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Product: Volume Manager Manual Pages for Storage Foundation   
Manual: Maintenance Commands (1m)   



vxvmboot - prepare VERITAS Volume Manager volume as a root, boot, primary swap or dump volume


/sbin/vxvmboot [-b|-d|-r|-s] [-v] -o offset -l length rawpath
/sbin/vxvmboot -v rawpath
/sbin/vxvmboot -c


The vxvmboot command updates information in the LABEL file for the lif disk specified by the pathname of its character (raw) device node, rawpath. The volume at the specified offset and length becomes the boot, root, primary swap or dump volume when the system is next booted.

This command is normally invoked by the vxbootsetup utility.



Specifies the volume type as a boot volume with name standvol.


Is used to update the /stand/rootconf file with the offset and length of the rootvol. The usage is slightly different when the -c argument is used. The rawpath argument is not used with this invocation. Instead the path of the boot device is extracted from the /stand/bootconf file. Also, the -o and -l arguments are not used to specify the offset and length. Instead, the offset and length of the rootvol are obtained from the LIF LABEL file on the boot device.

The -c option would normally be used in the \/sbin/ioinitrc script to update the /stand/rootconf file, when the boot disk is VxVM rootable.


Specifies the volume type as a dump volume with name dumpvol.

If a dumpvol volume exists on the specified disk, the extent information from this volume is used. If no such volume exists, the extent information of the swap volume is used instead, and swapvol performs the dual role of swap device and dump device.

-l length

Specifies the length of the volume in units of 1024-byte blocks.

-o offset

Specifies the start of the volume as the number of 1024-byte blocks from the beginning of the disk.


Specifies the volume type as a root volume with name rootvol.


Specifies the volume type as a swap volume with name swapvol.


When used with one of the options -b, -d, -r or -s, displays the contents of the updated LABEL file. Otherwise, this option may be used to display the contents of the LABEL file on the specified lif disk.

Note   Note    The -b, -c, -d, -r and -s options are mutually exclusive. If more than one of these options is specified, the vxvmboot command exits without performing any operation.



Specifies the pathname of the character (raw) device node for the lif disk.


lif(4), mkboot(1M), vxbootsetup (1M)
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Product: Volume Manager Manual Pages for Storage Foundation  
Manual: Maintenance Commands (1m)  
VERITAS Software Corporation