DIGITAL Fortran 90
User Manual for

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Appendix A
Appendix A Compatibility: DIGITAL Fortran 77 and DIGITAL Fortran 90 on Multiple Platforms
     A.1     DIGITAL Fortran 90 and DIGITAL Fortran 77 Compatibility on Various Platforms
     A.2     Compatibility with DIGITAL Fortran 77 for DIGITAL UNIX Systems
         A.2.1         Major Language Features for Compatibility with DIGITAL Fortran 77 for Digital UNIX Systems
         A.2.2         Language Features Provided Only by DIGITAL Fortran 77 for DIGITAL UNIX Systems
         A.2.3         Improved DIGITAL Fortran 90 Compiler Diagnostic Detection
         A.2.4         Compiler Command-Line Differences
     A.3     Language Compatibility with DIGITAL Visual Fortran
     A.4     Compatibility with DIGITAL Fortran 77 and DIGITAL Fortran 90 for OpenVMS Systems
         A.4.1         Language Features Specific to DIGITAL Fortran 77 and DIGITAL Fortran 90 for OpenVMS Systems
         A.4.2         OpenVMS Data Porting Considerations
             A.4.2.1             Matching Record Types
             A.4.2.2             Copying Files
         A.4.3         Nonnative VAX Floating-Point Representations
             A.4.3.1             VAX F_float REAL (KIND=4) or REAL*4
             A.4.3.2             VAX G_float REAL (KIND=8) or REAL*8
             A.4.3.3             VAX D_float REAL (KIND=8) or REAL*8
             A.4.3.4             VAX F_float COMPLEX (KIND=4) or COMPLEX*8
             A.4.3.5             VAX G_float and D_float COMPLEX (KIND=8) or COMPLEX*16
             A.4.3.6             VAX H_float Representation
Appendix B
Appendix B DIGITAL Fortran 90 Environment Variables
     B.1     Commands for Setting and Unsetting Environment Variables
         B.1.1         Bourne Shell (sh) and Korn Shell (ksh) Commands
         B.1.2         C Shell (csh) Commands
     B.2     Compile-Time Environment Variable
     B.3     Run-Time Environment Variables
Appendix C
Appendix C Compiler Output Listings
     C.1     Source-Code Section
     C.2     Machine-Code Section
     C.3     Compilation Summary Section
Appendix D
Appendix D Parallel Compiler Directives Reference Material
     D.1     OpenMP Fortran API Compiler Directives
         D.1.1         ATOMIC Directive
         D.1.2         BARRIER Directive
         D.1.3         CRITICAL Directive Construct
         D.1.4         Directive Binding
         D.1.5         Directive Nesting
         D.1.6         DO Directive Construct
         D.1.7         FLUSH Directive
         D.1.8         MASTER Directive Construct
         D.1.9         ORDERED Directive Construct
         D.1.10         PARALLEL Directive Construct
         D.1.11         PARALLEL DO Directive Construct
         D.1.12         PARALLEL SECTIONS Directive Construct
         D.1.13         SECTIONS Directive Construct
         D.1.14         SINGLE Directive Construct
         D.1.15         THREADPRIVATE Directive
     D.2     DIGITAL Fortran Parallel Compiler Directives
         D.2.1         BARRIER Directive
         D.2.2         CHUNK Directive
         D.2.3         COPYIN Directive
         D.2.4         CRITICAL SECTION Directive Construct
         D.2.5         INSTANCE Directive Construct
         D.2.6         MP_SCHEDTYPE Directive
         D.2.7         PARALLEL Directive Construct
         D.2.8         PARALLEL DO Directive Construct
         D.2.9         PARALLEL SECTIONS Directive Construct
         D.2.10         PDO Directive Construct
         D.2.11         PDONE Directive
         D.2.12         PSECTIONS Directive Construct
         D.2.13         SINGLE PROCESS Directive Construct
         D.2.14         TASKCOMMON Directive
Appendix E
Appendix E Parallel Library Routines
     E.1     OpenMP Fortran API Run-Time Library Routines
         E.1.1         omp_set_num_threads
         E.1.2         omp_get_num_threads
         E.1.3         omp_get_max_threads
         E.1.4         omp_get_thread_num
         E.1.5         omp_get_num_procs
         E.1.6         omp_in_parallel
         E.1.7         omp_set_dynamic
         E.1.8         omp_get_dynamic
         E.1.9         omp_set_nested
         E.1.10         omp_get_nested
         E.1.11         Lock Routines
             E.1.11.1             omp_init_lock
             E.1.11.2             omp_destroy_lock
             E.1.11.3             omp_set_lock
             E.1.11.4             omp_unset_lock
             E.1.11.5             omp_test_lock
     E.2     Other Parallel Threads Routines
         E.2.1         Calling Conventions
         E.2.2         otsinitparallel
         E.2.3         otsstopworkers or mpc_destroy
         E.2.4         otsgetnumthreads or mpc_numthreads
         E.2.5         otsgetmaxthreads or mpc_maxnumthreads
         E.2.6         otsgetthreadnum or mpc_my_threadnum
         E.2.7         otsinparallel or mpc_in_parallel_region

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