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Product: Volume Manager Guides   
Manual: Volume Manager 4.1 Administrator's Guide   

Moving Disks Between Disk Groups

To move a disk between disk groups, remove the disk from one disk group and add it to the other. For example, to move the physical disk c0t3d0 (attached with the disk name salesdg04) from disk group salesdg and add it to disk group mktdg, use the following commands:

vxdg -g salesdg rmdisk salesdg04 
vxdg -g mktdg adddisk mktdg02=c0t3d0
Caution  Caution    This procedure does not save the configurations nor data on the disks.

You can also move a disk by using the vxdiskadm command. Select item 3 (Remove a disk) from the main menu, and then select item 1 (Add or initialize a disk).

See Moving Objects Between Disk Groups for an alternative and preferred method of moving disks between disk groups. This method preserves VxVM objects, such as volumes, that are configured on the disks.

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Product: Volume Manager Guides  
Manual: Volume Manager 4.1 Administrator's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation