A P P E N D I X  F

Configuring the Sun Ray Server Software on the Management Server

The Sun Raytrademark server software is preinstalled on the management server in Clustered Database Platform 280/3 system. To use this feature, you must:

This appendix provides the settings and cable connections required to set up and configure the Sun Ray server software with an optional Sun Ray appliance.

FIGURE F-1 shows the management server interface eri1 for the interconnect.


FIGURE F-1 Clustered Platform 280/3 Interconnections Using a Sun Ray Server

Line art showing the interconnections between the Cluster Platform 280/3 system and a Sun Ray server.

procedure icon  To Access the Management Server from a Sun Ray Appliance

1. Access the configuration file from the management server.

# cd /opt/SUNWut/sbin
# ./utconfig

2. Press Y to run the configuration script to install the Sun Ray server software:

Configuration of Sun Ray server Software
This script automates the configuration of the Sun Ray server software and related software products. 
Before proceeding, you should have read the Sun Ray server 1.3 Installation Guide and filled out the Configuration Worksheet. 
This script will prompt you for the values you filled out on the Worksheet. 
For your convenience, default values(where applicable) are shown in brackets.
Continue ([y]/n)? y

3. Enter the administrator password to access the Sun Ray server:

Enter UT admin password: abc
Re-enter UT admin password: abc

4. Press Y to configure the Sun Ray server:

Configure Sun Ray Admin Server 1.0 ([y]/n)? y

5. Type the port number to access the Sun Ray server.

Enter Sun Ray Admin Server port number [1660]: 1660

6. Type the username to access the CGI server:

Enter CGI username [utwww]: utwww

7. To enable remote administration for the Sun Ray server, press Y. Otherwise,
press N:

Enable remote server administration? (y/[n])? y

8. Press N to disable SSL (Secure Socket Layer) connectivity.

Selecting remote administration without SSL poses a potential 
security risk and is not advised.
Enable Secure Socket Layer (SSL) connection ? ([y]/n)? n

9. Press Y to configure controlled access mode:

Configure Controlled Access Mode? (y/[n])? y

10. Enter the user prefix:

Enter user prefix [utcu]: utcu

11. Type the starting range for the user ID:

Enter userID range start [150000]: 150000

12. Enter a value for the number of users accessing system administration:

Enter number of users [25]: 25

Note - Refer to the Sun Ray Server 1.3 Installation Guide, included with your Sun Ray.

13. Press Y to configure the Sun Ray server for a failover group. Otherwise, press N:

Configure this server for a failover group? (y/[n])? n 

Wait for the Sun Ray server configuration to complete.

14. Press Y to continue with the configuration:

Creating Sun Ray server Configuration ...
About to configure the following software products:
Sun Directory Services 3.1
    Hostname: sc3sconf1-ms
    UT root entry: o=utdata
    UT root name: utdata
    UT utdata admin password: (not shown)
    SunDS 'rootdn': cn=admin,o=utdata
Sun Ray Admin Server 1.0
    Sun Ray Admin Server instance name: utadmin
    Sun Ray Admin Server port number: 1660
    Remote server administration: Enabled
    Secure Socket Layer: Disabled
    CGI username: utwww
Sun Ray server 1.3
    Failover group: no
    Controlled Access Mode: yes
Controlled Access Mode Configuration
    User prefix: utcu
    First userID number: 150000
    Number of users: 25
Continue ([y]/n)? y

15. Type the following at the Sun Ray server:

# ./utadm -a eri1

16. Verify the configuration files, services, and network addresses.

  • To accept the configuration files, press Y.
  • To change any of the values, press N, and enter information at the prompts.

Note - To select a different IP address, press N, and enter the IP address for your enterprise.

### Configuring /etc/nsswitch.conf
### Configuring DHCP Service for Sun Ray
### stopped DHCP daemon
### started DHCP daemon
### Disabling Routing
### configuring eri1 interface at subnet 128
 Selected values for interface "eri1" 
    host address:
    net mask: 
    net address:
    host name:          MS12345-eri1
    net name:           SunRay-eri1
    first unit address:
    last unit address:
    firmware server:
    alternate servers: 
 Accept as is? ([Y]/N): y

17. Wait for the setup of the configuration files.

### successfully setup "/etc/hostname.eri1" file
### successfully setup "/etc/inet/hosts" file
### successfully setup "/etc/inet/netmasks" file
### successfully setup "/etc/inet/networks" file
### finished install of "eri1" interface
### Building network tables - this will take a few minutes
### Configuring firmware version for Sun Ray
        All the units served by "MS12345" on the
        network interface, running firmware other than version
        "1.3_12.c,REV=2001." will be upgraded at their next power-on.
### Configuring Sun Ray Logging Functions
syslog service starting.
### stopped DHCP daemon
### started DHCP daemon

The setup files are created.

### successfully setup "/etc/hostname.eri1" file
### successfully setup "/etc/inet/hosts" file
### successfully setup "/etc/inet/netmasks" file
### successfully setup "/etc/inet/networks" file
### finished install of "eri1" interface
### Building network tables - this will take a few minutes

18. Create user accounts on the management server.

Note - If you need to log into the management server as root, you must edit the /etc/default/login file and comment out CONSOLE=/dev/console.