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Product: Volume Manager Manual Pages for Storage Foundation   
Manual: Maintenance Commands (1m)   



vxtranslog - administer transaction logging


vxtranslog [-H] [-l] [-m {on|off}] [-n number] [-q {on|off}] [-s size]


The vxtranslog command is used to administer transaction logging in VERITAS Volume Manager (VxVM). This feature can be used to record transactions that are carried out by the vxconfigd daemon at the request of VxVM commands, and can be used in conjunction with the command logging feature (see vxcmdlog(1M)).

When the current log file reaches a maximum size, it is renamed as a historic log file, and a new current log file is created. A limited number of historic log files is preserved to avoid filling up the file system. In addition, logging of query requests is turned off by default to prevent the log files from being filled too quickly.

Each log file contains a header that records the host name, host ID, and the date and time that the log was created. See the EXAMPLES section below for a description of the entries that are recorded in a log file.



Displays detailed help about the usage of the command.


Lists current settings for transaction logging. This shows whether transaction and query logging are enabled, the maximum number of historic log files, and the maximum log file size.

-m {on|off}

Turns transaction logging on or off. By default, transaction logging is turned on, but query logging is turned off. Query logging can be turned on by using the -q option.

-n number

Sets the maximum number of historic log files to maintain. The default number is 5. If number is set to no_limit, there is no limit on the number of historic log files that are created.

-q {on|off}

Turns query logging on or off. By default, query logging is turned off to prevent the log files filling too rapidly.

-s size

Sets the maximum size to which a transaction log can grow. (Note that this setting has no effect on existing historic log files.)

The suffix modifiers k, m, and g may be used express sizes in kilobytes, megabytes and gigabytes respectively. If no suffix is specified, the default units are kilobytes.

If size is set to no_limit, there is no limit on the size of the log file.

The size of the transaction log is checked after an entry has been written so the actual size may be slightly larger than that specified. When the log reaches the specified size, the current transaction log file, translog, is renamed as the next available historic log file, translog.number, where number is an integer from 1 up to the maximum number of historic log files that is currently defined.

If the maximum number of historic log files has been reached, the oldest historic log file is removed, and the current log file is renamed as that file.

The default maximum size of the transaction log file is 1m (1MB).


Turn on query logging:

vxtranslog -q on

Set the maximum transaction log file size to 512KB:

vxtranslog -s 512k

Set the maximum number of historic transaction log files to 10:

vxtranslog -n 10

The following are sample entries from a transaction log file:

Thu Feb 13 19:30:57 2003
Clid = 26924, PID = 3001, Part = 0, Status = 0, Abort Reason = 0
    DA_GET SENA0_1
    DANAME_GET 0x1d801d8 0x1d801a0
    GET_ARRAYNAME SENA 50800200000e78b8
    CTLR_PTOLNAME /pci@1f,4000/pci@5/SUNW,qlc@4/fp@0,0
    GET_ARRAYNAME SENA 50800200000e78b8
    CTLR_PTOLNAME /pci@1f,4000/pci@5/SUNW,qlc@5/fp@0,0
    DISCONNECT <no request data>

The first line of each log entry is the time stamp of the transaction. The Clid field corresponds to the client ID for the connection that the command opened to vxconfigd. The Status and Abort Reason fields contain error codes if the transaction does not complete normally. The remainder of the record shows the data that was used in processing the transaction.

Note   Note    The client ID is the same as that recorded for the corresponding command in the command log.



Symbolic link to the log directory. This can be redefined if necessary.


Current transaction log.


Historic transaction logs.


vxcmdlog (1M)
VERITAS Volume Manager Troubleshooting Guide
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Product: Volume Manager Manual Pages for Storage Foundation  
Manual: Maintenance Commands (1m)  
VERITAS Software Corporation