Directory search for link libraries

Directory search applies in a special way to libraries used with the linker.

This special feature comes into play when you write a dependency whose name is of the form, ‘-lname’. (You can tell something strange is going on here because the dependency is normally the name of a file, and the file name of the library looks like ‘lib name.a’, not like ‘-lname’.)

When a dependency’s name has the form ‘-lname’, make handles it specially by searching for the file ‘libname.a’ in the current directory, in directories specified by matching vpath search paths and the VPATH search path, and then in the directories ‘/lib’, ‘/usr/lib’, and ‘prefix/lib’ (normally, ‘/usr/local/lib’). Use the following example, for instance.

This would cause the command, cc foo.c /usr/lib/libcurses.a -o foo, to execute when ‘foo’ is older than ‘foo.c’ or ‘/usr/lib/libcurses.a’.
