Compaq Fortran
User Manual for
Tru64 UNIX and
Linux Alpha Systems

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qsort library routine #1
qsort library routine #2
Quotation mark character
    effect of -vms option
    See Language Reference Manual
-r16 option
-r8 option
RAN function
    See Language Reference Manual; Intrinsic procedures
rand library routine
random library routine
Random number generation (Compaq Extended Math Library)
Random number generator
    library routines for #1
    library routines for #2
    for complex constants
    for integer constants
    for logical constants
    for real constants
ranlib command
rcp command
    use in porting OpenVMS Fortran data
READ statement
    ADVANCE specifier
    deleted records
        effect of -vms option
    See also Language Reference Manual
Reading deleted records
    effect of -vms option
READONLY specifier
    See also Language Reference Manual
Real data types #1
Real data types #2
    declarations and options #1
    declarations and options #2
    native IEEE representation
    ranges #1
    ranges #2
    See also Language Reference Manual
    VAX representation
REAL declarations
    options to control size of
REAL intrinsic function
    options controlling size returned
    See also Language Reference Manual
-real_size option
REC specifier
    See also Language Reference Manual
RECL specifier
    excluding overhead bytes
    option to specify units
    performance considerations
    See also Language Reference Manual
    specifying for fixed-length records #1
    specifying for fixed-length records #2
    units for formatted files
    units for unformatted files
    record types
Record access
Record access mode
    limitations by file organization and record type
    OPEN statement specifiers
Record I/O
    ADVANCE specifier
    advancing and nonadvancing
    amount of data transferred by I/O statements
    available I/O statements and forms
    buffers and disk I/O
    data transfer
    END specifier
    EOR specifier
    flush buffers (library routine) #1
    flush buffers (library routine) #2
    in internal files
        effect on performance
    locking records
    maximum length
    overhead bytes
    record types
    reposition file (library routine) #1
    reposition file (library routine) #2
    SIZE specifier
    statement specifiers
Record length
    INQUIRE statement
RECORD statement
    and data alignment
    causes of unaligned data
    See also Language Reference Manual
Record structures
    accessing variables in the debugger
    alignment of
    memory diagrams of
    options controlling alignment
    order of data in
    See also Language Reference Manual
    storage of
Record type
    available file organizations
    choosing for optimal run-time performance
    converting nonnative data
        OPEN statement defaults
        See also Language Reference Manual
        See Language Reference Manual
    fixed-length #1
    fixed-length #2
    general description
    importance of specifying in OPEN statement
    limitations on access modes
    maximum record length
    OpenVMS Fortran portability considerations
    portability considerations #1
    portability considerations #2
    porting data with OpenVMS systems
    segmented #1
    segmented #2
    stream #1
    stream #2
        differences with OpenVMS systems
    stream_CR #1
    stream_CR #2
    stream_LF #1
    stream_LF #2
    variable-length #1
    variable-length #2
    VAX FORTRAN portability considerations
RECORDTYPE specifier #1
RECORDTYPE specifier #2
    See also Language Reference Manual
    options related to
    See also Language Reference Manual
-recursive option
    for DO directive #1
    for DO directive #2
    for PARALLEL directive #1
    for PARALLEL directive #2
    for PARALLEL DO directive #1
    for PARALLEL DO directive #2
    for PARALLEL SECTIONS directive #1
    for PARALLEL SECTIONS directive #2
    for SECTIONS directive #1
    for SECTIONS directive #2
Reduction operators and intrinsics
    initialization values
    for PARALLEL DO directive
    for PDO directive
-reentrancy keyword option
Reentrant program
    threaded execution #1
    threaded execution #2
Reference pages
    and man command
    for 3f and 3hpf library routines
    See also Language Reference Manual; EXTERNAL statement; USE statement
    unresolved (linker)
    nested parallel
Register usage
    and listing of assembler code
    array index
    display by debugger
    effect of optimization
    effect of VOLATILE statement
    holding variables
    option to create assembler file
    option to create assembler listing
Relational operators
    See also Language Reference Manual
    use in debugging
Relative file
    access modes
    general description
    record types for
        importance of OPEN statement specifiers
        See OPEN statement; Language Reference Manual
    specifying RECL when creating
Relative organization
Relative pathname
Release notes
Removal optimizations #1
Removal optimizations #2
rename library routine
RESHAPE intrinsic procedure
Resolving dependences
    using temporary variables
Restructuring a loop
Return values
    from f90 command to shell
    from Run-Time Library to shell
    See also Error handling; Function return values
REWIND statement #1
REWIND statement #2
    See also Language Reference Manual
REWRITE statement
    See also Language Reference Manual
Rounding modes
    floating-point calculations
Row-major order
rshift library routine
Run-Time Library (RTL)
    and implied-DO loop collapsing #1
    and implied-DO loop collapsing #2
    error processing performed by
    message catalog location
    requesting threaded execution #1
    requesting threaded execution #2
    requesting threaded execution #3
    See also Library routines
    transporting message file
    use from C programs (routines)
    using latest version for run-time efficiency
    values returned to shell
Run-time parallel environment
RUNTIME schedule type #1
RUNTIME schedule type #2
-s option
Scalar replacement
    balancing the workload
    for DO directive
Schedule types #1
Schedule types #2
    DYNAMIC #1
    DYNAMIC #2
    DYNAMIC #3
    DYNAMIC #4
    GUIDED #1
    GUIDED #2
    GUIDED #3
    GUIDED #4
    RUNTIME #1
    RUNTIME #2
    specifying a default
    STATIC #1
    STATIC #2
    STATIC #3
    STATIC #4
    STATIC #5
Scratch file
    See also Language Reference Manual
SCRATCH specifier
    See Language Reference Manual
    for STATUS specifier
Searching for include files
SECTION directive #1
SECTION directive #2
SECTION directive #3
SECTION directive #4
SECTIONS directive #1
SECTIONS directive #2
    FIRSTPRIVATE clause #1
    FIRSTPRIVATE clause #2
    LASTPRIVATE clause #1
    LASTPRIVATE clause #2
    PRIVATE clause #1
    PRIVATE clause #2
    REDUCTION clause #1
    REDUCTION clause #2
Segmented records #1
Segmented records #2
    OpenVMS Fortran data compatibility
    portability considerations #1
    portability considerations #2
SEQUENCE statement
    derived-type data order #1
    derived-type data order #2
    See also Language Reference Manual
Sequential access mode
    optimal record types
Sequential file
    access modes
    general description
    record types for
        importance of OPEN statement specifiers
        See also OPEN statement; Language Reference Manual
Sequential organization
setenv command
    See also Environment variables
setenv library routine
SHARED clause
    for PARALLEL directive #1
    for PARALLEL directive #2
    for PARALLEL DO directive #1
    for PARALLEL DO directive #2
    for PARALLEL SECTIONS directive #1
    for PARALLEL SECTIONS directive #2
Shared library
        file name suffix
        required options
        using f90
        using f90
        using f90 and ld #1
        using f90 and ld #2
    linker searching options #1
    linker searching options #2
    linker searching options #3
    linker searching options #4
    list searched by f90 command
    obtaining information about
    options for creating #1
    options for creating #2
    recognized file name suffix
    requirements for symbol reference
    restrictions creating
    sharing common blocks across processes
    specifying with f90
Shared memory access
    library routines (3f)
    requesting threaded program execution #1
    requesting threaded program execution #2
    See also VOLATILE statement
Shared object library
-shared option #1
-shared option #2
    creating shared libraries #1
    creating shared libraries #2
SHARED option
    for PARALLEL directive
    for PARALLEL DO directive
SHARED specifier #1
SHARED specifier #2
    See also Language Reference Manual
Shared variables
Sharing files
    OPEN statement
shcom_connect library routine #1
shcom_connect library routine #2
    return values at program termination
    return values from f90 command
Shell command execution
    library routine for
short library routine
-show code option
-show hpf option #1
-show hpf option #2
-show hpfinfo option
-show hpf_all option
-show include option
-show map option
-show wsfinfo option
    See -show hpfinfo option
signal library routine #1
signal library routine #2
Signal processing routines (Compaq Extended Math Library)
    and error handling
    arithmetic exception handling
    caught by Compaq Fortran RTL
    debugger ignore command
    definition of
    floating-point exception options and routines
    handling in debugger #1
    handling in debugger #2
    library routines for #1
    library routines for #2
    SIGILL #1
    SIGILL #2
    SIGINT #1
    SIGINT #2
    SIGQUIT #1
    SIGQUIT #2
    SIGTRAP #1
    SIGTRAP #2
    SIGTRAP #3
    SIGTRAP #4
    SIGTRAP #5
    SIGTRAP #6
    summary of floating-point underflow options
    summary of integer overflow options
    value returned to the shell at program stop
SIMPLE schedule type
SINGLE directive #1
SINGLE directive #2
    FIRSTPRIVATE clause #1
    FIRSTPRIVATE clause #2
    PRIVATE clause #1
    PRIVATE clause #2
SINGLE PROCESS directive #1
SINGLE PROCESS directive #2
    LOCAL option
    PRIVATE option
SIZE specifier
    See also Language Reference Manual
sleep library routine
SNGL intrinsic function
    options controlling size returned
    See also Language Reference Manual
Software pipelining #1
Software pipelining #2
Software pipelining #3
Software pipelining #4
Sorting (Compaq Extended Math Library)
Source code
    case control
        options for
    coding restrictions
        See Language Reference Manual
    include files
        directives to specify title and subtitle
    module files
        case sensitivity
    recognized file name suffixes
    source form and file name suffix
Source code listing #1
Source code listing #2
    defaults and applicable options
    general description
    options for #1
    options for #2
    options for #3
    options for #4
    options for #5
    output listing section
Source comments
    options for
Source files
    analyzing source code using Compaq Tru64 UNIX tools
    building using Compaq Tru64 UNIX tools
    creating and revising #1
    creating and revising #2
    managing using Compaq Tru64 UNIX tools
Source form
    and file name suffix
    recognized file name suffixes
    See also Language Reference Manual
Source format
    options for specifying
Source line CPU cycle use
Source lines
    coding restrictions
    form-feed effect on listing file #1
    form-feed effect on listing file #2
    option controlling maximum length (fixed form)
Source records
    option controlling padding
-source_listing option
Space optimization
Sparse linear system routines (Compaq Extended Math Library)
Specifier options (Fortran 90)
    See I/O statements; Language Reference Manual
    chunk size #1
    chunk size #2
    default chunk size
    default schedule type
    schedule type #1
    schedule type #2
-speculate option #1
-speculate option #2
Split lifetime analysis
Square root and floating-point conversion extension
srand library routine
    increasing size per process
Stack trace
    disable output of
Standard I/O file
    I/O statements default use
Standard input file
    reading from a redirected
    Fortran 90
    Fortran 95
    Fortran 95/90
    High Performance Fortran language
stat library routine
Statement functions
    in data flow analysis
    inline expansion of #1
    inline expansion of #2
    See also Language Reference Manual
    use for efficient run-time performance
Statement labels
    See Language Reference Manual; Labels; Source code
Static extent
-static option #1
-static option #2
STATIC schedule type #1
STATIC schedule type #2
STATIC schedule type #3
STATIC schedule type #4
STATIC schedule type #5
STATUS specifier #1
STATUS specifier #2
    See also Language Reference Manual
-std option #1
-std option #2
-std option #3
-std option #4
-std90 option
-std95 option
STDCALL keyword
stderr #1
stderr #2
    default logical unit number #1
    default logical unit number #2
    default use with I/O statements #1
    default use with I/O statements #2
    default logical unit number #1
    default logical unit number #2
    default use with I/O statements #1
    default use with I/O statements #2
Storage order
    natural ascending
Stream records #1
Stream records #2
    differences with OpenVMS Fortran
    OpenVMS data compatibility
Stream_CR records #1
Stream_CR records #2
    OpenVMS data compatibility
    portability considerations
Stream_LF records #1
Stream_LF records #2
    OpenVMS data compatibility
    portability considerations
    use for optimal performance
Strength reduction
strings command
strip command #1
strip command #2
STRUCTURE statement
    causes of unaligned data
    See also Language Reference Manual
    nesting limit
    See also Language Reference Manual; Record structures
    arguments #1
    arguments #2
        C and Fortran #1
        C and Fortran #2
        See also Language Reference Manual
    definition of
        case-sensitive names
    inlining #1
    inlining #2
    inlining #3
    inlining #4
        compiling multiple files
    internal (host association)
    module (use association)
        case-sensitive names
    requiring a procedure interface block for explicit interface
    See also Language Reference Manual; Procedure interface
    alternate entry points
    declaration statements
    See also Language Reference Manual
Subroutine calls
    between Compaq Fortran and C
    in data flow and split lifetime analysis
    See also Library routines
SUBROUTINE statement
    See also Language Reference Manual
    file name
SUM intrinsic
Summary descriptions
    3f library routines
    Compaq Fortran parallel directives
    compiler options by function
    language compatibility
    OpenMP directives
Symbol table
    created by compiler #1
    created by compiler #2
    created by compiler #3
    defaults and applicable options
    options for #1
    options for #2
Symbolic names
    maximum length
    See also Language Reference Manual
symlnk library routine
Synchronization constructs
    Compaq Fortran parallel
-synchronous_exceptions option #1
-synchronous_exceptions option #2
-synchronous_exceptions option #3
-syntax_only option
    error codes
        library routines for
System calls
    Fortran jacket routine
    Fortran jacket routines
    using to open file
system library routine
System time
    returning (library routine) #1
    returning (library routine) #2
    returning (library routine) #3
    returning (library routine) #4
    returning (library routine) #5
    returning (library routine) #6

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