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Product: Volume Manager Manual Pages for Storage Foundation   
Manual: Maintenance Commands (1m)   



vxresize - change the length of a volume containing a file system


/etc/vx/bin/vxresize [-bfnsx]
[-F fstype] [-g diskgroup]
[-o {override|verify}] [-t tasktag]
volume new_length [[!]medianame...]


The vxresize command either grows or shrinks both the file system and its underlying volume to match the specified new volume length. The ability to grow or shrink is file system dependent. Some file system types may require that the file system be unmounted for the operation to succeed, as shown in the following table:

|              |  Online JFS   |   Base JFS    |      HFS      |
|              |  (Full-VxFS)  |  (Lite-VxFS)  |               |
| Mounted FS   |Grow and shrink|  Not allowed  |  Not allowed  |
|              | (uses fsadm)  |               |               |
| Unmounted FS |   Grow only   |   Grow only   |   Grow only   |
|              |(uses extendfs)|(uses extendfs)|(uses extendfs)|

vxresize works with JFS (derived from VERITAS File System (VxFS)) and HFS file systems only.

  • In some situations, when resizing large volumes, vxresize may take a long time to complete.
  • Resizing a volume with a usage type other than FSGEN or RAID5 can result in loss of data. Use the -f option to force resizing of such a volume.
  • You cannot resize volumes comprised of different layout types. If you try to do so, an error message displays stating that the volume contains a different organization.

The new_length operand can begin with a plus (+) or minus (-) to indicate that the new length is added to or subtracted from from the current volume length.

The vxresize command accepts the storage specification arguments that are used with the vxassist and vxvoladm commands, and other vxassist specification arguments such as mirror, stripe and alloc if the volume is not an Intelligent Storage Provisioning (ISP) volume. The arguments are passed unmodified to the vxassist or vxvoladm command as appropriate.

For example, medianame operands can be specified to name the disks that are to be used for allocating new space for a volume. These arguments can be a simple name for a disk media record, or they can be of the form medianame, offset to specify an offset within the named disk. If an offset is specified, then regions from that offset to the end of the disk are considered candidates for allocation. If a medianame operand is prefixed by !, the specified storage is excluded from the allocation process.

See the vxassist(1M) and vxvoladm(1M) manual pages for information about storage specification arguments.



Performs the resize operation in the background. The command returns quickly, but the resize will be in progress. Use the vxprint command to determine when the operation completes.

Note   Note    This option is only honored for grow operations on non-RAID5 volumes. Otherwise, it is ignored.


Forces a operation that is usually disallowed by vxresize.

-F fstype

Supplies the type of the file system to be resized.

-g diskgroup

Limits operation of the command to the given disk group, as specified by disk group ID or disk group name. The volume operand is evaluated relative to the given disk group.


Prevents resizing of a volume if it does not contain a file system.


Requires that the operation represent a decrease in the volume length.

-t tasktag

If any tasks are registered to track the progress of the operation, mark them with the tag tasktag. The tag specified by tasktag is a sequence of up to 16 alphanumeric characters.


Requires that the operation represent an increase in the volume length. Fail the operation otherwise.


Some environments provide guidelines to optimize VxVM's interaction with intelligent storage systems. If these guidelines are present, VxVM follows the guidelines when creating volumes or allocating space for volumes. By default, vxresize only resizes volumes such that the volumes conform with these guidelines. The following options change the behavior of vxresize:

-o override

Resizes the specified volume and ignores any storage-specific guidelines. Overriding the guidelines is not recommended as it can result in incompatible objects, or objects that cannot be administered by VxVM and any associated software that exploit storage-specific features.

-o verify

Verifies that the specified volume can be resized without violating any storage-specific guidelines, but does not resize the volume. If any guidelines are violated, vxresize exits with an error message.

Note   Note    These options need a specific license. Without the license, vxresize ignores the specified option.


For a CFS file system, the vxresize command must be executed on the master node, which must also be the CFS primary.


extendfs_vxfs(1M), fsadm_vxfs(1M), vxassist (1M), vxintro (1M), vxprint (1M), vxtask (1M), vxvoladm (1M)
VERITAS Volume Manager Administrator's Guide
VERITAS Storage Foundation Intelligent Storage Provisioning Administrator's Guide
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Product: Volume Manager Manual Pages for Storage Foundation  
Manual: Maintenance Commands (1m)  
VERITAS Software Corporation