A P P E N D I X  G

Setting Up the NTP Server on the Management Server

After the installation of the system, you should set up the management server as the NTP server and the nodes as the NTP clients. This appendix contains a procedure for setting up the management server as the NTP server.

procedure icon  To Set Up the Management Server as the NTP Server

1. As superuser, change the directory to the /etc/inet directory.

2. Replace the ntp.conf file with the ntp.server file.

# cp ntp.server ntp.conf

3. Open the ntp.conf file on a text editor.

4. Find the line with the XType value, as in the following example.

server 127.127.XType.0 prefer

5. Change the XType value to match your requirements.

The following is an example for an undisciplined local clock only.

server prefer

6. Save the changes.

7. Change the directory to the /etc/inet.d directory.

8. Stop, then start the xntpd daemon.

./xntpd stop
./xntpd start