

Described in

Installing base software using the CLI

To Install Base Software on Server Machine

To Install Base Software on Sun Fire 15K/12K Domains

To Install Base Agent on System Controllers

To Install and Set Up Console Software on a Workstation or Network

Installing Sun Fire 15K/12K add-on packages using the CLI

To Install Sun Fire 15K/12K Server Support on Server Machine

To Install Sun Fire 15K/12K Domain Agents

To Install Sun Fire 15K/12K Platform Agent on System Controllers

Setting up Sun Fire 15K/12K add-on packages using the CLI

To Set Up Software on the Server Machine

To Set up Domain Agents

To Set Up Software on System Controllers

Updating multiple hosts using Agent Update

To Create the Agent Update Configuration File on the Target Hosts

To Update From Sun Management Center 3.5 Add-on Software

Uninstalling one module, several modules, or all Sun Fire 15K/12K software using the CLI

To Uninstall All Sun Management Center Software

To Uninstall Individual Add-on Modules

Starting software using the CLI

Starting Sun Management Center Software Using the CLI

Stopping software using the CLI

Stopping and Exiting Sun Management Center Software Using the CLI

Installing software using the Sun Management Center Installation 3.5 Wizard

Refer to the Sun Management Center 3.5 Installation and Configuration Guide

Setting up using the Sun Management Center 3.5 Setup Wizard

To Set Up Sun Fire 15K/12K Add-on Software on the System Controllers

Starting Using Wizard

Starting Sun Management Center Software Using the Sun Management Center 3.5 Start Wizard

Stopping Using Wizard

Stopping Sun Management Center Software Using the Sun Management Center 3.5 Stop Wizard

Uninstalling Using Wizard

Uninstalling Sun Management Center Software Using the Sun Management Center 3.5 Uninstall Wizard

Installing and Setting Up Sun Management Center 3.5 Software Using the CLI

For Sun Fire 15K/12K system support, install and set up the Sun Management Center 3.5 software on the Sun Fire 15K/12K system hosts as shown in TABLE 2-5. The Sun Management Center 3.5 Installation and Configuration Guide provides information about installing and setting up the base software. It also provides instructions for starting and stopping Sun Management Center 3.5 software.

TABLE 2-5 Sun Fire 15K/12K System Hosts and Installed Layers



Installed Software

Sun Management Center server machine


Base Sun Management Center server layer

Base Sun Management Center agent layer (optional)

Sun Fire 15K/12K server add-on component

Sun Fire 15K/12K system controller server add-on component

Sun Fire 15K/12K/6800/4810/4800/3800 server DR support

Sun Fire 15K/12K common support

Sun Fire 15K/12K message files

Sun Fire 15K/12K domains


Base Sun Management Center agent layer

Sun Fire 15K/12K domain agent add-on component

Sun Fire 15K/12K common support

Sun Fire 15K/12K message files

Main SC

Base Agent

Base Sun Management Center agent layer

Sun Fire 15K/12K platform agent add-on component

Sun Fire 15K/12K system controller add-on component

Sun Fire 15K/12K/6800/4810/4800/3800 agent DR support

Sun Fire 15K/12K common support

Sun Fire 15K/12K message files

No other Sun Management Center layers should be installed here.

Spare SC


Base Sun Management Center agent layer

Sun Fire 15K/12K platform agent add-on component

Sun Fire 15K/12K system controller add-on component

Sun Fire 15K/12K/6800/4810/4800/3800 agent DR support

Sun Fire 15K/12K common support

Sun Fire 15K/12K message files

No other Sun Management Center layers should be installed here.

Workstations or common network location


Base Sun Management Center console layer and basic help component

Sun Fire 15K/12K/6800/4810/4800/3800 console DR support

Installing From Installation CDs

TABLE 2-6 lists the three installation CDs supplied with your system. These CDs contain all software and documentation necessary for installing and using Sun Management Center 3.5 software with the Sun Fire 15K/12K systems. The contents of the CDs are:

Note - Two methods of installing the Sun Management Center 3.5 software are to (1) insert each of the three CDs into a separate CD-ROM drive, load the three directories into a common network location, and then perform the installation from the common network location; or (2) download the CDs to a disk location for easier access.

TABLE 2-6 Sun Management Center 3.5 Installation CDs

CD Label Name

Directory Name

Sun Management Center 3.5 (1 of 3)


Sun Management Center 3.5 (2 of 3)


Sun Management Center 3.5 (3 of 3)


Mounting Remote CD-ROM Drive

If any of the hosts do not have a local CD-ROM drive, you need to mount a remote CD-ROM drive before installing the software on that host. The following example shows how to mount a remote CD-ROM drive for the Sun Management Center 3.5 Sun Fire 15K/12K CD. If you cannot insert three CDs into three separate drives or install from a common network location as noted previously, then you will need to perform this procedure for each CD on each host.

procedure icon  To Mount Remote CD-ROM Drive

1. Log in as superuser to a host that has a CD-ROM drive.

2. Insert the Sun Management Center 3.5 Sun Fire 15K/12K CD into the CD-ROM drive.

3. Type the share(1M) command on the same host as the CD-ROM drive to make the CD-ROM usable across the network.

# share -o ro,anon=0 -F nfs /cdrom/Sun_Management_Center_3_5xx

where xx is the number of the CD.

4. Log in as superuser to the host without a CD-ROM drive, where you want to install the software.

5. Make a local directory, if it does not already exist, on which to mount the

# mkdir /cdrom/Sun_Management_Center_3_5xx

where xx is the number of the CD.

6. Mount the /cdrom directory from the host with a CD-ROM drive on the /cdrom directory you created on the host without a CD-ROM drive.

This example assumes that the host with a CD-ROM drive is a system controller.

# mount SCn:/cdrom/Sun Management Center_3.5_Sun-Fire-15000 /cdrom/Sun_Management_Center_3_5xx

where n is the number of the main system controller (0 or 1) and xx is the number of the CD.

Note - The CD-ROM directory in the preceding example (Sun Management Center_3.5_Sun-Fire-15000) applies to both Sun Fire 15K and 12K systems.

7. Change to the Sun Management Center software installation directory.

# cd /cdrom/Sun_Management_Center_3_5xx

where xx is the number of the CD.

Note - If you receive the message Stale NFS file handle, reboot and start over.

procedure icon  To Unmount Remote CD-ROM Drive

1. If you have only one CD-ROM drive available, you need to first unmount and unshare the previous drive and then eject the CD.

2. Unmount the CD-ROM drive from the host with a CD-ROM drive.

# cd /
# umount /cdrom/Sun_Management_Center_3_5xx

where xx is the number of the CD.

3. Unshare the CD-ROM drive from the host with a CD-ROM drive.

# cd /
# unshare /cdrom/Sun_Management_Center_3_5xx

where xx is the number of the CD.

4. Remove the installation CD from the CD-ROM drive.

# cd /
# eject cdrom

Stopping Server and Agents Running on Host Machine

If the Sun Management Center server or any agents are already running on a host where you are going to install Sun Management Center software, stop them first (see Stopping and Exiting Sun Management Center Software Using the CLI).

Installing and Setting Up Server Machine

This section describes how to install and set up Sun Management Center 3.5 software on the Sun Management Center dedicated server machine.

Note - When setting up or installing the Sun Management Center software, type y for yes, n for no, or q to quit.

procedure icon  To Install Base Software on Server Machine

1. Log in as superuser on the server machine.

2. Change the directory to the path/sbin directory, where path is the location of the Sun Management Center 3.5 (1 of 3) CD or the disk copy of the CD.

# cd path/sbin

3. To start the installation, type:

# ./es-inst

The system displays this message.

Please enter the target directory [/opt]:

4. Press Return to accept the default directory of /opt or type another directory where the Sun Management Center 3.5 base software is to be installed.

Note - If you type your own directory, be sure you replace your directory for /opt in any path in subsequent instructions.

The system displays this message.

Select one of the following:
(1) Production Environment (PE)
(2) Developer Environment (DE)
Enter your choice: [1|2]

5. Type 1 for the Production Environment.

The system displays this message.

Production Environment Installation
There are 3 layers for your selection:
Do you want to install components in layer: Server Layer? [y|n|q]
Do you want to install components in layer: Agent Layer? [y|n|q]
Do you want to install components in layer: Console Layer? [y|n|q]

6. Type y to install the Server Layer. Type n to not install the Agent Layer and Console Layer.

After the system finishes installing the base software, the system displays a similar message to this, depending on your system configuration.

Sun Management Center 3.5 Addons Product Selection:
Do you want to install the product: Advanced System Monitoring? [y|n|q]
Do you want to install the product: Premier Management Applications? [y|n|q]
Do you want to install the product: Monitoring and Management of A5x00 and T3 devices [y|n|q]
Do you want to install the product: Sun Fire 15K/12K Monitoring? [y|n|q]
Do you want to install the product: System Reliability Manager Product? [y|n|q]
Do you want to install the product: Sun Management Center Integration for Unicenter TNG? [y|n|q]

7. The only product listed in the preceding box that is essential for monitoring the Sun Fire 15K/12K systems is Sun Fire 15K/12K Monitoring. Determine which other products to install based on licenses you have for additional features or any additional servers in your installation that you want to monitor. If you want to install Sun Fire 15K/12K add-on products now, go to Step 5 in the next procedure To Install Sun Fire 15K/12K Server Support on Server Machine.

If you choose not to install Sun Fire 15K/12K add-on products now, the system displays this message, after finishing the remainder of the installation.

Do you want to run setup now? [y|n|q]

8. Because the system can take up to 20 minutes running server setup and you will have to set up the server again after you install the Sun Fire 15K/12K packages, it is more efficient to type n to not run setup now.

procedure icon  To Install Sun Fire 15K/12K Server Support on Server Machine

If you are installing only Sun Fire 15K/12K server support now and have not already installed base server software, perform Steps 1 through 4. If the base software has been installed already, continue with Step 5.

1. Log in as superuser on the server machine.

2. Change the directory to the /opt/SUNWsymon/sbin directory.

This example assumes that you are installing in the default area/opt. If not, replace /opt with your own path.

# cd /opt/SUNWsymon/sbin

3. To start the installation, type:

# ./es-inst

The system displays this message.

Please enter the source directory:

4. Type the source directory where the Sun Fire 15K/12K server add-on packages (SUNWesscs and SUNWscscs) reside.

For example, if you are installing from the Sun Management Center CD-ROM, type:

Please enter the source directory: /cdrom/Sun_Management_Center_3_5xx/image

where xx is the number of the CD. The system displays this message.

Sun Management Center 3.5 Addons Product Selection:
Do you want to install the product: Sun Fire 15K/12K Monitoring? [y|n|q]

5. Type y to install the Sun Fire 15K/12K server add-on packages (SUNWesscs and SUNWscscs) now.

6. The Sun Fire 15K/12K server support packages are installed, and the system displays these messages.

Installation of <SUNWesscs> was successful.
Installation of <SUNWscscs> was successful.
Do you want to run setup now? [y|n|q]

7. See the following procedure for setting up the Sun Management Center 3.5 software on the server machine.

procedure icon  To Set Up Software on the Server Machine

After you have successfully installed the Sun Management Center 3.5 base software and Sun Fire 15K/12K add-on components on the server machine, the system displays this message.

Do you want to run setup now? [y|n|q]

caution icon

Caution - Be aware that you need to run setup before using the system initially, and anytime you need to make changes to the configuration file.

1. Do one of the following:

  • Type n for no to not run the setup now. The setup script ends.
  • Type y for yes to run the setup now.

The system displays this message.

Sun Management Center Setup Program
You have the following Sun Management Center components installed
Sun Management Center Server
Sun Management Center Agent
This part of setup generates security keys used for communications between processes....
Do you want to generate these keys using the Sun Management Center default seed? [y|n|q]

2. Type y for yes to use the default seed.

The system displays this message.

The Sun Management Center base URL is relative to the Sun Management Center Console.
The Sun Management Center Console is able to request help documentation via the network.
If you have installed Sun Management Center help documentation in an http-accessible location within your network, you may specify this location.
If Sun Management Center help is installed on the console host, simply accept the default value.
Please enter base URL to Sun Management Center help [local]:

3. Press Return if Sun Management Center help is installed on the console host. If Sun Management Center help is in an http-accessible location within your network, specify the URL.

Either way, the system might display the following message if you install the agent layer on the server machine, and another process is using the default port of 161.

It appears that agent.snmpPort 161 is already in use.
Sun Management Center agent may not be able to run due to this conflict.
There are two ways to correct this conflict:
1. Reconfigure the port that Sun Management Center uses.
2. Stop the process that is using the port.
You are currently running snmpdx, which may be causing the conflict.
Do you want to use a different port number for agent? [y|n|q]

4. Do one of the following:

  • If you do not want a different port number, type n for no.

This system displays this message.

NOTE: Prior to starting Sun Management Center agent, stop the process using port 161.

Go to the message about starting the Sun Management Center Sun Fire 15K/12K Server setup in Step 5.

  • If you do want a different port number, type y for yes.

The system displays the message.

Please enter any port [ 1100 to 65535 ] :

5. Type the new port number.

The system displays this message.

Starting Sun Management Center Sun Fire 15K/12K Server Setup
Would you like to setup this Sun Management Center package? [y|n|q]

6. Type y to set up the Sun Fire 15K/12K server support now. Type n to not set up the Sun Fire 15K/12K server support now.

Either way, the system displays this message.

Starting Sun Management Center Sun Fire 15K/12K System Controller Server Setup
Would you like to setup this Sun Management Center package? [y|n|q]

7. Type y to set up the Sun Fire 15K/12K system controller server support now. Type n to not set up the Sun Fire 15K/12K system controller server support now.

Either way, the system displays this message.

Do you want to setup Sun Fire (6800/4810/4800/3800) platform administration module [y|n|q]

Note - You do not need the Sun Fire (6800/4810/4800/3800) platform administration module to monitor your Sun Fire 15K/12K system. You need to set up this module only if you want to monitor a Sun Fire (6800/4810/4800/3800) platform from this server.

8. Type y to set up the Sun Fire (6800/4810/4800/3800) platform administration module now. Type n to not set up this module now.

Either way, the system displays this message, where nnnnnnnnnnnn.nnnn is the identifying number of the setup log.

Please wait, Sun Management Center database setup in progress. It may take 15 to 20 minutes.
Setup log stored in /var/opt/SUNWsymon/install/setup.nnnnnnnnnnnn.nnnn
Do you want to start Sun Management Center agent and server components now? [y|n|q]

9. Type y to start the Sun Management Center base agent, server, and Sun Fire 15K/12K server support now. Type n to not start this software now.

Installing and Setting Up Sun Fire 15K/12K Domains

This section describes how to install and set up the Sun Management Center 3.5 base software and Sun Fire 15K/12K domain agents. Install and set up this software for each Sun Fire 15K/12K domain to be monitored using the Sun Management Center GUI. The procedure is the same for installing and setting up each domain. If you are reinstalling Sun Management Center software on a domain, be sure you uninstall the Sun Management Center 3.5 software on a domain, before you reinstall (see Starting Sun Management Center Software Using the Sun Management Center 3.5 Start Wizard).

Note - When setting up or installing the Sun Management Center software, type y for yes, n for no, or q to quit.

procedure icon  To Install Base Software on Sun Fire 15K/12K Domains

1. Log in as superuser on the Sun Fire 15K/12K domain.

2. Change the directory to the PUn_path/sbin directory, where n is the number of the Platform Update, and PUn_path is the location of the Sun Management Center 3.5 Platform Update n(1 of 3) CD or the disk copy of the CD.

# cd PUn_path/sbin

3. To start the installation, type:

# ./es-inst

The system displays this message.

Please enter the target directory [/opt]:

4. Press Return to accept the default directory of /opt or type another directory where the Sun Management Center 3.5 base software is to be installed.

Note - If you type your own directory, be sure you replace your directory for /opt in any path in subsequent instructions.

The system displays this message.

Select one of the following:
(1) Production Environment (PE)
(2) Developer Environment (DE)
Enter your choice: [1|2]

5. Type 1 for the Production Environment.

The system displays this message.

Production Environment Installation
There are 3 layers for your selection:
Do you want to install components in layer: Server Layer? [y|n|q]
Do you want to install components in layer: Agent Layer? [y|n|q]
Do you want to install components in layer: Console Layer? [y|n|q]

6. Type y to install the Agent Layer. Type n to not install the Server Layer and Console Layer.

After the system finishes installing the base software, the system displays a similar message to this, depending on your system configuration.

Sun Management Center 3.5 Addons Product Selection:
Do you want to install the product: Advanced System Monitoring? [y|n|q]
Do you want to install the product: Premier Management Applications? [y|n|q]
Do you want to install the product: Monitoring and Management of A5x00 and T3 devices [y|n|q]
Do you want to install the product: Sun Fire 15K/12K Monitoring? [y|n|q]
Do you want to install the product: System Reliability Manager Product? [y|n|q]
Do you want to install the product: Sun Management Center Integration for Unicenter TNG? [y|n|q]

7. The only product listed in the preceding box that is essential for monitoring the Sun Fire 15K/12K systems is Sun Fire 15K/12K Monitoring. Determine which other products to install based on licenses you have for additional features or any additional servers in your installation that you want to monitor. If you want to install Sun Fire 15K/12K domain agents now, go to Step 5 in the next procedure To Install Sun Fire 15K/12K Domain Agents.

If you choose not to install Sun Fire 15K/12K add-on products now, the system displays this message, after finishing the remainder of the installation.

Do you want to run setup now? [y|n|q]

8. It is more efficient to type n to not run setup now if you need to install the Sun Fire 15K/12K packages. Otherwise, type y to run setup now.

procedure icon  To Install Sun Fire 15K/12K Domain Agents

Install the Sun Fire 15K/12K domain agent software for each domain to be monitored using the Sun Management Center software. If you are only installing Sun Fire 15K/12K domain agents and have not installed base software already, perform Steps 1 through 4. If you have installed base software already, continue with Step 5.

1. Log in as superuser on the Sun Fire 15K/12K domain.

2. Change the directory to the /opt/SUNWsymon/sbin directory.

This example assumes that you are installing in the default area /opt. If not, replace /opt with your own path.

# cd /opt/SUNWsymon/sbin

3. To start the installation, type:

# ./es-inst

The system displays this message.

Please enter the source directory:

4. Type the source directory where the Sun Fire 15K/12K domain agent package (SUNWesscd) resides.

For example, if you are installing from the Sun Management Center CD-ROM, type:

Please enter the source directory: /cdrom/Sun_Management_Center_3_5xx/image

where xx is the number of the CD. The system displays this message.

Sun Management Center 3.5 Addons Product Selection:
Do you want to install the product: Sun Fire 15K/12K Monitoring? [y|n|q]

5. Type y for yes to install the Sun Fire 15K/12K domain agent package (SUNWesscd) now.

The system installs the Sun Fire 15K/12K domain agent and displays this message.

Installation of <SUNWesscd> was successful.

procedure icon  To Set up Domain Agents

After you have successfully installed the Sun Fire 15K/12K domain agent, the system displays this message.

Do you want to run setup now? [y|n|q]

caution icon

Caution - Be aware that you need to run setup before using the system initially, and anytime you need to make changes in the configuration file.

1. Do one of the following:

  • Type n for no to not set up the Sun Fire 15K/12K domain agent now.

The setup script ends.

  • Type y for yes to set up the Sun Fire 15K/12K domain agent now.

The system displays this message.

You have the following Sun Management Center components installed
Sun Management Center Agent
This part of setup generates security keys used for communications between processes....
Do you want to generate these keys using the Sun Management Center default seed? [y|n|q]

2. Type y for yes to use the default seed.

The system displays this message.

Please enter the Sun Management Center Server Hostname:

3. Type your server host name.

The system might display this message if another process is using the default port of 161.

It appears that agent.snmpPort 161 is already in use.
Sun Management Center agent may not be able to run due to this conflict.
There are two ways to correct this conflict:
1. Reconfigure the port that Sun Management Center uses.
2. Stop the process that is using the port.
You are currently running snmpdx, which may be causing the conflict.
Do you want to use a different port number for agent? [y|n|q]

Do one of the following:

  • If you do not want to use a different port number, type n for no.

This system displays this message.

NOTE: Prior to starting Sun Management Center agent, stop the process using port 161.

Go to the message about starting the Sun Management Center Sun Fire 15K/12K domain setup in Step 6.

  • If you do want a different port number, type y for yes.

The system displays the message.

Please enter any port [ 1100 to 65535 ] :

caution icon

Caution - Be sure you specify the same port number for all Sun Fire 15K/12K domains. Otherwise, the Sun Fire 15K/12K composite will not work. See also Steps 4 and 5 in the procedure To Set Up Software on System Controllers.

5. Type the new port number.

The system displays this message.

Do you want to setup Sun Fire (6800/4810/4800/3800) platform administration module [y|n|q]

Note - You do not need the Sun Fire (6800/4810/4800/3800) platform administration module to monitor your Sun Fire 15K/12K system. You need to set up this module only if you want to monitor a Sun Fire (6800/4810/4800/3800) platform from this domain.

6. Type y to set up the Sun Fire (6800/4810/4800/3800) platform administration module now. Type n to not set up this module now.

Either way, the system displays this message.

Starting Sun Management Center Sun Fire 15K/12K Domain Setup
Would you like to setup this Sun Management Center package? [y|n|q]

7. Type y to set up the Sun Fire 15K/12K domain now. Type n to not set up the Sun Fire 15K/12K domain now.

Either way, the system displays this message.

Do you want to start Sun Management Center agent now [y|n|q]

8. Type y for yes to start the Sun Management Center base agent and Sun Fire 15K/12K domain agent now. Type n to not start this software now.

Installing and Setting Up System Controllers

This section describes how to install and set up the Sun Management Center 3.5 software on a system controller. You need to install and set up this software on both system controllers; the procedure is the same for both. If you are reinstalling software on a system controller, be sure to uninstall the Sun Management Center software on the system controller, before you reinstall (see Starting Sun Management Center Software Using the Sun Management Center 3.5 Start Wizard).

Note - When setting up or installing the Sun Management Center software, type y for yes, n for no, or q to quit.

procedure icon  To Install Base Agent on System Controllers

1. Log in as superuser on the system controller.

2. Change the directory to the PUn_path/sbin directory, where n is the number of the Platform Update, and PUn_path is the location of the Sun Management Center 3.5 Platform Update n(1 of 3) CD or the disk copy of the CD.

# cd PUn_path/sbin

3. To start the installation, type:

# ./es-inst

The system displays this message.

Please enter the target directory [/opt]:

4. Press Return to accept the default directory of /opt or type another directory where the Sun Management Center 3.5 base software is to be installed.

Note - If you type your own directory, be sure to replace your directory for /opt in any path in subsequent instructions.

The system displays this message.

Select one of the following:
(1) Production Environment (PE)
(2) Developer Environment (DE)
Enter your choice: [1|2]

5. Type 1 for the Production Environment.

The system displays this message.

Production Environment Installation
There are 3 layers for your selection:
Do you want to install components in layer: Server Layer? [y|n|q]
Do you want to install components in layer: Agent Layer? [y|n|q]
Do you want to install components in layer: Console Layer? [y|n|q]

6. Type y to install the Agent Layer. Type n to not install the Server Layer and Console Layer.

The system displays a similar message to this, depending on your system configuration.

Sun Management Center 3.5 Addons Product Selection:
Do you want to install the product: Advanced System Monitoring? [y|n|q]
Do you want to install the product: Premier Management Applications? [y|n|q]
Do you want to install the product: Monitoring and Management of A5x00 and T3 devices [y|n|q]
Do you want to install the product: Sun Fire 15K/12K Monitoring? [y|n|q]
Do you want to install the product: System Reliability Manager Product? [y|n|q]
Do you want to install the product: Sun Management Center Integration for Unicenter TNG? [y|n|q]

7. The only product listed in the preceding box that is essential for monitoring the Sun Fire 15K/12K systems is Sun Fire 15K/12K Monitoring. Determine which other products to install based on licenses you have for additional features or any additional servers in your installation that you want to monitor. If you want to install Sun Fire 15K/12K add-on products now, go to Step 5 in the next procedure To Install Sun Fire 15K/12K Platform Agent on System Controllers.

If you choose not to install Sun Fire 15K/12K add-on products now, the system displays this message after finishing the remainder of the installation.

Do you want to run setup now? [y|n|q]

8. It is more efficient to type n to not run setup now if you still need to install the Sun Fire 15K/12K Platform Agent. Otherwise, type y to run setup now.

procedure icon  To Install Sun Fire 15K/12K Platform Agent on System Controllers

If you are installing only the Sun Fire 15K/12K platform agent now and have not installed the base software already, perform Steps 1 through 4. If you have installed the base software already, continue with Step 5.

1. Log in as superuser on the system controller.

2. Change the directory to the /opt/SUNWsymon/sbin directory.

This example assumes that you are installing in the default area /opt. If not, replace /opt with your own path.

# cd /opt/SUNWsymon/sbin

3. To start the installation, type:

# ./es-inst

The system displays this message.

Please enter the source directory:

4. Type the source directory where the Sun Fire 15K/12K platform agent add-ons (SUNWesscp and SUNWscsca) reside.

For example, if you are installing from the Sun Management Center CD-ROM, type:

Please enter the source directory: /cdrom/Sun_Management_Center_3_5xx/image

where xx is the number of the CD. The system displays this message.

Sun Management Center 3.5 Addons Product Selection:
Do you want to install the product: Sun Fire 15K/12K Monitoring? [y|n|q]

5. Type y for yes to install the Sun Fire 15K/12K platform agent add-ons (SUNWesscp and SUNWscsca) now.

The Sun Fire 15K/12K platform agent add-ons are installed, and the system displays this message.

Installation of <SUNWesscp> was successful.
Installation of <SUNWscsca> was successful.

procedure icon  To Set Up Software on System Controllers

After successfully installing the Sun Fire 15K/12K platform agent support, the system displays this message.

Do you want to run setup now? [y|n|q]

caution icon

Caution - Be aware that you need to run setup before using the system initially, and anytime you need to make changes in the configuration file.

1. Do one of the following:

  • Type n for no to not run the setup now.

The setup script ends.

  • Type y for yes to run the setup now.

The system sets up the base agent layer on the system controller and displays this message.

Sun Management Center Setup Program
You have the following Sun Management Center components installed
Sun Management Center Agent
This part of setup generates security keys used for communications between processes....
Do you want to generate these keys using the Sun Management Center default seed? [y|n|q]

2. Type y for yes to use the default seed.

The system displays this message.

Please enter the Sun Management Center Server Hostname:

3. Type your server host name.

The system might display this message if another process is using the default port of 161.

It appears that agent.snmpPort 161 is already in use.
Sun Management Center agent may not be able to run due to this conflict.
There are two ways to correct this conflict:
1. Reconfigure the port that Sun Management Center uses.
2. Stop the process that is using the port.
You are currently running snmpdx. which may be causing the conflict.
Do you want to use a different port number for agent? [y|n|q]

4. Do one of the following:

  • If you do not want a different port number, type n for no.

This system displays this message.

NOTE: Prior to starting Sun Management Center agent, stop the process using port 161.

Go to the message about starting the Sun Management Center Sun Fire 15K/12K Platform setup in Step 6.

  • If you do want a different port number, type y for yes.

The system displays this message.

Please enter any port [ 1100 to 65535 ] :

5. Type the new port number.

The system displays this message.

Do you want to setup Sun Fire (6800/4810/4800/3800) platform administration module [y|n|q]

Note - You do not need the Sun Fire (6800/4810/4800/3800) platform administration module to monitor your Sun Fire 15K/12K system. Set up this module only to monitor a Sun Fire (6800/4810/4800/3800) platform from this system controller.

6. Type y to set up the Sun Fire (6800/4810/4800/3800) platform administration module now. Type n to not set up this module now.

Either way, the system displays this message.

Starting Sun Management Center Sun Fire 15K/12K Platform Setup
Would you like to setup this Sun Management Center package? [y|n|q]

7. Type y for yes to set up Sun Fire 15K/12K platform agent now.

The system displays this message.

Is this Sun Fire 15K/12K platform configured with a spare SC? [y|n|q]

8. Type y for yes if your Sun Fire 15K/12K system is configured with a spare system controller, or type n for no if there is no spare system controller.

If you choose yes, the system displays this message.

Please enter the alternate SC hostname (not main_hostname) for this platform.
Alternate SC hostname: alternate_hostname

9. If you have a spare system controller, type in the host name for the spare (or alternate) system controller.

The system displays this message.

The Platform agent will create a composite object that includes Sun Management Center agents loaded on Sun Fire 15K/12K domains.
The default port to be checked for Sun Fire 15K/12K Domains is: 161.
Do you want to change the port that will be checked? [y|n|q]

caution icon

Caution - Specify the same port number that you specified when setting up the domain agents on all Sun 15K/12K domains. Otherwise, the Sun Fire 15K/12K composite will not work. See also Steps 4 and 5 of the procedure To Set up Domain Agents. Type n to not change the default port or y to change the default port. If you type y, you are prompted to specify a new default port number; type in the port number.

Either way, the system completes the platform agent setup and displays this message, where port_number is the default port number you specified.

Sun Fire 15K/12K domain agent ports: port_number
Starting Sun Management Center Sun Fire 15K/12K System Controller Agent Setup
Would you like to setup this Sun Management Center package? [y|n|q]

10. Type y to set up the system controller agent now.

The system displays this message.

Proper setup requires loading the drivers i2c, i2cadc, i2cgpio.
This will enable us to collect voltage and temperature data for the CP1500.
Please refer to the SPARCengine ASM Reference Manual for more information.
Would you like to continue? [y|n|q]

Note - The es-startup script loads the drivers automatically on the CP1500 if you type y for yes to continue.

11. Type y to load the three drivers automatically and continue the system controller agent setup.

The system completes the system controller agent setup and displays this message.

Do you want to start Sun Management Center agent now? [y|n|q]

12. Type y to start the Sun Management Center base agent, Sun Fire 15K/12K platform agent, and Sun Fire 15K/12K system controller agent now. Type n to not start this software now.

Installing and Setting Up Workstations or Network

This section describes how to install and set up the Sun Management Center 3.5 base console software. There is no Sun Fire 15K/12K system-specific console software. You need to install and set up the base console software on a common network location or for each workstation where you want to monitor the Sun Fire 15K/12K system by using the Sun Management Center GUI. The procedure is the same for installing and setting up the common network location or each workstation. If you are reinstalling Sun Management Center software on a common network location or a workstation, be sure you uninstall the Sun Management Center 3.5 software on the common network location or a workstation, before you reinstall (see Starting Sun Management Center Software Using the Sun Management Center 3.5 Start Wizard).

Note - When setting up or installing the Sun Management Center software, type y for yes, n for no, or q to quit.

procedure icon  To Install and Set Up Console Software on a Workstation or Network

1. Log in as superuser on the workstation or network where the Sun Management Center 3.5 console software is to be installed.

2. Change the directory to the PUn_path/sbin directory, where n is the number of the Platform Update, and PUn_path is the location of the Sun Management Center 3.5 Platform Update n(1 of 3) CD or the disk copy of the CD.

# cd PUn_path/sbin

3. To start the installation, type:

# ./es-inst

The system displays this message.

Please enter the target directory [/opt]:

4. Press Return to accept the default directory of /opt or type another directory where you want Sun Management Center 3.5 console software to be installed.

Note - If you type your own directory, be sure you replace your directory for /opt in any path in subsequent instructions.

The system displays this message.

Select one of the following:
(1) Production Environment (PE)
(2) Developer Environment (DE)
Enter your choice: [1|2]

5. Type 1 for the Production Environment.

The system displays this message.

Production Environment Installation
There are 3 layers for your selection:
Do you want to install components in layer: Server Layer? [y|n|q]
Do you want to install components in layer: Agent Layer? [y|n|q]
Do you want to install components in layer: Console Layer? [y|n|q]

6. Type y to install the Console Layer. Type n to not install the Server Layer and Agent Layer.

After the system finishes the installation, the system displays a similar message to this, depending on your system configuration.

Sun Management Center 3.5 Addons Product Selection:
Do you want to install the product: Advanced System Monitoring? [y|n|q]
Do you want to install the product: Premier Management Applications? [y|n|q]
Do you want to install the product: Monitoring and Management of A5x00 and T3 devices? [y|n|q]
Do you want to install the product: Sun Fire 15K/12K Monitoring? [y|n|q]
Do you want to install the product: System Reliability Manager Product? [y|n|q]
Do you want to install the product: Sun Management Center Integration for Unicenter TNG? [y|n|q]

7. None of the products listed in the preceding box is essential for monitoring the Sun Fire 15K/12K systems. Determine which products to install based on licenses you have for additional features or any additional servers in your installation that you want to monitor.

After the system finishes the remainder of the installation, the system displays this message.

Do you want to run setup now? [y|n|q]

8. Because there are no Sun Fire 15K/12K system-specific console packages to install, it is more efficient to type y to run setup now.

If you type y, the system performs the console setup

Updating Multiple Hosts Using Agent Update

This section describes how to update multiple hosts at once using Agent Update. The Agent Update process itself must be run on the Sun Management Center server machine. You also need to ensure that Sun Management Center 3.5 agents are running on all the target hosts.

Before You Start the Agent Update Process

To use Agent Update to fully install and set up the Sun Fire 15K/12K platform agent modules, you must create an Agent Update configuration file for the module on the target hosts, before you run the Agent Update Process on the Sun Management Center server machine.

Note - Be sure you click Store Response Data during the Sun Management Center 3.5 base software setup process if you want to use the setup-responses-file to duplicate the setup on the current machine on other machines. That way all of your responses will be stored in /var/opt/SUNWsymon/install/setup-responses-file. For more information, refer to "Setting Up Base Products and Add-ons on the Solaris Platform" in the Sun Management Center 3.5 Installation and Configuration Guide.

procedure icon  To Create the Agent Update Configuration File on the Target Hosts

1. Ensure the Sun Fire 15K/12K platform agent modules are installed on the target hosts.

2. Ensure that the Sun Fire 15K/12K platform agent modules are set up on the target hosts using either the es-setup script or the es-guisetup Wizard.

After this has been done, subsequent platform agent setup operations using Agent Update will work automatically, using the host-specific information provided initially.

Using the Agent Update Process

Using the Agent Update process, create an Image File of the add-on components to be distributed to the target machines, and then add a New Job to Manage Jobs Task list to be run when you specify.

Supported Update Configurations

Using Agent Update you can update the following configurations:

procedure icon  To Update From Sun Management Center 3.5 Add-on Software

This procedure applies only to updating from Sun Management Center 3.5 add-on software.

1. Create an Image File of the desired Sun Fire 15K/12K add-on components to be distributed to the desired agent machines using one of the base Sun Management Center scripts es-gui-imagetool or es-imagetool.

Refer to Chapter 8, "Post-Installation Tasks," in the Sun Management Center 3.5 Installation and Configuration Guide for detailed instructions about using either the Wizard or the CLI Image Tool.

2. From your main Sun Management Center console window, select the Manage Jobs... option from the Tools menu.

The system displays the Manage Jobs panel (FIGURE 2-2), which allows you to distribute the Image File.

 FIGURE 2-2 Manage Jobs Panel

Screen capture of the Manage Jobs panel.

3. In the Manage Jobs panel, select the New Task... button.

The system displays the New Task panel (FIGURE 2-3), which allows you to specify the Agent Update Image File to distribute.

 FIGURE 2-3 New Task Panel

Screen capture of the New Task panel.

4. In the New Task panel (FIGURE 2-3), do the following:

a. Select Agent Update for the Task Type.

b. Select the Image File you created in Step 1.

c. Enter the Task Name.

d. Click the Add Task button.

e. Click the Close button.

5. In the Manage Jobs panel (FIGURE 2-2), do the following:

a. Enter a Job Name.

b. Select the Task you created in Step 4.

c. Do one of the following to schedule when you want the Task to run.

    • If you want the Task to run immediately, click the radio button to the left of Run Immediately.
    • If you want to set a schedule for when the Task is to run, click the radio button to the left of Schedule Job, and set the schedule.

Note - Before you select objects (agent machines) where you want the Image File, you can create a group object containing all your agent machines. That way you do not have to select one agent machine at a time. Refer to Chapter 3, "To Create a Group," in the Sun Management Center 3.5 User's Guide for more information about creating object groups.

d. Do one of the following to select the objects (agent machines) to which you want to distribute the Image File.

    • Click the radio button to the left of All Objects in Domain to select all objects, and specify any filter you want to use to further select objects.
    • Click the radio button to the left of Selected Objects in Main Window to select one object at a time.

e. Preview the objects (agent machines) you have selected and redo your selections if necessary.

f. Click the Add Job button.

The job starts and distributes the Image File to the objects (agent machines) you selected. When the job is running, it appears in the Job list of the Manage Jobs panel. The panel shows the status of the job when running and when complete.

Note - When updating multiple hosts, any failure of a host results in a Failed status even though the majority of the hosts might have been updated successfully. Click on View Log to the right of the Jobs list on the Manage Jobs panel to see an individual list of the updates that succeeded and the updates that failed. If the Agent Update process did succeed, the Sun Management Center agents should restart automatically. You can open a host Details window on the Sun Management center console to each of the targeted hosts, and verify that the expected modules are present and working.

procedure icon  To Update From No Add-on Software or Sun Management Center 3.0 Platform Update 4 Add-on Software

This procedure applies to either:

  • Updating from no add-on software to Sun Management Center 3.5 add-on software
  • Updating from Sun Management Center 3.0 Platform Update 4 add-on software to Sun Management Center 3.5 add-on software

1. Log in as root on the Sun Management Center server machine.

2. Create an agent-update image using either of the image tools.

  • To create an agent-update image using es-gui-imagetool, follow the instructions in "To Create an Agent-Update Image Using es-gui-imagetool" in the Sun Management Center 3.5 Installation and Configuration Guide.
  • To create an agent-update image using es-imagetool, follow the instructions in "To Create an Agent-Update Image Using es-imagetool" in the Sun Management Center 3.5 Installation and Configuration Guide.

3. Download the file /opt/SUNWsymon/base/bin/agent-update.bin to each target machine's root directory.

If you installed Sun Management Center in a different directory than /opt, download /installdir/SUNWsymon/base/bin/agent-update.bin, where installdir is the install directory you specified.

4. Log in as root on the target machine.

5. Go to the directory where you downloaded agent-update.bin.

6. Type ./agent-update.bin -s server -r http-port -p image-name, where

  • server is the server that you logged into in Step 1.
  • http-port is the Sun Management Center Web server port.
  • image-name is the name of the agent-only image you created in Step 2.

7. Provide the security seed and the SNMPv1 community string.

The agent-update process prompts you for the security seed and the SNMPv1 community string.

  • The security seed must be the same seed that you provided when you sent up the Sun Management Center server and agent.
  • The SNMPv1 community string must be the same community string you provided when you set up the Sun Management Center server and agent.

The update process applies the update to the machine without prompting for further information.

When the update process completes, check the update status by viewing the log file /var/opt/SUNWsymon/log/agent-update.log on the server host.

Note - You need to re-run ./es-setup -F to set up the platform agent.

Uninstalling Software Using the CLI

You can uninstall:

procedure icon  To Uninstall All Sun Management Center Software

1. As superuser, type:

# ./es-uninst

The system displays this message.

This script will help you to uninstall the Sun Management Center software.
Following Sun Management Center Products are installed:
PRODUCT                                              DEPENDENT PRODUCTS
Production Environment                               All Addons
Sun Fire Domain Administration                       None
Dynamic Reconfiguration for Sun Fire 15K-3800 pl     None
Sun Fire Platform Administration                     None
Do you want to uninstall Production Environment? [y|n|q]

2. Type y to uninstall Production Environment, which uninstalls all Sun Management Center software.

The system displays this message.

This will uninstall ALL Sun Management Center Products. !!!
Do you want to change selection? [y|n|q]

3. Do one of the following

  • Type y to change your selection.

The system displays your selection; go to the beginning of Step 2.

  • Type n to not change your selection.

The system displays this message.

Do you want to preserve database? [y|n|q]

Note - If you answer y for yes, the system preserves any data in the database, including open and closed alarms, loaded modules and their configurations, discoveries, managed objects, and rule thresholds.

4. Type y to keep any existing topology and event data; or type n to discard the data.

The system displays this message.

Proceed with uninstall? [y|n|q]

5. Type y to proceed with the uninstall; or type n to not proceed with the uninstall.

If you type y to proceed, the system displays the list of packages to be uninstalled, the packages as they are uninstalled, the status of the uninstallation, and the location of the log file.

procedure icon  To Uninstall Individual Add-on Modules

1. As superuser, type:

# ./es-uninst

The system displays this message.

This script will help you to uninstall the Sun Management Center software.
Following Sun Management Center Products are installed:
PRODUCT                                              DEPENDENT PRODUCTS
Production Environment                               All Addons
Sun Fire Domain Administration                       None
Dynamic Reconfiguration for Sun Fire 15K-3800 pl     None
Sun Fire Platform Administration                     None
Do you want to uninstall Production Environment? [y|n|q]

2. Type n to not uninstall the Production Environment; in other words, type n to uninstall individual modules.

The system displays this message.

Do you want to uninstall Sun Fire Domain Administration? [y|n|q]
Do you want to uninstall Dynamic Reconfiguration for Sun Fire 15K-3800 platforms? [y|n|q]
Do you want to uninstall Sun Fire Platform Administration? [y|n|q]

3. Type y beside each module you do want to uninstall and n beside each module you do not want to uninstall.

The system displays the modules that will be uninstalled and this message.

Do you want to change selection? [y|n|q]

4. Do one of the following:

  • Type y to change the selections.

The system displays your selections; go to the beginning of Step 3.

  • Type n to not change your selections.

The system displays this message.

Proceed with uninstall? [y|n|q]

5. Type y to proceed with the uninstall; or type n to not proceed with the uninstall.

If you type y to proceed, the system displays the list of packages to be uninstalled, the packages as they are uninstalled, the status of the uninstallation, and the location of the log file.

Starting Sun Management Center Software Using the CLI

The es-start command requires different command arguments, depending on which component you are starting. Refer to the Sun Management Center 3.5 Installation and Configuration Guide for a list of the options for es-start. The -h option for es-start also lists all the options. The following procedure describes some common es-start options.

procedure icon  To Start Sun Management Center Software

1. Log in as superuser on the machine where the components are to be started (see TABLE 2-5 for the location of the components).

2. Change the directory to the /opt/SUNWsymon/sbin directory.

This example assumes that your software in the default area /opt. If not, replace /opt with your own path.

# cd /opt/SUNWsymon/sbin

On the system controller, start the Sun Management Center agents.

# ./es-start -al

This command starts the base and platform agents. The platform agent provides all the Sun Fire 15K/12K system information to Sun Management Center software.

3. To start the Sun Management Center agent on a Sun Fire 15K/12K domain with only the Sun Management Center agent layer installed, type:

# ./es-start -a

4. To start all the Sun Management Center components on the Sun Management Center server host with all layers installed, type:

# ./es-start -A

Note - Upon rebooting, all Sun Management Center agents start automatically.

5. To start the console, type:

# ./es-start -c

Note - To start the console, you can also be logged in as your own user ID; you do not have to be logged in as superuser. However, to access the Platform or Domain Config Reader, you must be in the appropriate security access groups. See Security Considerations for Defining Groups.

Stopping and Exiting Sun Management Center Software Using the CLI

This section describes stopping and exiting Sun Management Center software.

  • Stop the server and agent components by typing the es-stop command with the correct command argument.
  • Exit the console through the main console window.

procedure icon  To Stop Server and Agents

The es-stop command requires different command arguments depending on which component you are stopping. Refer to the Sun Management Center 3.5 Installation and Configuration Guide for a list of the es-stop options. The -h option for es-stop also lists all the options. The following procedure describes some common es-stop options.

1. Log in as superuser on the machine where the components are to be stopped (see TABLE 2-5 for the location of the components).

2. Change the directory to the /opt/SUNWsymon/sbin directory.

This example assumes that your software is in the default area /opt. If not, replace /opt with your own path.

# cd /opt/SUNWsymon/sbin

3. To stop the server and agent components on the server machine, type:

# ./es-stop -Sa

4. To stop the domain agent components on the host machine for a domain, type:

# ./es-stop -a

5. On the system controller, to stop the host agent, which monitors the SC and platform agent, type:

# ./es-stop -al

procedure icon  To Exit Console

1. From the menu bar on the main console window, select File and Exit.

2. Click the Exit button on the Exit Sun Management Center panel.

Installing the Sun Fire 15K/12K Add-on Software Using the Sun Management Center 3.5 Installation Wizard

Chapter 6, "Installation and Setup", of the Sun Management Center 3.5 Installation and Configuration Guide, describes in detail how to install all the software. An overview of the process follows.

1. As superuser, run the Sun Management Center 3.5 Installation Wizard, es-guiinst, as described in Chapter 6, "Installation and Setup," of the Sun Management Center 3.5 Installation and Configuration Guide.

2. After the base software is installed, the Select Add-on Product screen provides a selectable list of add-on products that you can install. Select those add-ons that apply to Sun Fire 15K/12K systems, and click Next.

3. The Sun Management Center Setup Wizard starts automatically after all the software is installed.

Setting Up the Sun Fire 15K/12K Add-on Software Using the Sun Management Center 3.5 Setup Wizard

This section describes how to set up the Sun Fire 15K/12K add-on software using the Sun Management Center 3.5 Setup Wizard.

Note - When the Back button at the bottom of a panel is enabled (not grayed out), you can click on it to take you back to the previous operation. When the back button is grayed out (not enabled), you cannot go back to the previous operation.

Note - Be sure you click Store Response Data during the Sun Management Center 3.5 base software setup process if you want to use the setup-responses-file to duplicate the setup on the current machine on other machines. That way all of your responses will be stored in /var/opt/SUNWsymon/install/setup-responses-file. For more information, refer to "Setting Up Base Products and Add-ons on the Solaris Platform" in the Sun Management Center 3.5 Installation and Configuration Guide.

procedure icon  To Set Up Sun Fire 15K/12K Add-on Software on the System Controllers

1. On a system controller, type es-guisetup to start the Sun Management Center 3.5 Setup Wizard.

Once the Sun Management Center base software setup is complete, the Select Add-on Products panel appears with a list of add-on products by platform installed on your system. In this example, Sun Fire 15/12K Monitoring is the product and platform.

The following add-on products are newly installed on this system and will be set up.
 - Sun Fire 15K/12K Monitoring

2. Click Next to start the Platform Setup.

The Sun Fire 15K/12K Platform Setup panel displays the following.

Checking configuration files...
Set the platform server: <SChostname>
Checking for default platform agent port...
Checking of configuration files complete.

3. Click Next to continue.

If the default platform port was not set previously, the Sun Fire 15K/12K Platform Setup panel displays the following.

The default port for the Sun Management Center platform agent is 166
Would you like to use the default Sun Management Center platform agent port?
O Yes
O No

  • Click the radio button to the left of Yes to set the displayed port as the default.
  • Click the radio button to the left of No to not set the displayed port as the default.

4. Click Next to continue.

The Sun Fire 15K/12K Platform Setup panel displays the following.

 FIGURE 2-4 Set Platform Agent Port Number

Screen capture of the panel for setting the platform agent port number.
  • If the default port number is displayed, accept it as is or change it.
  • If the default port number is not displayed, enter a port number.

5. Click Next to continue.

The Sun Fire 15K/12K Platform Setup panel confirms the port number that you chose.

Confirmation of the platform agent port.
Platform agent port: 166

6. Click Next to continue.

If you have added or changed the port number, the Sun Fire 15K/12K Platform Setup panel displays this message.

The Sun Management Center security keys must be regenerated because the platform agent port number has been changed.
Would you like to regenerate the security keys now?
O Yes
O No

  • Click the radio button to the left of Yes to regenerate the security keys now.

If you click yes, the Sun Fire 15K/12K Platform Setup panel displays this message.

This part of setup generates security keys used for communications between processes. A seed must be provided to initialize the keys. Make sure you use the same seed for all the machines you install. You may like to keep record of this seed for future use.
Enter the seed to generate keys:
Re-enter the seed to confirm:

Note - Ensure you store the seed password securely. It will be needed if you perform any modifications to your Sun Management Center installation.

i. Enter a unique password for the seed if this is a first-time installation. If not, enter the seed used in previous versions of Sun Management Center.

ii. Reenter the seed to confirm.

  • Click the radio button to the left of No to not regenerate the security keys now.

If you click no, the Sun Fire 15K/12K Platform Setup panel displays this message.

The Sun Management Center security keys have not been regenerated.
Remember to regenerate them prior to starting Sun Management Center.

7. Click Next to continue.

The Sun Fire 15K/12K Platform Setup panel displays the following.

 FIGURE 2-5 Spare System Controller Query

Screen capture of the panel that queries for a spare system controller.
  • If the Sun Fire 15K/12K system is configured with a spare SC:

i. Click the radio button to the left of Yes.

ii. Enter the spare SC hostname.

  • If the Sun Fire 15K/12K system is not configured with a spare SC, click the radio button to the left of No.

8. Click Next to continue.

The Sun Fire 15K/12K Platform Setup panel displays this message.

The Platform Agent will create a composite object that includes Sun Management Center agents loaded on Sun Fire 15K/12K domains.

9. Click Next to continue.

The Sun Fire 15K/12K Platform Setup panel displays the default Sun Fire 15K/12K domains port.

The default port to check for Sun Fire 15K/12K domains is 161.
Would you like to change the port to be checked?
O Yes 
O No
Domain port number:                    (leave empty for none)

  • If you want to change the Sun Fire 15K/12K domains port to be checked:

i. Click the radio button to the left of Yes

ii. Enter the port number or leave blank for no ports to be checked.

  • If you do not want to change the port to be checked, click the radio button to the left of No.

10. Click Next to continue.

The Sun Fire 15K/12K Platform Setup panel displays this message.

Updating configuration files...
Updated Discovery Table information via es-dt
Creating Smart Update configuration file.
Update of configuration files complete.

11. Click Next to continue.

The Sun Fire 15K/12K Platform Setup panel displays this message.

Sun Fire 15K/12K platform setup is complete.

12. Click Next to continue.

The Sun Fire 15K/12K System Controller Agent Setup panel displays the following.

 FIGURE 2-6 System Controller Agent Setup

Screen capture of the Sun Fire 15K/12K System Controller Agent Setup panel.
  • Click the radio button to the left of Yes to load the drivers i2c, i2cadc, and i2cgpio and continue setup of the System Controller agent.
  • Click the radio button to the left of No to not continue setup of the System Controller agent.

13. Click Next to continue.

The Sun Fire 15K/12K System Controller Agent Setup panel displays this message.

Updating configuration files...
Created deviceinfo.conf file
Loading drivers: i2c i2cadc i2cgpio
Update of configuration files complete.

14. Click Next to continue.

The Sun Fire 15K/12K System Controller Agent Setup panel displays this message.

Sun Fire 15K/12K SC agent setup is complete.

procedure icon  To Set Up Sun Fire 15K/12K Add-on Software on the Domains

1. On a Sun Fire 15K/2K domain, type es-guisetup to start the Sun Management Center 3.5 Setup Wizard.

Once the Sun Management Center base software setup is complete, the Select Add-on Products panel appears with a list of add-on products by platform installed on your system. In this example, Sun Fire 15/12K Monitoring is the product and platform.

The following add-on products are newly installed on this system and will be set up.
 - Sun Fire 15K/12K Monitoring

2. Click Next to start the Domain Setup.

The Sun Fire 15K/12K Domain Setup panel displays the following:

 FIGURE 2-7 Domain Tape Disable Query

Screen capture of the Sun Fire 15K/12K Domain Setup query.
  • Click the radio button to the left of Yes to disable polling for your tape drives.

if your tape drive controllers do not allow concurrent access, you will want to disable this feature.

  • Click the radio button to the left of No to not disable tape drive polling.

3. Click Next to continue.

The Sun Fire 15K/12K Domain Setup panel displays the status of updating configuration files.

Updating configuration files...
Update of configuration files complete.

4. Click Next to continue.

The Sun Fire 15K/12K Domain Setup panel displays this message.

Sun Fire 15K/12K domain setup is complete.

procedure icon  To Set Up Sun Fire 15K/12K Add-on Software on the Server Machine

1. On the Sun Management Center server machine, type es-guisetup to start the Sun Management Center 3.5 Setup Wizard.

Once the Sun Management Center base software setup is complete, the Select Add-on Products panel appears with a list of add-on products by platform installed on your system. In this example, Sun Fire 15/12K Monitoring is the product and platform.

The following add-on products are newly installed on this system and will be set up.
 - Sun Fire 15K/12K Monitoring

2. Click Next to continue.

The Sun Fire 15K/12K Server Setup panel displays this message.

Updating configuration files...

When the update is complete, the Sun Fire 15K/12K Server Setup panel displays this message.

Sun Fire 15K/12K server setup is complete.

3. Click Next to continue.

The Sun Fire 15K/12K System Controller Server Setup panel displays this message.

Updating configuration files...

When the update is complete, the Sun Fire 15K/12K System Controller Server Setup panel displays this message.

Sun Fire 15K/12K SC server setup is complete.

Starting Sun Management Center Software Using the Sun Management Center 3.5 Start Wizard

You can use the Sun Management Center 3.5 Start Wizard, es-guistart, to start Sun Management Center software. Refer to Chapter 7, "Starting and Stopping Sun Management Center Software," in the Sun Management Center 3.5 Installation and Configuration Guide for detailed options and instructions.

Stopping Sun Management Center Software Using the Sun Management Center 3.5 Stop Wizard

You can use the Sun Management Center 3.5 Stop Wizard, es-guistop, to stop Sun Management Center software. Refer to Chapter 7, "Starting and Stopping Sun Management Center Software," in the Sun Management Center 3.5 Installation and Configuration Guide for detailed options and instructions.

Uninstalling Sun Management Center Software Using the Sun Management Center 3.5 Uninstall Wizard

You can use the Sun Management Center 3.5 Stop Wizard, es-guistop, to uninstall Sun Management Center software. Refer to Chapter 5, "Uninstalling Previous Versions of Sun Management Center Software," in the Sun Management Center 3.5 Installation and Configuration Guide for detailed options and instructions. See To Uninstall Individual Add-on Modules in this guide if you want to uninstall only one or two modules.

Reconfiguring Sun Fire 15K/12K Setup Parameters

You can reconfigure the Sun Fire 15K/12K setup parameters at any time by running the setup script (es-setup) again. You must reconfigure the appropriate Sun Fire 15K/12K setup parameters if certain changes occur, including:

  • If the Sun Fire 15K/12K system name is changed, reconfigure the Sun Fire 15K/12K domain and platform components.
  • If the Sun Management Center agent port configuration changes for the Sun Fire 15K/12K domain agents, reconfigure the Sun Fire 15K/12K platform component.
  • If a spare system controller is added or removed from the platform configuration, reconfigure the Sun Fire 15K/12K platform component.
  • If the Sun Management Center server host or trap agent port configuration changes, reconfigure the Sun Fire 15K/12K platform and domain components.
  • If a host IP address changes, reconfigure the components on that host.

For information about where these components are located, see TABLE 2-5.

Note - You do not need to rerun setup after System Management Services (SMS) software is reinstalled; however, you do need to restart the Sun Management Center software.

procedure icon  To Rerun Setup Script

1. Log in as superuser on the machine where the components are that you want to reconfigure (see TABLE 2-5 for the location of the components).

2. Change the directory to the /opt/SUNWsymon/sbin directory.

This example assumes that you are using the default area /opt. If not, replace /opt with your own path.

# cd /opt/SUNWsymon/sbin

3. Stop the components to be reconfigured.

The command you use to stop the component depends on which component you are reconfiguring.

  • To stop the Sun Fire 15K/12K server and agent components if they are currently running on the server machine, type:
  • # ./es-stop -Sa

  • To stop a Sun Fire 15K/12K domain agent currently running in a domain, type:
  • # ./es-stop -a

  • To stop the host agent, which monitors the SC and platform agent if they are currently running on the SC, type:
  • # ./es-stop -al

4. Run the setup script to set up the component layers.

# ./es-setup

5. Follow the instructions in the setup procedures for the corresponding components with these two additional prompts.

  • In the Sun Management Center server setup, the system displays this message.
  • Do you want to preserve your existing data? [y|n|q]

Note - If you answer y for yes, the system preserves any data in the database, including open and closed alarms, loaded modules and their configurations, discoveries, managed objects, and rule thresholds.

a. Type y to keep any existing topology and event data; or type n to discard the data.

  • In the Sun Fire 15K/12K domain agent setup, the system displays this message.
  • server-hostname appears to be configured as your Sun Management Center server. Is this correct? [y|n|q]

a. Type y for yes if this is your Sun Management Center server, or type n for no if not. If you type n, you are prompted to type your correct server host name.

6. Restart the components that you stopped.

Sun Management Center Web Interface

The Sun Management Center Web Interface is an optional, licensed Sun Management Center feature that provides most of the functionality available in the Sun Management Center Java-based Console. For a detailed description of the Sun Management Center Web Interface, refer to the Sun Management Center 3.5 User's Guide.

Note - Be aware that the Web Interface provides no physical or logical views of the Sun Fire 15K/12K system. See Chapter 5 in this document for more information about physical and logical views.

Installation and Setup Log Files

This sections provides examples of messages the system displays at the end of the installation and setup scripts. You can look at these files to see if there were any problems during installation and setup, and you can use these files for diagnosing errors.

This example shows a message when an installation script completes, where nnnnnnnnnnnn.nnnnn is the identifying number of the installation log.

Log file: /var/opt/SUNWsymon/install/install.nnnnnnnnnnnn.nnnnn

This example shows a message when a setup script completes, where nnnnnnnnnnnn.nnnn is the identifying number of the setup log.

Log file: /var/opt/SUNWsymon/install/setup.nnnnnnnnnnnn.nnnn