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Product: Volume Manager Manual Pages for Storage Foundation   
Manual: Maintenance Commands (1m)   



vxse - Storage Expert rules


/opt/VRTS/vxse/vxvm/vxse_rule [-g diskgroup] [-d defaults_file] [-v] check
/opt/VRTS/vxse/vxvm/vxse_rule [-g diskgroup] [-d defaults_file] [-v] info
/opt/VRTS/vxse/vxvm/vxse_rule [-g diskgroup] [-d defaults_file] [-v] list
/opt/VRTS/vxse/vxvm/vxse_rule [-g diskgroup] [-d defaults_file] [-v] run [attribute=value...]


Storage Expert consists of a set of simple commands that collects VxVM configuration data and compares it with "best practice." Storage Expert then produces a summary report that shows which objects do not meet these criteria and makes recommendations for VxVM configuration improvements.

These user-configurable tools help you as an administrator to verify and validate systems and non-optimal configurations in both small and large VxVM installations.

Storage Expert components include a set of rule scripts and a rules engine. The rules engine runs the scripts and produces ASCII output, which is organized and archived by Storage Expert's report generator. This output contains information about areas of VxVM configuration that do not meet the set criteria. By default, output is sent to the screen, but you can redirect it to a file using standard UNIX redirection.



Lists the default values used by a rule's attributes.


Describes what a rule does.


Lists the attributes of a rule that can be set.


Runs a rule. If one or more attribute-value pairs are specified, these override the values set in the defaults file.


-d defaults_file

Specifies an alternate default attribute-values file to the standard file, /etc/default/vxse.

-g diskgroup

Specifies the disk group to be examined instead of the default disk group (see vxdg(1M)).


Specifies verbose output format.


Note   Note    The executable rule files are located in the directory, /opt/VRTS/vxse/vxvm. These examples assume that this directory has been added to the PATH variable.

Discover what the vxse_stripes2 rule does:

vxse_stripes2 info

Display the attributes that are available for the vxse_drl1 rule:

vxse_drl1 list

Display the default values of the attributes for the vxse_stripes2 rule:

vxse_stripes2 check

Run the vxse_volplex rule on the mydg disk group:

vxse_volplex -g mydg run

Run the vxse_drl2 rule on the mydg disk group with the value of the large_mirror_size attribute set to 30MB:

vxse_drl2 -g mydg run large_mirror_size=30m

Run the vxse_srl2 rule using the default attribute values that are set in the file mydefaultsfile:

vxse_drl2 -d mydefaultsfile -g mydg run



Standard attribute values file for vxse rules.


Directory containing executable rules.


See the "Using VERITAS Storage Expert" chapter in the VERITAS Volume Manager Administrator's Guide for a description of the rules and their attributes.


vxdg (1M), vxintro (1M)
VERITAS Volume Manager Administrator's Guide
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Product: Volume Manager Manual Pages for Storage Foundation  
Manual: Maintenance Commands (1m)  
VERITAS Software Corporation