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Manual: Volume Manager 4.1 Administrator's Guide   

Running Storage Expert

Note   Note    You must have root user privileges to run Storage Expert.

Command Line Syntax

Note   Note    The executable rule files are located in the directory, /opt/VRTS/vxse/vxvm. The examples in this chapter assume that this directory has been added to the PATH variable.

The rules are invoked using the following syntax:

rulename [optionskeyword [attribute=value ...]

Each of the rules performs a different function as listed in Rule Definitions and Attributes.

The following options may be specified:

-d defaults_file Specify an alternate defaults file.

-g diskgroup Specify the disk group to be examined.

-v Specify verbose output format.

One of the following keywords must be specified:

check List the default values used by the rule's attributes.

info Describe what the rule does.

list List the attributes of the rule that you can set.

run Run the rule.

A full list of the Storage Expert rules and their default values are listed in Rule Definitions and Attributes.

Discovering What a Rule Does

To obtain details about what a rule does, use the info keyword, as in the following example:

# vxse_stripes2 info 
VxVM vxse:vxse_stripes2 INFO V-5-1-6153 This rule checks for stripe volumes which have too many or too few columns

Displaying Rule Attributes and Their Default Values

To see the attributes that are available for a given rule, use the list keyword. In the following example, the single attribute, mirror_threshold, is shown for the rule vxse_drl1:

# vxse_drl1 list
VxVM vxse:vxse_drl1 INFO V-5-1-6004
vxse_drl1 - TUNEABLES default values
     mirror_threshold - large mirror threshold size
                Warn if a mirror is of greater
                than this size and does not have
                an attached DRL log.

To see the default values of a specified rule's attributes, use the check keyword as shown here:

# vxse_stripes2 check
vxse_stripes2 - TUNEABLES
VxVM vxse:vxse_stripes2 INFO V-5-1-5546
      too_wide_stripe - (16) columns in a striped volume
      too_narrow_stripe - (3) columns in a striped volume

Storage Expert lists the default value of each of the rule's attributes.

A full list of rules and the default values of their attributes can be found in Rule Definitions and Attributes.

To alter the behavior of rules, you can change the value of their attributes as described in the section, Setting Rule Attributes.

Running a Rule

The run keyword invokes a default or reconfigured rule on a disk group or file name, for example:

vxse_dg1 -g mydg run 
VxVM vxse:vxse_dg1 INFO V-5-1-5511 vxse_vxdg1 - RESULTS 
vxse_dg1 PASS:
Disk group (mydg) okay amount of disks in this disk group (4)

This indicates that the specified disk group (mydg) met the conditions specified in the rule. See Rule Result Types for a list of the possible result types.

Note   Note    You can set Storage Expert to run as a cron job to notify administrators and automatically archive reports.

Rule Result Types

Running a rule generates output that shows the status of the objects that have been examined against the rule:

INFO Information about the specified object; for example "RAID-5 does not have a log."

PASS The object met the conditions of the rule.

VIOLATION The object did not meet the conditions of the rule.

Setting Rule Attributes

You can set attributes in the following ways:

  • Enter an attribute on the command line, for example:

  • vxse_drl2 -g mydg run large_mirror_size=30m
  • Create your own defaults file, and specify that file on the command line:

  • vxse_drl2 -d mydefaultsfile run
    Lines in this file contain attribute values definitions for a rule in this format:

    For example, the following entry defines a value of 20 gigabytes for the attribute large_mirror_size of the rule vxse_drl2:

    You can specify values that are to be ignored by inserting a # character at the start of the line, for example:

  • Edit the attribute values that are defined in the /etc/default/vxse file. If you do this, make a backup copy of the file in case you need to regress your changes.

Attributes are applied using the following order of precedence from highest to lowest:

  1. A value specified on the command line.
  2. A value specified in a user-defined defaults file.
  3. A value in the /etc/default/vxse file that has not been commented out.
  4. A built-in value defined at compile time.
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Product: Volume Manager Guides  
Manual: Volume Manager 4.1 Administrator's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation