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Manual: Volume Manager 4.1 Administrator's Guide   

Using vxnotify to Monitor Configuration Changes

You can use the vxnotify utility to display events relating to disk and configuration changes that are managed by the vxconfigd configuration daemon. If vxnotify is running on a system where the VxVM clustering feature is active, it displays events that are related to changes in the cluster state of the system on which it is running. The vxnotify utility displays the requested event types until you kill it, until it has received a specified number of events, or until a specified period of time has elapsed.

Examples of configuration events that can be detected include disabling and enabling of controllers, paths and DMP nodes, RAID-5 volumes entering degraded mode, detachment of disks, plexes and volumes, and nodes joining and leaving a cluster.

For example, the following vxnotify command displays information about all disk, plex, and volume detachments as they occur:

vxnotify -f

The following command provides information about cluster configuration changes, including the import and deport of shared disk groups:

vxnotify -s -i

For more information about the vxnotify utility, and the types of configuration events that it can report, see the vxnotify(1M) manual page.

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Product: Volume Manager Guides  
Manual: Volume Manager 4.1 Administrator's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation