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Manual: Volume Manager 4.1 Migration Manager   

Tasks With No Direct LVM Equivalents

The following table lists tasks which have no direct LVM equivalent. Most of these tasks can be performed either with the VERITAS Enterprise Administrator (VEA) GUI, or the command line interface. For more information, refer to the VERITAS Enterprise Administrator (VEA 500 Series) Getting Started guide and the VERITAS Volume Manager Administrator's Guide.

Additional VxVM Tasks with no LVM equivalents

Task Description Example

Hot-relocation: in addition to using disks as hot spares, the hot relocation facility can also use any available free space in the disk group. If no disks have been designated as spares when a failure of a redundant object occurs, VxVM automatically uses any available free space in the disk group in which the failure occurs. If there is not enough spare disk space, a combination of spare space and free space is used. After a disk is repaired, you can move all the hot-relocated subdisks back to the original disk using the vxunreloc (1M) utility.

No action needed for hot relocation.

To move hot-relocated subdisks back to the original disk:

vxunreloc disk_name

Rename a disk

vxedit rename old_diskname new_diskname

Offline a disk.

vxdisk offline disk_name

Alternatively, menu option 12 of vxdiskadm performs this task.

Online a disk.

vxdisk online disk_name

Select menu option 10 of vxdiskadm.

Evacuate a disk.

vxevac -g disk_group medianame new_medianame 

Replace a disk.

Select menu option 4 of vxdiskadm.

Recover volumes on a disk.

vxrecover -g disk_group vol_name medianame

Display a DMP node.

vxdisk list meta_device

Rename a disk group.

vxdg -tC -n newdg_name 

Rename a volume.

vxedit -v rename name newname

Update the /usr/fstab file with the new name.

Add a DRL log to a volume.

vxassist addlog vol_name

Create a snapshot copy of a volume.

vxassist snapshot vol_name temp_vol_name

Recover a volume.

vxrecover -g disk_group volume medianame

vxmend fix clean plex_name

Repair a mirror

vxplex att plex_name

Disable a mirror

vxplex det plex_name

Remove a log from a volume.

vxassist remove log vol_name

Move a subdisk.

vxsd mv old_subdisk new_subdisk

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Product: Volume Manager Guides  
Manual: Volume Manager 4.1 Migration Manager  
VERITAS Software Corporation