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Product: Volume Manager Guides   
Manual: Volume Manager 4.1 Administrator's Guide   

Volume Resynchronization

When storing data redundantly and using mirrored or RAID-5 volumes, VxVM ensures that all copies of the data match exactly. However, under certain conditions (usually due to complete system failures), some redundant data on a volume can become inconsistent or unsynchronized. The mirrored data is not exactly the same as the original data. Except for normal configuration changes (such as detaching and reattaching a plex), this can only occur when a system crashes while data is being written to a volume.

Data is written to the mirrors of a volume in parallel, as is the data and parity in a RAID-5 volume. If a system crash occurs before all the individual writes complete, it is possible for some writes to complete while others do not. This can result in the data becoming unsynchronized. For mirrored volumes, it can cause two reads from the same region of the volume to return different results, if different mirrors are used to satisfy the read request. In the case of RAID-5 volumes, it can lead to parity corruption and incorrect data reconstruction.

VxVM needs to ensure that all mirrors contain exactly the same data and that the data and parity in RAID-5 volumes agree. This process is called volume resynchronization. For volumes that are part of the disk group that is automatically imported at boot time (usually aliased as the reserved system-wide disk group, bootdg), the resynchronization process takes place when the system reboots.

Not all volumes require resynchronization after a system failure. Volumes that were never written or that were quiescent (that is, had no active I/O) when the system failure occurred could not have had outstanding writes and do not require resynchronization.

Dirty Flags

VxVM records when a volume is first written to and marks it as dirty. When a volume is closed by all processes or stopped cleanly by the administrator, and all writes have been completed, VxVM removes the dirty flag for the volume. Only volumes that are marked dirty when the system reboots require resynchronization.

Resynchronization Process

The process of resynchronization depends on the type of volume. RAID-5 volumes that contain RAID-5 logs can "replay" those logs. If no logs are available, the volume is placed in reconstruct-recovery mode and all parity is regenerated. For mirrored volumes, resynchronization is done by placing the volume in recovery mode (also called read-writeback recovery mode). Resynchronization of data in the volume is done in the background. This allows the volume to be available for use while recovery is taking place.

The process of resynchronization can impact system performance. The recovery process reduces some of this impact by spreading the recoveries to avoid stressing a specific disk or controller.

For large volumes or for a large number of volumes, the resynchronization process can take time. These effects can be addressed by using dirty region logging (DRL) and FastResync (fast mirror resynchronization) for mirrored volumes, or by ensuring that RAID-5 volumes have valid RAID-5 logs. See the sections Dirty Region Logging (DRL) and FastResync for more information.

For raw volumes used by database applications, the SmartSync Recovery Accelerator can be used if this is supported by the database vendor (see SmartSync Recovery Accelerator).

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Product: Volume Manager Guides  
Manual: Volume Manager 4.1 Administrator's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation