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Manual: Volume Manager 4.1 Administrator's Guide   

Changing Subdisk Attributes

Caution  Caution    Change subdisk attributes with extreme care.

The vxedit command changes attributes of subdisks and other VxVM objects. To change subdisk attributes, use the following command:

vxedit [-g diskgroup] set attribute=value ... subdisk ...

Subdisk fields that can be changed using the vxedit command include:

  • name
  • putiln
  • tutiln
  • len
  • comment

The putiln field attributes are maintained on reboot; tutiln fields are temporary and are not retained on reboot. VxVM sets the putil0 and tutil0 utility fields. Other VERITAS products, such as the VERITAS Enterprise Administrator (VEA), set the putil1 and tutil1 fields. The putil2 and tutil2 are available for you to use for site-specific purposes. The length field, len, can only be changed if the subdisk is dissociated.

For example, to change the comment field of a subdisk named mydg02-01 in the disk group, mydg, use the following command:

vxedit -g mydg set comment="subdisk comment" mydg02-01

To prevent a particular subdisk from being associated with a plex, set the putil0 field to a non-null string, as shown in the following command:

vxedit -g mydg set putil0="DO-NOT-USE" mydg02-01

See the vxedit(1M) manual page for more information about using the vxedit command to change the attribute fields of VxVM objects.

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Product: Volume Manager Guides  
Manual: Volume Manager 4.1 Administrator's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation