The Nirvana Editor Web Site
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Table of Contents

Getting Started

Basic Operation
Selecting Text
Cut and Paste
Using the Mouse
Keyboard Shortcuts
Shifting and Filling
File Format

Features for

Tabs/Emul. Tabs
Auto/Smart Indent
Syntax Highlighting
Finding Decl.

Regular Expressions
Basic Syntax
Escape Sequences
Parenthetical Const.
Advanced Topics

Macro/Shell Extensions
Shell and Filters
Macro Language
Macro Subroutines
Action Routines

Customizing NEdit
X Resources
Key Binding
Highlighting Patterns
Indent Macros

NEdit Cmd Line
Client/Server Mode
Crash Recovery




The NEdit Command Line

nedit [-read] [-create] [-line n | +n] [-server] [-do command]
      [-tags file] [-tabs n] [-wrap] [-nowrap] [-autowrap]
      [-autoindent] [-noautoindent] [-autosave] [-noautosave]
      [-rows n] [-columns n] [-font font]
      [-lm languagemode] [-geometry geometry] [-iconic]
      [-svrname name] [-display [host]:server[.screen]
      [-xrm resourcestring] [-import file] [file...]

  • -read :
    Open the file Read Only regardless of the actual file
  • -create :
    Don't warn about file creation when a file doesn't exist.
  • -line n (or +n) :
    Go to line number n
  • -server :
    Designate this session as an NEdit server, for processing commands from the nc program. nc can be used to interface NEdit to code development environments, mailers, etc., or just as a quick way to open files from the shell command line without starting a new NEdit session.
  • -do command :
    Execute an NEdit macro or action on each file following the -do argument on the command line. -do is particularly useful from the nc program, where nc -do can remotely execute commands in an nedit -server session.
  • -tags file :
    Load a file of directions for finding definitions of program subroutines and data objects. The file must be of the format generated by the Unix ctags command
  • -tabs n :
    Set tab stops every n characters.
  • -wrap, -nowrap :
    Wrap long lines at the right edge of the window rather than continuing them past it. (Continuous Wrap mode)
  • -autowrap, -noautowrap :
    Wrap long lines when the cursor reaches the right edge of the window by inserting newlines at word boundaries. (Auto Newline Wrap mode)
  • -autoindent, noautoindent :
    Maintain a running indent.
  • -autosave, -noautosave :
    Maintain a backup copy of the file being edited under the name ~filename (on Unix) or _filename (on VMS).
  • -rows n :
    Default height in characters for an editing window.
  • -columns n :
    Default width in characters for an editing window.
  • -font font (or -fn font) :
    Font for text being edited (Font for menus and dialogs can be set with -xrm "*fontList:font").
  • -lm languagemode :
    Initial language mode used for editing
    succeeding files.
  • -geometry geometry (or -g geometry) :
    The initial size and/or location of editor windows. The argument has the form:


    where <width> and <height> are the desired width and height of the window, and <xoffset> and <yoffset> are the distance from the edge of the screen to the window, + for top or left, - for bottom or right. -geometry can be specified for individual files on the command line.
  • -iconic :
    Initial window state for succeeding files.
  • -display [host]:server[.screen] :
    The name of the X server to use. host specifies the machine, server specifies the display server number, and screen specifies the screen number. host or screen can be omitted and default to the local machine, and screen 0.
  • -background color (or -bg color) :
    Background color. (background color for text can be set separately with: -xrm "nedit*text.background: color").
  • -foreground color (or -fg color) :
    Foreground color. (foreground color for text can be set separately with: -xrm "nedit*text.foreground: color").
  • -xrm resourcestring :
    Set the value of an X resource to override a default value.
  • -svrname name :
    When starting nedit in server mode, name the server, such that it responds to requests only when nc is given a correspoding -svrname argument. By naming servers, you can run several simultaneously, and direct files and commands s
  • -import file:
    Loads an additional preferences file on top of the existing defaults saved in your .nedit file. To incorporate macros, language modes, and highlight patterns and styles written by other users, run nedit with -import , then re-save your .nedit file with Preferences -> Save Defaults.


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Smart Indent Macros
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Client Server Mode



. . Released on  Wed, 6 Nov 2002  by C. Denat