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Manual: Volume Manager 4.1 Troubleshooting Guide   

Associating Command and Transaction Logs

The Client and process IDs that are recorded for every request and command assist you in correlating entries in the command and transaction logs. To find out which command issued a particular request in transaction log, use a command such as the following to search for the process ID and the client ID in the command log:

egrep -n PID cmdlog | egrep Clid

In this example, the following request was recorded in the transaction log:

Wed Feb 12 21:19:36 2003
Clid = 8309, PID = 2778, Part = 0, Status = 0, Abort Reason = 0
    DG_IMPORT foodg
    DG_IMPORT foodg
    DISCONNECT <no request data>

To locate the utility that issued this request, the command would be:

egrep -n 2778 cmdlog | egrep 8309
7310:# 8309, 2778, Wed Feb 12 21:19:36 2003

The output from the example shows a match at line 7310 in the command log. Examining lines 7310 and 7311 in the command log indicates that the vxdg import command was run on the foodg disk group:

# sed -e '7310,7311!d' cmdlog
# 8309, 2778, Wed Feb 12 21:19:36 2003 7311
/usr/sbin/vxdg -m import foodg
Note   Note    If there are multiple matches for the combination of the client and process ID, you can determine the correct match by examining the time stamp.

If a utility opens a conditional connection to vxconfigd, its client ID is shown as zero in the command log, and as a non-zero value in the transaction log. You can use the process ID and time stamp to relate the log entries in such cases.

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Product: Volume Manager Guides  
Manual: Volume Manager 4.1 Troubleshooting Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation