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Manual: Volume Manager 4.1 Administrator's Guide   

Associating Log Subdisks

Note   Note    The version 20 DCO volume layout includes space for a DRL. Do not apply the procedure described in this section to a volume that has a version 20 DCO volume associated with it. See Preparing a Volume for DRL and Instant Snapshots for more information.

Log subdisks are defined and added to a plex that is to become part of a volume on which dirty region logging (DRL) is enabled. DRL is enabled for a volume when the volume is mirrored and has at least one log subdisk.

For a description of DRL, see Dirty Region Logging (DRL). Log subdisks are ignored as far as the usual plex policies are concerned, and are only used to hold the dirty region log.

Note   Note    Only one log subdisk can be associated with a plex. Because this log subdisk is frequently written, care should be taken to position it on a disk that is not heavily used. Placing a log subdisk on a heavily-used disk can degrade system performance.

To add a log subdisk to an existing plex, use the following command:

vxsd [-g diskgroup] aslog plex  subdisk

where subdisk is the name to be used for the log subdisk. The plex must be associated with a mirrored volume before dirty region logging takes effect.

For example, to associate a subdisk named mydg02-01 with a plex named vol01-02, which is already associated with volume vol01 in the disk group, mydg, use the following command:

vxsd -g mydg aslog vol01-02 mydg02-01

You can also add a log subdisk to an existing volume with the following command:

vxassist [-g diskgroup] addlog volume disk

This command automatically creates a log subdisk within a log plex on the specified disk for the specified volume.

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Product: Volume Manager Guides  
Manual: Volume Manager 4.1 Administrator's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation