DIGITAL Fortran 90
User Manual for

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Chapter 8
8 Run-Time Errors and Signals
     8.1     DIGITAL Fortran 90 Run-Time Library Default Error Processing
         8.1.1         Run-Time Message Format
         8.1.2         Message Catalog Location
         8.1.3         Values Returned to the Shell at Program Termination
         8.1.4         Forcing a Core Dump for Severe Errors
     8.2     Handling Errors
         8.2.1         Using the END, EOR, and ERR Branch Specifiers
         8.2.2         Using the IOSTAT Specifier
         8.2.3         Using the 3f Library Routines to Return Operating System Errors
     8.3     Signal Handling
     8.4     List of Run-Time Messages
Chapter 9
9 Data Types and Representation
     9.1     Summary of Data Types and Characteristics
     9.2     Integer Data Representations
         9.2.1         Integer Declarations and f90 Options
         9.2.2         INTEGER (KIND=1) or INTEGER*1 Representation
         9.2.3         INTEGER (KIND=2) or INTEGER*2 Representation
         9.2.4         INTEGER (KIND=4) or INTEGER*4 Representation
         9.2.5         INTEGER (KIND=8) or INTEGER*8 Representation
     9.3     Logical Data Representations
     9.4     Native IEEE Floating-Point Representations and Exceptional Values
         9.4.1         REAL and COMPLEX Declarations and f90 Options
         9.4.2         REAL (KIND=4) or REAL*4 Representation
         9.4.3         REAL (KIND=8) or REAL*8 Representation
         9.4.4         REAL (KIND=16) or REAL*16 Representation
         9.4.5         COMPLEX (KIND=4) or COMPLEX*8 Representation
         9.4.6         COMPLEX (KIND=8) or COMPLEX*16 Representation
         9.4.7         Exceptional Floating-Point Representations
     9.5     Character Representation
     9.6     Hollerith Representation
Chapter 10
10 Converting Unformatted Numeric Data
     10.1     Endian Order of Numeric Formats
     10.2     Native and Supported Nonnative Numeric Formats
     10.3     Limitations of Numeric Conversion
     10.4     Methods of Specifying the Unformatted Numeric Format
         10.4.1         Environment Variable FORT_CONVERTn Method
         10.4.2         OPEN Statement CONVERT='keyword' Method
         10.4.3         OPTIONS Statement /CONVERT=keyword Method
         10.4.4         f90 Command -convert keyword Option Method
         10.4.5         Additional Notes on Nonnative Data
Chapter 11
11 Procedure Data Interfaces and Mixed Language Programming
     11.1     DIGITAL Fortran 90 Procedures and Argument Passing
         11.1.1         Explicit and Implicit Interfaces
         11.1.2         Types of DIGITAL Fortran 90 Subprograms
         11.1.3         Using Procedure Interface Blocks
         11.1.4         Passing Arguments and Function Return Values
         11.1.5         Passing Arrays as Arguments
         11.1.6         Passing Pointers as Arguments
         11.1.7         DIGITAL Fortran 90 Array Descriptor Format
         11.1.8         Argument-Passing Mechanisms and Built-In Functions
                Passing Addresses --- %LOC Function
                Passing Arguments by Immediate Value --- %VAL Function
                Passing Arguments by Reference --- %REF Function
                Examples of Argument Passing Built-in Functions
     11.2     Using the cDEC$ ALIAS and cDEC$ ATTRIBUTES Directives
         11.2.1         The cDEC$ ALIAS directive
         11.2.2         The cDEC$ ATTRIBUTES Directive
                C Property
                ALIAS Property
                REFERENCE and VALUE Properties
                EXTERN and VARYING Properties
     11.3     Calling Between DIGITAL Fortran 77 and DIGITAL Fortran 90
         11.3.1         Argument Passing and Function Return Values
         11.3.2         Using Data Items in Common Blocks
         11.3.3         I/O to the Same Unit Number
     11.4     Calling Between DIGITAL Fortran 90 and C
         11.4.1         Compiling and Linking Files
         11.4.2         Procedures and External Names
         11.4.3         Invoking a C Function from DIGITAL Fortran 90
         11.4.4         Invoking a DIGITAL Fortran 90 Function or Subroutine from C
         11.4.5         Equivalent Data Types for Function Return Values
         11.4.6         Argument Association and Equivalent Data Types
                DIGITAL Fortran 90 Intrinsic Data Types
                Equivalent DIGITAL Fortran 90 and C Data Types
         11.4.7         Example of Passing Integer Data to C Functions
         11.4.8         Example of Passing Character Data Between DIGITAL Fortran 90 and C
         11.4.9         Example of Passing Complex Data to C Functions
         11.4.10         Handling User-Defined Structures
         11.4.11         Handling Scalar Pointer Data
         11.4.12         Handling Arrays
         11.4.13         Handling Common Blocks of Data
     11.5     Calling Between Parallel HPF and Non-Parallel HPF Code
Chapter 12
12 DIGITAL Fortran 90 Library Routines
     12.1     Reference Pages for the 3f and 3hpf Routines
     12.2     EXTERNAL or INTRINSIC Declarations
     12.3     Types of DIGITAL Fortran 90 3f Library Routines
     12.4     Summary of 3f Library Routines
     12.5     Summary of 3hpf HPF_LOCAL_LIBRARY Library Routines
     12.6     Example of the 3f Library Routine shcom_connect
     12.7     Example of the 3f Library Routines irand and qsort

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