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Product: Volume Manager Guides   
Manual: Volume Manager 4.1 Administrator's Guide   

Restoring the Original Volume from a Snapshot

For traditional snapshots, the snapshot plex is resynchronized from the data in the original volume during a vxassist snapback operation. Alternatively, you can choose the snapshot plex as the preferred copy of the data when performing a snapback as illustrated in Resynchronizing an Original Volume from a Snapshot. Specifying the option -o resyncfromreplica to vxassist resynchronizes the original volume from the data in the snapshot.

Resynchronizing an Original Volume from a Snapshot

Resynchronizing an Original Volume from a Snapshot

Click the thumbnail above to view full-sized image.

Note   Note    The original volume must not be in use during a snapback operation that specifies the option -o resyncfromreplica to resynchronize the volume from a snapshot. Stop any application, such as a database, and unmount any file systems that are configured to use the volume.

For instant snapshots, the vxsnap restore command may be used to restore the contents of the original volume from an instant snapshot or from a volume derived from an instant snapshot. The volume that is used to restore the original volume can either be a true backup of the contents of the original volume at some point in time, or it may have been modified in some way (for example, by applying a database log replay or by running a file system checking utility such as fsck) to create a synthetic replica. All synchronization of the contents of this backup or synthetic replica volume must have been completed before the original volume can be restored from it. The original volume is immediately available for use while its contents are being restored.

Note   Note    You can perform either a destructive or non-destructive restoration of an original volume from an instant snapshot. Only non-destructive restoration is possible from a space-optimized snapshot. In this case, the snapshot remains in existence after the restoration is complete.
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Product: Volume Manager Guides  
Manual: Volume Manager 4.1 Administrator's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation