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Manual: Volume Manager 4.1 Administrator's Guide   

Destroying a Disk Group

The vxdg command provides a destroy option that removes a disk group from the system and frees the disks in that disk group for reinitialization:

vxdg destroy diskgroup
Caution  Caution    This command destroys all data on the disks.

When a disk group is destroyed, the disks that are released can be re-used in other disk groups.

Recovering a Destroyed Disk Group

If a disk group has been accidentally destroyed, you can use the following procedure to recover it, provided that the disks that were in the disk group have not been modified or reused elsewhere:

  1. Enter the following command to find out the disk group ID (dgid) of one of the disks that was in the disk group:
    vxdisk -s list disk_access_name

    The disk must be specified by its disk access name, such as c0t12d0. Examine the output from the command for a line similar to the following that specifies the disk group ID.

    dgid:   963504895.1075.bass
  2. Use the disk group ID to import the disk group:
    vxdg import dgid
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Product: Volume Manager Guides  
Manual: Volume Manager 4.1 Administrator's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation