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Manual: Volume Manager 4.1 Administrator's Guide   

Displaying Spare Disk Information

Use the following command to display information about spare disks that are available for relocation:

# vxdg [-g diskgroup] spare

The following is example output:

GROUP     DISK      DEVICE       TAG      OFFSET     LENGTH      FLAGS
mydg     mydg02      c0t2d0       c0t2d0      0     658007      s   

Here mydg02 is the only disk designated as a spare in the mydg disk group. The LENGTH field indicates how much spare space is currently available on mydg02 for relocation.

The following commands can also be used to display information about disks that are currently designated as spares:

  • vxdisk list lists disk information and displays spare disks with a spare flag.
  • vxprint lists disk and other information and displays spare disks with a SPARE flag.
  • The list menu item on the vxdiskadm main menu lists all disks including spare disks.

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Product: Volume Manager Guides  
Manual: Volume Manager 4.1 Administrator's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation