Product: Volume Manager Guides   
Manual: Volume Manager 4.1 Hardware Notes   

Correcting the Effects of Swapping Paths

If you accidentally or intentionally swap the paths to an array by changing the N_Port_id of the affected disks, you must use the fcmsutl(1M) command to reconfigure the disks before attempting to rediscover the VxVM configuration.

To recover the situation, run the following command to fetch the N_Port_id of the affected devices:

fcmsutil TD_device_file get remote all

The following is an example of running this command:

fcmsutil /dev/td0 get remote all | grep N_Port_id
Target N_Port_id is = 0x00006b
Target N_Port_id is = 0x00006c
Target N_Port_id is = 0x00006d
Target N_Port_id is = 0x00006e

Then run fcmsutil with the replace_dsk option, for example:

for nport in 0x00006b 0x00006c 0x00006d 0x00006e
fcmsutil /dev/td0 replace_dsk $nport

You should run this script for both affected TD device files (for example, /dev/td0 and /dev/td1). If fcmsutil is not used, the commands ioscan, insf -e and vxdctl enable might take a long time to complete. When this situation occurs, there will be a message in the file /var/adm/syslog/syslog.log indicating that you must use fcmsutil to correct the problem.

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Product: Volume Manager Guides  
Manual: Volume Manager 4.1 Hardware Notes  
VERITAS Software Corporation