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Product: Volume Manager Guides   
Manual: Volume Manager 4.1 Administrator's Guide   

Reconfiguration Tasks

The following sections describe tasks that allow you to make changes to the configuration that you specified during installation.

Changing the Name of the Default Disk Group

If you use the VERITAS installer to install the VERITAS Volume Manager software, you can enter the name of the default disk group. This disk group will be used by commands if you do not specify the -g option, or the VXVM_DEFAULTDG environment variable is not set. If required, you can use the vxdctl defaultdg command to change the default disk group. See Displaying and Specifying the System-Wide Default Disk Group for details.

Enabling or Disabling Enclosure-Based Naming

If you use the VERITAS installer to install the VERITAS Volume Manager software, you can choose whether the displayed disk access names are based on device names or on names that you assign to disk enclosures. If required, you can use the vxdiskadm or vxddladm commands to change the naming convention that is used. See Changing the Disk-Naming Scheme for more information.

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Product: Volume Manager Guides  
Manual: Volume Manager 4.1 Administrator's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation