C H A P T E R  3

Getting Started With the Additional Preinstalled Software

This chapter includes information about the following topics:

Desktop System Software and Related Documents

Collaboration and Interoperability Software

Productivity Software

Developer Tools

Multimedia Software

Restoring Preinstalled Software and Backing Up the Preinstalled Image

Solaris Documentation

Solaris logo 

For Solaristrademark operating environment documentation, refer to the following web site:


For Solaris on Sun Hardware documentation, refer to the following web site:


Select the links:

Hardware Product Categoriesright arrowSoftwareright arrowSolaris on Sun Hardware

Sun Blade 2500 Hardware Documentation

Documentation on the Hard Drive

The Sun Blade 2500 Service, Diagnostics, and Troubleshooting Manual with linked multimedia service procedures is installed on the hard drive in PDF format.

To view the service manual in PDF format, type the following at the command line:


Note - To view the documents, you might first need to install Adobe Acrobat reader. See Getting Started With Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Documentation on CD

Documentation for the Sun Blade 2500 is included on the Sun Blade 2500 Hardware Documentation CD that shipped with your system. The document, How to Use This CD (817-0585), contains a list of CD contents as well as instructions for using the Sun Blade 2500 Hardware Documentation CD (705-1079).

Note - ShowMetrademark How video animations are located on the Sun Blade 2500 Hardware Documentation CD (705-1079). These video animations demonstrate installation and removal procedures for DIMMs, PCI cards, hard drives, and DVD-ROM drives.


Mozilla is the world's premiere open source browser for the Internet. For more information about Mozilla, refer to the following web site:


Getting Started With Mozilla

To start Mozilla in a terminal window type:


Solstice DiskSuite and Volume Manager

Solstice DiskSuitetrademark and Volume Manager are disk and storage management applications for the Solaris operating environment that enable high data availability, improved data reliability, enhanced system and I/O performance, and simple large system and disk administration.

Getting Started With Solstice DiskSuite on
Solaris 8

To start Solstice DiskSuite type: /usr/sbin/metatool

For additional information on starting Solstice DiskSuite, see the Solstice DiskSuite User's Guide at:


Select the links:

Hardware Product Categoriesright arrowSoftwareright arrowSolaris on Sun Hardware

Getting Started With Volume Manager on
Solaris 9

For additional information on starting Solaris Volume Manager, see the Solaris Volume Manager Administration Guide at:


Common Desktop Environment (CDE)

CDE is the default desktop environment for both Solaris 8 and Solaris 9 operating environments on the Sun Blade 2500 workstation.

Find more information about CDE within the Solaris User's Collections at:


GNOME Desktop Environment

GNOME is a freely distributable desktop environment that provides a graphical user interface. For more information on GNOME, go to this web site:


Getting Started With GNOME

The default desktop environment for the Sun Blade 2500 workstation is CDE. Follow the instructions below to use GNOME.

1. Log out of your CDE session.

2. At the login window, select the Options menu.

3. Select the Sessions submenu.

4. Select GNOME from the menu.

5. Log in to your system.

Apache Server

Apache Server is an open-source web server. Apache Server is a secure, efficient, and expandable server that provides services that comply with the current HTTP standards.

Getting Started With Apache Server

To activate the web server on your workstation, follow the steps below:

1. Become superuser (root) by typing su and your superuser password.

2. Copy the example configuration file httpd.conf-example to httpd.conf by typing the following:

cp /etc/apache/httpd.conf-example /etc/apache/httpd.conf

3. Edit the configuration file to customize it for your workstation.

For example, you should set the HTML directory for your workstation.

For more information, refer to the online Apache User's Guide by clicking the Documentation link on the following web site:


4. Start the web server daemon by typing the following:

/etc/rc3.d/S50apache start

Adobe Acrobat Reader

Adobe Acrobat Reader is a free and freely distributable software program that allows you to view and print Portable Document Format (PDF) files. PDF is a file type that allows you to view and print a file exactly as the author designed it. You do not need the original application or fonts that the author used to create the file.

Getting Started With Adobe Acrobat Reader

To install Adobe Acrobat Reader, type:


To start Adobe Acrobat Reader after installation, type:


Where path is the directory where you installed Adobe Acrobat Reader.

(The default installation path is /opt/Acrobat5.)

Sun ONE Grid Engine

Sun ONE Grid Engine is preinstalled on your hard drive. Before setting up Sun ONE Grid Engine, you should read the Sun ONE Grid Engine documents at the following web site:


For more information refer to the following web site:



StarOfficetrademark is the optimum in office productivity software from Sun Microsystems. StarOffice is a powerful and comprehensive office suite that integrates word processing, spreadsheets, graphics, HTML, and database components into a single workspace.

Key features include:

Product components:

Getting Started With StarOffice

To start the preinstalled StarOffice software, click the StarOffice icon on the CDE desktop task bar.

To start StarOffice, type :


Where language is english, french, german, italian, japanese, korean, spanish, swedish, simplified_chinese, or traditional_chinese.

For details about using StarOffice software, refer to the application's built-in help system.

Note - Support for StarOffice is not included with your Sun Blade 2500 workstation. StarOffice software support services must be contracted separately. For the latest information on StarOffice support services, see the following web sites:

Sun ONE Studio

Sun ONE Studio, Community Edition is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for Javatrademark technology developers. Based on the NetBeanstrademark Tools Platform, Sun ONE Studio software provides the latest support for Java and industry standards in the development of enterprise class applications and web services.

Getting Started With Sun ONE Studio

To install Sun ONE Studio, type:


For more information, refer to the following web site:



Perl is a programming (scripting) language available as open-source software. Perl's process, file, and text manipulation facilities make it particularly well-suited for tasks involving quick prototyping, workstation utilities, or software tools.

Getting Started With Perl

To start Perl, type:


For information about using Perl, refer to the man pages for the application by typing:

man perl

Development Tools for the Java Platform

Java Coffee Cup logo 

The following Sun development tools for the Java platform are preinstalled on your workstation.

Note - If you need to restore the Java products, you can download the latest versions by selecting links from the following web site:





To install the Java Media Framework, type:

cd /opt ; /opt/spool/jmf/install



JMStudio is a stand-alone Java application that uses the JMF 2.0 API to play, capture, transcode, and write media data. JMStudio also uses the JMF RTP APIs to receive and transmit media streams across the network.

JMStudio is included with the Java Media Framework, a development package. (See Development Tools for the Java Platform.)

For more information on Java Media Framework, refer to the following web site:

For more information on JMStudio, refer to the following web site:

http://java.sun.com/products/java-media/jmf/2.1.1/jmstudio/ jmstudio.html

Getting Started With JMStudio

To use JMStudio, you must first install Java Media Framework. (See Development Tools for the Java Platform.)

To start JMStudio, type: /opt/JMF2.1.1/bin/jmstudio

Note - ShowMe How video animations are located on the Sun Blade 2500 Hardware Documentation CD (705-1079). These video animations demonstrate installation and removal procedures for DIMMs, PCI cards, hard drives, and DVD-ROM drives. You can use JMStudio to play these animations.


SunForumtrademark enables you to collaborate with colleagues while working in a heterogeneous environment of Sun workstations, PCs, and Apple computers. Using SunForum, you can choose to interact through any of the following industry standard H.323 features over your TCP/IP network:

Getting Started With SunForum

To start SunForum, type: /opt/SUNWdat/bin/sunforum

For more information about SunForum, or to download the latest version, refer to the following web site:


Restoring Preinstalled Software

Your workstation comes preconfigured with the Solaris operating environment and other preinstalled software. However, if you replace your hard drive for any reason, the replacement drive does not come preconfigured with the Solaris operating environment or the other preinstalled software.

You should make and keep a full backup of the operating environment, which can be used to restore your system if it is ever needed. Instructions for backing up your operating environment are included in the preinstalled Solaris System Administration Guide.

You can also restore some of the software that is preinstalled on your disk from the CD-ROMs included in the appropriate version of the Solaris Media Kit. The Solaris Media Kit contains some of the same software that is preinstalled on your workstation. To reinstall some software, you may need to download the software from the web sites provided throughout this document. Some software product companies, such as Netscape, offer different versions of software on their respective web sites.

Restoring the Solaris Preinstalled Software

Note - You must use Solaris 8 HW 2/04 or Solaris 9 4/04 or subsequent compatible versions on the Sun Blade 2500 workstation.

1. Get the backup media, the Solaris Media Kit.

You might already have the Solaris Media Kit if you ordered it with your workstation. If you did not order the kit with your system, contact your Sun sales representative and ask to order the Solaris Media Kit for your language and Solaris version. For more information, refer to the following web site:


2. Follow the installation instructions in the Start Here document that comes with the kit.

You can install the Solaris operating environment and as much of the additional software as you want.

More patch information is available at this web site. You can also download patches from this web site:


The Sun Blade 2500 Product Notes might also contain patch and software version information. To obtain the latest Sun Blade 2500 Product Notes, refer to the following web site:


Select the links: Additional Hardware Documentationright arrowDesktop & Workstationright arrow
Sun Blade Workstationsright arrowSun Blade 2500.

Restoring the Sun Blade 2500 Documentation

single-step bulletTo restore the workstation hardware documentation, reinstall it from the Sun Blade 2500 Hardware Documentation CD (705-1079) that is included with your workstation.

Use the instructions in the document, How to Use This CD (817-0585).

Reinstalling Other Software

If you must reinstall other software packages, be sure that you have the latest software version. For more information on the latest software versions, refer to the web sites listed throughout this guide.

Reinstalling StarOffice Software

You can download the Community Edition of StarOffice for free from:


To obtain the full-featured StarOffice product, contact your StarOffice business development representative or authorized Sun sales agent to order the Enterprise Edition of StarOffice.

You can also order the latest version of a full product media kit that includes user documentation and the software on CD-ROM from the following web sites:



Reinstalling Mozilla

For more information on reinstalling Mozilla, refer to the following web site:


Select the link:

Top 10 Software Downloads

Backing Up the Preinstalled Image to Another Hard Drive

Information about hard drive backups can be found in the Solaris System Administration Guide. To obtain this guide, refer to the following web site:


Select the links:

Hard Drive Mirroring

Solaris 8

Refer to the Solstice DiskSuite User's Guide for your Solaris version. The guide describes many different methods for managing hard drives.

For additional information on Solstice DiskSuite, see the Solstice DiskSuite User's Guide at:


Select the links:

Solaris Operating Environmentright arrowSoftwareright arrowStorage

Solaris 9

For additional information on starting Solaris Volume Manager, see the Solaris Volume Manager Administration Guide at:


Select the links:

Solaris Operating Environmentright arrowSolaris 9 4/04right arrowSolaris 9 4/04 System Administrator Collectionright arrowSolaris Volume Manager Administration Guide