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Product: Volume Manager Guides   
Manual: Volume Manager 4.1 Troubleshooting Guide   

Recovering from Incomplete Disk Group Moves

If the system crashes or a subsystem fails while a disk group move, split or join operation is being performed, VxVM attempts either to reverse or to complete the operation when the system is restarted or the subsystem is repaired. Whether the operation is reversed or completed depends on how far it had progressed.

Automatic recovery depends on being able to import both the source and target disk groups. If this is not possible (for example, if one of the disk groups has been imported on another host), perform the following steps to recover the disk group:

  1. Use the vxprint command to examine the configuration of both disk groups. Objects in disk groups whose move is incomplete have their TUTIL0 fields set to MOVE.
  2. Enter the following command to attempt completion of the move:
    vxdg recover sourcedg

    This operation fails if one of the disk groups cannot be imported because it has been imported on another host or because it does not exist:

    VxVM vxdg ERROR V-5-1-2907 diskgroup: Disk group does not exist

    If the recovery fails, perform one of the following steps as appropriate.

  • If the disk group has been imported on another host, export it from that host, and import it on the current host. If all the required objects already exist in either the source or target disk group, use the following command to reset the MOVE flags in that disk group:

  • vxdg -o clean recover diskgroup1
    Use the following command on the other disk group to remove the objects that have TUTIL0 fields marked as MOVE:

    vxdg -o remove recover diskgroup2
  • If only one disk group is available to be imported, use the following command to reset the MOVE flags on this disk group:

  • vxdg -o clean recover diskgroup

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Product: Volume Manager Guides  
Manual: Volume Manager 4.1 Troubleshooting Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation