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Manual: Volume Manager 4.1 Administrator's Guide   

Displaying Subdisk Information

The vxprint command displays information about VxVM objects. To display general information for all subdisks, use this command:

vxprint -st

The -s option specifies information about subdisks. The -t option prints a single-line output record that depends on the type of object being listed.

The following is example output:

sd mydg01-01 vol1-01  mydg01  0        102400 0                                 c2t0d1  ENA
sd mydg02-01 vol2-01  mydg02  0        102400 0                                 c2t1d1  ENA

You can display complete information about a particular subdisk by using this command:

vxprint [-g diskgroup] -l subdisk

For example, the following command displays all information for subdisk mydg02-01 in the disk group, mydg:

vxprint -g mydg -l mydg02-01

This command provides the following output:

Disk group: mydg
Subdisk:  mydg02-01
info:     disk=mydg02 offset=0 len=205632
assoc:    vol=mvol plex=mvol-02 (offset=0)
flags:    enabled
device:   device=c2t1d1 path=/dev/vx/dmp/c2t1d1 diskdev=32/68
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Product: Volume Manager Guides  
Manual: Volume Manager 4.1 Administrator's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation