C H A P T E R  3

Cluster Platform 15K/9960 System Software Configuration

This chapter contains instructions on configuring the Cluster Platform 15K/9960 system software.

Before You Begin

Before you configure the system, you should have already installed the hardware components and cabled the system. If you have not already done so, see Chapter 2 for instructions.

You should also have already completed the site preparation tables in the Cluster Platform 15K/9960 System Site Planning Guide. If you do have not that guide, you must obtain it to complete the tables.

Besides the site-specific information you need, you also need to know the superuser password for the management server, which is abc by default.

Configuring the Software

This section contains instructions on how to configure and customize the Cluster Platform 15K/9960 system software.

caution icon

Caution - You must enter the correct parameters for the initial configuration, or the configuration will not initialize properly.

procedure icon  To Configure the Terminal Concentrator

Note - To produce a console terminal using a laptop computer, see "Invalid Cross-Reference Format".

1. Disconnect the 9524A serial cable from port 1 on the terminal concentrator.

2. Connect the RJ-45 end of the 2151A serial cable to port 1 of the terminal concentrator and the DB-25 end to serial port B on a Sun workstation.

3. Use the tip(1M) command to establish the connection:

% /usr/bin/tip hardwire

Note - The tip(1M) command connects the Sun workstation I/O with the terminal concentrator I/O during an interactive session.

4. Power on the main circuit breakers on the StorEdge expansion cabinet.

5. Power on all of the individual components (management server, boot disks, terminal concentrator, and administration hub).

6. Power cycle the terminal concentrator (power off and then on).

Within five seconds after powering on the concentrator, press and release the TEST button.

The terminal concentrator undergoes a series of diagnostics tests. Following the diagnostics tests, the tip window on the administration workstation should display the following message:

System Reset - Entering Monitor Mode 

7. Use the addr command to modify the network configuration of the terminal concentrator.

monitor:: addr
 Enter Internet address []:: concentrator_IP_address
 Internet address: concentrator_IP_address
 Enter Subnet mask []:: concentrator_subnet_mask
 Subnet mask: concentrator_subnet_mask 
 Enter Preferred load host Internet address [<any host>]::
 Preferred load host address: <any host>
 Enter Broadcast address []:: concentrator_broadcast_address
 Broadcast address: concentrator_broadcast_address
 Enter Preferred dump address []::
 Preferred dump address:
 Select type of IP packet encapsulation (ieee802/ethernet) [<ethernet>]:: ethernet
 Type of IP packet encapsulation: <ethernet> :: ethernet 
 Load Broadcast Y/N [Y]:: N
 Load Broadcast: N

8. Use the addr -d command to verify the network configuration.

9. Use the sequence command to specify the interface sequence:

monitor:: sequence
Enter a list of 1 to 4 interfaces to attempt to use for downloading code or upline dumping. Enter them in the order they should be tried, separated by commas or spaces. Possible interfaces are:
 Ethernet: net
 SELF: self
Enter interface sequence [net]:: self
 Interface sequence: self

10. Terminate the tip(1M) session by typing ~. (tilde and period).

11. Power-cycle the terminal concentrator to enable the IP address changes and wait at least two minutes for the terminal concentrator to activate its network.

12. Verify that the Ethernet hub is connected to the local area network.

An RJ-45 cable must connect the Ethernet hub to the administration network.

a. Disconnect the RJ-45 serial cable from port 1 of the terminal concentrator and from the Sun workstation.

b. Reconnect the 9524A serial cable into port 1 of the terminal concentrator.

Note - At this time, the cluster configuration should be cabled as originally shipped from the factory.

13. From the Sun workstation, use the ping(1M) command to verify that the terminal concentrator responds to the new IP address.

In the following example, is used as the concentrator IP address.

# /usr/sbin/ping
PING 56 data bytes
64 bytes from scotch ( icmp_seq=0. time=1. ms
64 bytes from scotch ( icmp_seq=1. time=0. ms
64 bytes from scotch ( icmp_seq=2. time=0. ms
64 bytes from scotch ( icmp_seq=3. time=0. ms

The Sun workstation must be connected to the same subnet to which the terminal concentrator was configured.

14. Telnet to the terminal concentrator and edit the Annex file.

In the following example, is used as the concentrator IP address. The password for the Annex file defaults to the assigned IP address.

# telnet
Connected to 
Escape character is'^]'. 
Enter Annex port name or number: cli
Annex Command Line Interpreter   *   Copyright 1991 Xylogics, Inc. 
annex: su
annex# edit config.annex 

The terminal concentrator opens an editing session for the config.annex file.

15. Type the following information into the config.annex file.

% gateway
net default gateway gateway_IP_address metric 1 hardwired 
Ctrl-W: save and exit Ctrl-X: exit Ctrl-F: page down Ctrl-B: page up 

16. Press Ctrl+W to save changes and exit the config.annex file.

17. Enable access to all of the ports, and reboot the terminal concentrator.

annex# admin
Annex administration MICRO-XL-UX R7.0.1, 8 ports
admin: port all
admin: set port mode slave
       You may need to reset the appropriate port, Annex subsystem 
     or reboot the Annex for changes to take effect.
admin: quit
annex#: boot
bootfile: Press Return
warning: Press Return
       *** Annex ( shutdown message from port v1 ***
       Annex ( going down IMMEDIATELY

After the terminal concentrator is rebooted, all of the ports will be accessible from outside the subnet. You can use the ping(1M) command with the IP address to determine when the terminal concentrator is ready to be used.

Note - Make sure that all of the network interfaces for node 1 and node 2 are attached to the production network. See "Invalid Cross-Reference Format" in Chapter 2 for connection details.

You are done configuring the terminal concentrator. You must now configure the management server.

procedure icon  To Configure the Management Server

The following steps will assist you in the configuration of the management server; at the conclusion of the steps, the management server will reboot, and you will be asked a series of questions to configure the cluster.

caution icon

Caution - The following steps provide critical information for configuring the management server. You must ensure that you enter the proper information.

1. From the Sun workstation, access the terminal concentrator.

In the following example, is used as the concentrator IP address.

# telnet
Connected to 
Escape character is'^]' Return
Rotaries Defined:
Enter Annex port name or number: 1

The following list contains the port designations:

  • Port 1 is for the management server.
  • Port 2 is for SC0 on server 1.
  • Port 3 is for SC1 on server 1.
  • Port 4 is for SC0 on server 2.
  • Port 5 is for SC1 on server 2.

2. Boot the management server from the OpenBoot PROMtrademark (OBP) prompt.

The sample parameters in the following examples may not fit your specific environment. You should note the introduction on each code box, and select the best choice for your environment.

ok boot disk
Resetting ... 
LOM event: +17h48m45s host reset
Netra T1 200 (UltraSPARC-IIe 500MHz), No Keyboard
OpenBoot 4.0, 512 MB memory installed, Serial #16641800.
Ethernet address 8:0:20:fd:ef:8, Host ID: 80fdef08.
Executing last command: boot disk                                     
Boot device: /pci@1f,0/pci@1/scsi@8/disk@0,0 File and args: 
SunOS Release 5.8 Version Generic_108528-10 64-bit
Copyright 1983-2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Hostname: unknown
metainit: unknown: there are no existing databases
Configuring /dev and /devices
Configuring the /dev directory (compatibility devices)
The system is coming up. Please wait.

Throughout the installation process, you can receive the following warning:
Signal 1 has been received...
WARNING: There is no exit allowed out of this configuration script because the management server might be left in an unconfigured state. In case you have made an entry error, please continue entering values. You'll be allowed to make changes at the end of the this session.

Do not try to exit the configuration script.

3. Select a language.

4. Choose a specific locale.

5. Select the appropriate terminal emulation:

What type of terminal are you using?
 1) ANSI Standard CRT
 2) DEC VT52
 3) DEC VT100
 4) Heathkit 19
 5) Lear Siegler ADM31
 6) PC Console
 7) Sun Command Tool
 8) Sun Workstation
 9) Televideo 910
 10) Televideo 925
 11) Wyse Model 50
 12) X Terminal Emulator (xterms)
 13) Other
Type the number of your choice and press Return: 3

6. Select Yes to the prompt on network connectivity.

7. Select No to the prompt on DHCP services.

8. Select the primary network interface.

The management server configuration uses eri0 as the default primary network interface:

On this screen you must specify which of the following network
adapters is the system's primary network interface. Usually the correct choice is the lowest number. However, do not guess; ask your system administrator if you're not sure.
To make a selection, use the arrow keys to highlight the option and
press Return to mark it [X].
      Primary network interface
      [X] eri0
      [ ] eri1
Esc-2_Continue    Esc-5_Cancel    Esc-6_Help

9. Enter the name of the management server.

- Host Name -----------------------------------------------------
On this screen you must enter your host name, which identifies this system on the network. The name must be unique within your domain; creating a duplicate host name will cause problems on the network after you install Solaris.
A host name must be at least two characters; it can contain letters, digits, and minus signs (-).
    Host name: management_server_node_name
Esc-2_Continue    Esc-5_Cancel    Esc-6_Help

10. Enter the IP address of the management server.

- IP Address ----------------------------------------------------
On this screen you must enter the Internet Protocol (IP) address for this system. It must be unique and follow your site's address conventions, or a system/network failure could result.
IP addresses contain four sets of numbers separated by periods (for example
    IP address: management_server_IP_address
Esc-2_Continue    Esc-5_Cancel    Esc-6_Help

11. Select Yes to the subnet prompt.

12. Enter the netmask of the management server.

- Netmask ----------------------------------------------------
On this screen you must specify the netmask of your subnet. A default netmask is shown; do not accept the default unless you are sure it is correct for your subnet. A netmask must contain four sets of numbers separated by periods (for example
    Netmask: management_server_netmask 
Esc-2_Continue    Esc-5_Cancel    Esc-6_Help

13. Select No to the prompt on IPv6 support.

Currently, only version 4 of the IP software is supported. Ensure that IPv6 support is disabled.

14. Confirm the customization information for the management server.

15. Select No at the Kerberos security prompt.

Only standard UNIX security is currently supported. Ensure that Kerberos security is not configured.

16. Select and confirm a name service.

If you choose to use a name service, you must modify the /etc/nsswitch.conf file on the management server so that files appears before any other name service.

Note - The two cluster nodes will be automatically configured to not support any naming services. This default configuration avoids the need to rely on external services.

17. Select the appropriate region.

18. Select the appropriate time zone.

19. Set the appropriate date and time.

20. Confirm the date, time, and time zone information.

21. Enter a superuser (root) password.

After the system reboots, you will see the following message:

The management server IP address and name must be correct. If they are not correct, you will have to recover the factory image on the management server. To avoid an incorrect name and/or IP address, the configuration script invokes the sys-unconfig(1M) command immediately and returns the system to the OpenBoot prompt. You must then reboot the management server to correctly configure the management server name and/or IP address.
Type Y to unconfigure and halt the system.

22. Type N if the management server name and IP address are correct.

If you type N, the cluster environment customization starts.

If you type Y, the configuration script invokes the sys-config(1M) command and returns the management server to the OpenBoot prompt. You must then start the configuration process again at Step 2 on page 35.

procedure icon  To Customize the Cluster Environment

The Cluster Platform 15K/9960 system customization script displays default values within square brackets. You can press Return to accept the default value.

caution icon

Caution - Exiting the customization process will leave the management server in an unconfigured state; therefore, the customization script will not allow you to exit during the customization process.

Note - The customization script extracts the default values from the
/jumpstart/Files/JumpStart.conf file on the management server.

You can edit the existing /jumpstart/Files/JumpStart.conf or copy a pre-defined JumpStart.conf file to the management server. Editing the JumpStart.conf file can reduce the configuration time. The following procedure assumes that you are not editing this file or using a pre-defined file.

Note - During the installation of the Sun Management Center software, you may see Lights-Out Management (LOM) errors. You can safely ignore these errors; however, if they persist after subsequent reboots, you should investigate them.

1. Press N when prompted to edit the JumpStart.conf file.

2. Specify the settings for the external administration network:

Enter the default router IP address for the external admin network:
         []... IP_address
Enter the name for the terminal concentrator:
         [f15kcluster-tc]... terminal_concentrator_name
Enter the IP address for the terminal concentrator:
         []... IP_address

3. Specify the settings for the public network:

Enter the cluster environment name:
         [f15kcluster]... cluster_environment_name
Enter the name for the first cluster node:
         [f15kcluster-n0]... node1_name
Enter the IP address for the first cluster node:
         []... node1_IP_address
Enter the Ethernet address for the first cluster node:
         [8:0:20:d8:a0:f9]... node1_Ethernet_address
Enter the network netmask for the cluster nodes:
         []... netmask
Enter the default router IP address for the cluster nodes:
         []... IP_address
Enter the name for the second cluster node:
         [f15kcluster-n1]... node2_name
Enter the IP address for the second cluster node:
         []... node2_IP_address
Enter the Ethernet address for the second cluster node:
         [00:03:ba:08:e7:ae]... node2_Ethernet_address

4. Specify the settings for the cluster interconnect:

>>> Network Address for the Cluster Interconnect Transport <<<
    The private cluster transport uses a default network address of If this network address is already in use, you must use
    another address from the range of recommended private addresses
    (see RFC 1918 for details). Note that the Sun Cluster 3.0 software
    requires that the last two octets are always zero.
    The default netmask is; you can select another netmask,
    as long as it masks all bits in the network address.
Enter the network address for the cluster interconnect:
         []... network_address
Enter the network netmask for the cluster interconnect:
         []... netmask

5. Press Y to confirm the settings for the external administration network, the public network, and the cluster interconnect.

If any of the settings are incorrect, press N and the number of the setting.

6. Enter the settings for the internal administration network:

>>> Network Address for the Internal Admin Network <<<
    The internal admin network uses the default address of
    If this network address is already in use elsewhere within your enterprise,
    you must use another address from the range of recommended private
    addresses (see RFC 1918 for details).
    If you do select another network address, note that the last octet
    must be zero to reflect a network.
    The default netmask is; you can select another netmask,
    as long as it masks all of the bits in the network address.
Enter the internal admin network address:
         []... IP_address
Enter the internal admin network mask:
         []... netmask
Enter the admin network IP address for the management server:
         []... IP_address
     NOTE: the assigned admin network hostname will be steve-admin
Enter the admin network IP address for the first cluster node:
         []... IP_address
     NOTE: the assigned admin network hostname will be f15kcluster-n0-admin
Enter the admin network IP address for the second cluster node:
         []... IP_address
     NOTE: the assigned admin network hostname will be f15kcluster-n1-admin
Enter the name for SC0 on the first F15K:
         [f15k01-sc0]... sc0_name
Enter the admin network IP address for SC0 on the first F15K:
         []... IP_address
Enter the name for SC1 on the first F15K:
         [f15k01-sc1]... sc1_name
Enter the admin network IP address for SC1 on the first F15K:
         []... IP_address
Enter the name for SC0 on the second F15K:
         [f15k02-sc0]... sc0_name
Enter the admin network IP address for SC0 on the second F15K:
         []... IP_address
Enter the name for SC1 on the second F15K:
         [f15k02-sc1]... sc1_name
Enter the admin network IP address for SC1 on the second F15K:
         []... IP_address

7. Press Y to confirm the settings for the internal administration network.

If any of the settings are incorrect, press N and the number of the setting, then correct the setting.

8. Specify the volume manager for the cluster nodes.

In the following example, VERITAS VxVM 3.1.1 is installed to manage the nodes.

Code box showing the cluster node volume manager configuration screen.

Caution - You must have the VERITAS license key before you answer N to the volume manager prompt.

> Cluster Nodes Volume Manager Configuration <
The Cluster nodes are defaulted to be configured with
the Solstice DiskSuite 4.2.1 volume manager. There is
an option of automatically installing and configuring
the Veritas VxVM 3.1.1 software on each cluster node if
license keys are available (license keys are provided by Sun
or Veritas after the VxVM 3.1.1 software is purchased).
When the Veritas VxVM 3.1.1 product is selected, the boot disk
and swap partitions are automatically encapsulated. A separate
Veritas license is required for each cluster node and and you will
be required to enter the license key text. Please have the
license keys available.
Do you want Solstice DiskSuite 4.2.1 installed on each cluster node (y/n)? n
VxVM 3.1.1 will be installed and configured on each node...

The customization script customizes the cluster and reboots the management server. You are now ready to set up the NTP server.

Setting Up the NTP Server on the Management Server

During the installation of the system, the configuration script scans the local networks for NTP servers. You must answer configuration questions to set up the NTP configuration.

If the script finds NTP servers, it displays a list of the IP address, as shown in the example below. You can use these servers or specify your own list of servers.

The following NTP servers have been detected on local subnets and appear to

be synchronized to legal reference clocks. Unless authentication or access

restrictions are in place, it should be possible to synchronize to these



Do you want to use the following NTP servers for synchronization?


Yes or No [y,n,?]

If you do not use the specified servers, you can enter a space-separated list of IP addresses of available NTP servers.

In either case, the management server attempts to synchronize with the listed servers. The scanning process does not verify if authentication and access control on the specified servers are appropriate for the management server. The scanning process also fails to detect NTP on broadcast and multicast addresses, although you can specify them manually.

If the scanning process fails to find an NTP server, the management server prompts you to choose between synchronizing to the local clock or synchronizing to a list of servers. The example below shows a user specified list being used:

No legal NTP servers were found. You can either use the local clock as a

synchronization source or enter a list of servers to use. It is best to use

another NTP server if one is available.


Do you want to use the server's local clock?


Yes or No [y,n,?] n


The management server will be configured to synchronize to any of the servers

listed below. The word 'local' can be used by itself to have the server use

its own local clock.


Please enter a space-separated list of servers to use for NTP synchronization:

Customizing the Apache Web Server Configuration

The management server splash page uses the Apache Web server software included in the Solaris 8 10/01 operating environment. The Apache Web server is configured automatically during the installation process. The /etc/apache/httpd.conf file is installed and configured by the configuration process. You can customize this file to fit your data center needs. The server is configured to run as the webserver user in the webserver group.

If you need to disable the Web server, remove or rename the /etc/apache/httpd.conf file and stop the Apache Web server process, as shown below:

# mv /etc/apache/httpd.conf /etc/apache/httpd.conf.old
# /etc/rc2.d/K16apache stop

The source for the management server splash page and other Web pages on the management server is in the /suntone/html directory. You can modify the pages in this directory to customize the management server splash page.

Setting Up the Sun Management Center Software on the Management Server

The Sun Management Center software is installed and set up automatically as part of the Cluster Platform 15K/9960 system installation. No user interaction is required during this process. The advanced and premier Sun Management Center software options are included in the installation. These additional options require the appropriate licenses.

You must complete the following operations to use the Sun Management Center software:

  • Start up the Sun Management Center software.
  • Start up the Console Component to allow administrative and monitoring operations to be performed by the user.
  • Log in to the Sun Management Center software.
  • Set up a home domain for administration.
  • Add the nodes to be monitored to the administration domain.

The instructions in this section are intended as a quick start to the Sun Management Center software. Refer to the Sun Management Center 3.0 Software User's Guide and the Sun Management Center 3.0 Supplement for Sun Fire 15K Systems for instructions on how to customize the software further.

Sun Management Center Licensing

If you have purchased the optional Sun Management Center advanced and/or premier products, you received license keys for these products. You must register the keys by following the procedure in this section. No license is necessary for basic functionality. For more information on the Sun Management Center licensing model, contact your Sun service representative or authorized Sun service provider.

Note - Your particular license may not provide access to all the features documented in the Sun Management Center Software User's Guide.

For information on purchasing a license, contact your Sun service representative or authorized Sun service provider and refer to the following web site:


If you should exceed the time period allowed for your demonstration license, a message is displayed during login to alert you that you have exceeded the limits of your license.

License expired
Please purchase your license!

If you do not have a license and attempt to access the Sun Management Center software, you may see the following message:

Missing License!!
Please purchase your license!!

During the installation of the server component, you are given the opportunity to specify a license token.

  • If you have a license token, you may enter it during the install process.
  • If you do not have a license token, you may run the software without one as described above. When you get a license token, you can install it using the
    es-lic script for advanced functionality. For example:
  • # cd /opt/SUNWsymon/sbin 
    # ./es-lic advanced_system_monitoring
    Sun Management Center License Program
    <Enter license key:>

Starting the Sun Management Center Software

The server and agent components of Sun Management Center are started automatically during the boot process by the S82es_server and S81es_agent scripts located in the /etc/rc3.d directory. No other configuration is required.

To disable Sun Management Center server or agent, rename these scripts to s82es_server and s81es_agent respectively.

Starting the Sun Management Center Software Console

The Sun Management Center Console component is the user interface you will use for management tasks and monitoring. You should be logged into the management server to start the Console.

The Console component of Sun Management Center is an X-Windows application, but the management server has no graphical display.

If you need to log in to the management server, you must redirect the X-Windows display by setting the DISPLAY environment variable. The value should be directed to the workstation on which you are working.

Ensure that the workstation you are working from has access to the X-client applications running on the management server by using the following command on the workstation:

% xhost management_server_hostname

In the Bourne or Korn shell, set the DISPLAY environment variable on the management server as follows:

$ DISPLAY=workstation_hostname_or_IP_address:0.0

$ export DISPLAY

In the C shell, set the DISPLAY environment variable as follows:

$ setenv DISPLAY workstation_hostname_or_IP_address:0.0

procedure icon  To Start the Sun Management Center Software

single-step bulletUse the following command to start the Sun Management Center software:

$ /opt/SUNWsymon/sbin/es-start -c &

Logging in to the Sun Management Center Software

After the console starts, the Login window is displayed (FIGURE 3-1). You are prompted to enter a login ID, password, and server host.

 FIGURE 3-1 Sun Management Center Software Login Window

Graphic of the Sun Management Center software login window.

procedure icon  To Log in to the Sun Management Center Software

1. Type root as the login ID.

2. Type in the root password on the management server

3. Type in the management server hostname.

Note - You can safely ignore the "Please acquire the license for the following: Advanced Systems Monitoring" warning.

Setting the Home Domain

The first time you start the Sun Management Center software, it displays the Set Home Domain window (FIGURE 3-2).

 FIGURE 3-2 Set Home Domain Window

Graphic showing the Set Home Domain window.

procedure icon  To Set the Home Domain

1. Highlight the default domain.

2. Click on the Set Home button.

3. Click the Close button.

Further information about creating and configuring administrative domains can be found in the Sun Management Center 3.0 Software User's Guide.

Adding nodes

Initially, the Sun Management Center software console displays only one node--the management server. You must add each node by using the Create Topology Object window (FIGURE 3-3).

 FIGURE 3-3 Create Topology Object Window

Graphic showing the Create Topology Object window.

procedure icon  To Add a Cluster Node

At a minimum, you must provide the node label and the hostname.

1. Select Create an Object from the Edit menu.

2. In the Node Label box, type an appropriate name.

You can use the hostname

3. In the Hostname box, type in the hostname.

You should use hostname-admin so that the software uses the administration network. This ensures that the management server is connected to a private network. You can leave the IP address blank, or you can type in the IP address in the IP Address box instead of using the hostname.

You can add nodes only through the console interface. You cannot use the Web browser that is described in the next section.

4. Repeat Step 1 through 3 for the second node.

For more information on creating objects with the Sun Management Center software, refer to the Sun Management Center 3.0 Software User's Guide.

After you have added the Cluster Platform 15K/9960 system nodes, you can use the Sun Management Center software to maintain or monitor the cluster.

Web Interface

You can access the Sun Management Center software by using a Web browser. The Web browser interface provides a sub-set of the Console functions. To access the Sun Management Center software, point the Web browser to the following URL:


This URL is also posted as a link on the management server splash page that can be found at the following URL:


By default, use root as your login ID and the superuser (root) password for the management server as the password.

Note - You cannot use the Web browser to create nodes or objects.

To Install the Cluster Platform 15K/9960 Software on the Cluster Nodes

Note - When executing the ccp(1M) command remotely, ensure that the DISPLAY shell environment variable is set to the local hostname.

1. Use the following command to start the Cluster Console Panel from the management server:

# /opt/SUNWcluster/bin/ccp cluster_name &

The ccp(1M) command displays the Cluster Control Panel, as in FIGURE 3-4.

 FIGURE 3-4 Cluster Control Panel

Graphic showing the Cluster Control Panel.

2. In the Cluster Control Panel, double-click on the cconsole icon to display a Cluster Console window for each cluster node (see FIGURE 3-5).

Note - Before you use an editor in a Cluster Console window, verify that the TERM shell environment value is set and exported to a value of vt220.

3. Position the cursor in the cconsole window, and use the domain-a user ID to log into both cluster nodes.

The password is temporarily set to abc. You must change the password after the first login session.

4. Use the setkeyswitch -d command to power on domain-a on both cluster nodes

At this point, the POST (Power On SelfTest) is executed on both domains.

5. Use the console -d a command to display domain-a consoles for both cluster nodes.

6. Use the ~# key sequence to drop both domains to the OBP prompt.

 FIGURE 3-5 Cluster Console Windows

Graphic showing the Cluster Console, node 1, and node 2 windows.

Note - The console windows for both cluster nodes are grouped (the three windows move in unison--FIGURE 3-5). To ungroup the Cluster Console window from the cluster node console windows, deselect the Group Term Windows checkbox in the Options menu (FIGURE 3-6).

 FIGURE 3-6 Cluster Console Window

Graphic showing the Cluster Console window with the Options menu selections.

7. Enter the following commands into the Cluster Console window to start the installation process:

{0} ok setenv boot-device /ssm@0,0/pci@18,700000/pci@1/SUNW,isptwo@4/sd@0,0:a
{0} ok setenv auto-boot? true
{0} ok nvalias net /ssm@0,0/pci@18,700000/pci@3/SUNW,qfe@0,1
{0} ok setenv local-mac-address? false
{0} ok setenv use-nvramrc? true
{0} ok nvstore
{0} ok boot net - install

boot net - You must use spaces before and after the dash (-) character in the
install command string.

The following software is automatically installed on both cluster nodes:

  • Solaris 8 10/01 operating environment
  • Solaris DiskSuite 4.2.1 or VERITAS VxVM 3.1.1, depending on customer choice
  • Sun Management Center 3.0 agents
  • Sun Cluster 3.0 update 1 and recommended patches

All patches are applied and system files are configured to produce a basic cluster environment.

During the installation, the preinstallation script displays the following messages:
Warning: Failed to register application "DiskSuite Tool" with solstice launcher.

You can safely ignore these messages.

8. Log into each cluster node as superuser.

The default superuser password is abc.

9. Change the default password to a secure password:

# passwd
passwd: Changing password for root
New password: password
Re-enter new password: password

10. Configure the shared storage.

Refer to the Solstice DiskSuite software documentation or the VERITAS VxVM software documentation to configure the shared storage (see Documentation). You must create the disk sets, the metadevices, and the file systems.

You are done configuring and customizing the Cluster Platform 15K/9960 system. You can now install applications in the cluster environment.

For instructions on how to install an application, refer to the documentation that accompanied the application. You will need to establish resource groups, logical hosts, and data services in the Sun Cluster 3.0 software for the application. For instructions, refer to the Sun Cluster 3.0 documentation.

The cluster nodes can access the data services from the following path:
