Product: Volume Manager Manual Pages for Storage Foundation   
Manual: Maintenance Commands (1m)   



vxvset - create and administer volume sets


vxvset [-g diskgroup] [-c "ch_addopt"] [-f] [-o index] addvol vset vol [index]
vxvset [-g diskgroup] list [vset]
vxvset [-g diskgroup] [-t ch_subdir] [-m "ch_initopt"]
[-o index] [-c "ch_addopt"] make vset vol [index]

vxvset [-g diskgroup] [-f] [-c "ch_rmopt"] [-o index] rmvol vset {vol | index]
vxvset [-g diskgroup] [-f] start vset ...
vxvset [-g diskgroup] [-f] stop vset ...


Volume sets in VERITAS Volume Manager (VxVM) provide support for the Multi-Volume Support feature that can be used with VERITAS File System (VxFS). A volume set allows several volumes to be treated as a single object with one logical I/O interface. The vxvset utility is used to create and administer volume sets.



Moves the specified standalone volume, vol, into the volume set, vset. If the -o index option is specified, the value of the index argument is assigned to the volume. If the -o index option is not specified, an index value is assigned automatically.

Note   Note    The volume must be in the same disk group as the volume set, and it may not already be a member of another volume set.

After the move, any ch_addopt argument string that is specified using the -c option is passed to the vset_addvol content-handler operation (if any). This string indicates how the volume is to be processed by the application. For example, the string may indicate how the volume should be incorporated into a file system. The vset_addvol operation may provide a context string that is stored in the volume record.

Note   Note    The -f (force) option must be specified if the volume being added, or any volume in the volume set, is either a snapshot or the parent of a snapshot. Using this option can potentially cause inconsistencies in a snapshot hierarchy if any of the volumes involved in the operation is already in a snapshot chain.


If a volume set, vset, is specified, lists the component volume information. This includes the values of the volume name, index in the volume set, length and kernel state of the volume, and the context string for the volume set.

If a volume set is not specified, limited information about all volume sets in all disk group is displayed. This includes the volume set name, disk group name, number of volumes in each set, and the context string for the volume.


Creates a new volume set with a name specified by the vset argument and adds the specified volume, vol, to it.

If specified, the -t option defines the name of a content-handler subdirectory, ch_subdir, under the directory /usr/lib/vxvm/content. This optional subdirectory contains one or more utilities that support all possible volume-set operations for the interface to an application. For example, -t vxfs specifies that the vxfs subdirectory is used for VxFS.

Any ch_initopt argument that is specified using the -m option is passed to the vset_initset content handler operation (if any) that deals with volume set initialization. The vset_initset operation may provide a context string that is stored in the volume set record.

After adding the first volume to the volume set, any ch_addopt argument that is specified using the -c option is passed to the vset_addvol content-handler operation (if any). This string indicates how the volume is to be processed by the application. For example, the string may indicate how the volume should be incorporated into a file system. The vset_addvol operation may provide a context string that is stored in the volume record.


Removes the specified volume, vol, from the volume set, vset, and makes it available a standalone volume. If the -o index option is specified and an index is provided instead of a volume name, the volume with that index is removed from the volume set.

The content-handler string, ch_rmopt, that is specified by the -c option is passed to the vset_rmvol content-handler operation (if any). Typically, the vset_rmvol operation (if any) may choose to reorganize the data in the data set before performing the remove operation, or alternatively, it may cancel the the remove operation altogether.

Note   Note    A volume set is deleted when the final volume is removed from it.

Note   Note    The -f (force) option must be specified if the volume being removed, or any volume in the volume set, is either a snapshot or the parent of a snapshot. Using this option can potentially cause inconsistencies in a snapshot hierarchy if any of the volumes involved in the operation is already in a snapshot chain.


Attempts to start all volumes under the specified volume sets. If a volume would not normally be started because failures and disk removals have left all associated plexes with invalid data, the -f option can be used to try to start the volume. This option can be used after replacing disks to enable the volume. The volume's contents can then either be restored from a backup or reinitialized.


Attempts to stop all volumes under the specified volume sets. The -f option can be used to forcibly stop a volume that is in use. This causes failures to be returned for any further I/O operations on the volume device.


-c "ch_addopt"

Attempts to stop all volumes under the specified volume sets. The -f option can be used to forcibly stop a volume that is in use. This causes failures to be returned for any further I/O operations on the volume device.

-c "ch_rmopt"

Specifies a string that is passed to the vset_addvol content handler operation (if any) when a volume is added to a volume set, or that is passed to the vset_rmvol content handler operation (if any) when a volume is removed from a volume set.


For the addvol and rmvol operations, forcibly adds or removes volumes to or from the volume set where this would otherwise not be allowed.

For the start and stop operations, forcibly starts or stops volumes in the volume set where this would otherwise not be allowed.

-g diskgroup

Specifies the disk group. If a disk group is not specified, the default disk group is used as determined from the rules on the vxdg(1M) manual page.

-m "ch_initopt"

Specifies a string that is passed to the vset_initset content handler operation (if any) when a volume set is initialized.

-o index

Specifies the index of a volume within a volume set.

-t ch_subdir

Specifies the subdirectory under /usr/lib/vxvm/content that contains the handler utilities for a volume set. For example, the VxFS handler utilities are located in the vxfs subdirectory.


Create a volume set named acctvs containing the volume vol in the disk group mydg for use with VxFS:

vxvset -g mydg -t vxfs make acctvs vol

Add the volumes, v1 and i-vol, to the volume set, acctvs, using specified index numbers:

vxvset -g mydg -o index addvol acctvs v1 0
vxvset -g mydg -o index addvol acctvs i-vol 1

List the volumes in the volume set, acctvs:

vxvset -g mydg list acctvs

Remove the volume, v1, from the volume set, acctvs, by specifying its name:

vxvset -g mydg rmvol acctvs v1

Remove the volume, i-vol, from the volume set, acctvs, by specifying its index number, 1:

vxvset -g mydg -o index rmvol acctvs 1


Volume sets can be used in place of volumes with the following vxsnap operations on instant volume snapshots: addmir, dis, make, prepare, reattach, refresh, restore, rmmir, split, syncpause, syncresume, syncstart, syncstop, syncwait and unprepare.

A full-sized snapshot of a volume set must itself be a volume set. See the vxsnap(1M) manual page for more information about administering instant volume snapshots.

The maximum number of volumes that may be included in a volume set is 256.

Raw I/O from/to a volume set is not supported.


vxdg (1M), vxedit (1M), vxmake (1M), vxprint (1M), vxvol (1M)
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Product: Volume Manager Manual Pages for Storage Foundation  
Manual: Maintenance Commands (1m)  
VERITAS Software Corporation