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Manual: Volume Manager 4.1 Administrator's Guide   

Changing the Read Policy for Mirrored Volumes

VxVM offers the choice of the following read policies on the data plexes in a mirrored volume:

  • round reads each plex in turn in "round-robin" fashion for each nonsequential I/O detected. Sequential access causes only one plex to be accessed. This takes advantage of the drive or controller read-ahead caching policies.
  • prefer reads first from a plex that has been named as the preferred plex.
  • select chooses a default policy based on plex associations to the volume. If the volume has an enabled striped plex, the select option defaults to preferring that plex; otherwise, it defaults to round-robin.

The read policy can be changed from round to prefer (or the reverse), or to a different preferred plex. The vxvol rdpol command sets the read policy for a volume.

Note   Note    You cannot set the read policy on a RAID-5 volume. RAID-5 plexes have their own read policy (RAID).

To set the read policy to round, use the following command:

vxvol [-g diskgroup] rdpol round volume

For example, to set the read policy for the volume, vol01, in disk group, mydg, to round-robin, use the following command:

vxvol -g mydg rdpol round vol01

To set the read policy to prefer, use the following command:

vxvol [-g diskgroup] rdpol prefer volume preferred_plex

For example, to set the policy for vol01 to read preferentially from the plex vol01-02, use the following command:

vxvol -g mydg rdpol prefer vol01 vol01-02

To set the read policy to select, use the following command:

vxvol [-g diskgroup] rdpol select volume

For more information about how read policies affect performance, see Volume Read Policies.

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Product: Volume Manager Guides  
Manual: Volume Manager 4.1 Administrator's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation