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Manual: Volume Manager 4.1 Migration Manager   


Example: displaying the vxvmconvert menu

To display the vxvmconvert menu, use the following command:


The following menu is displayed:

Volume Manager Support Operations
Menu: Volume Manager/LVM_Conversion

1   Analyze LVM Volume Groups for Conversion
2   Convert LVM Volume Groups to VxVM
3   Roll back from VxVM to LVM
list    List disk information
listvg    List LVM Volume Group information
 ?   Display help about menu
 ??   Display help about the menuing system
 q   Exit from menus

Example: listing disk information

The list option of vxvmconvert displays information about the disks on a system. Select the list option from the vxvmconvert Main Menu:

Menu: Volume Manager/LVM_Conversion/list
Use this menu option to display a list of disks. You can also choose to list detailed information about a disk by entering a specific disk device address.
Enter disk device or "all" [<address>,all,q,?](default: all) x

DEVICE       DISK         GROUP        STATUS
c0t5d0       -            -            online 
c0t8d0       -            -            LVM
c0t9d0       -            -            LVM
c0t10d0      disk01       rootdg       online
c0t11d0      -            -            online

Device to list in detail [<address>,none,q,?] (default: none) none

Example: listing LVM volume group information

To list LVM volume group information, use the listvg option of vxvmconvert.

Select the listvg option from the vxvmconvert Main Menu:

Menu: Volume Manager/LVM_Conversion/ListLVMVolumeGroups
Use this menu option to display a list of LVM volume groups. You
can also choose to list detailed information about the LVM
volume groups at a specific disk device address.

Select the Volume Group as follows:
Enter Volume Group (i.e.- vg08) or "all" [<address>,all,q,?]
(default: all)

vg00    ROOT      c0t5d0 
vg09   Non-Root  c0t9d0 
vg08   Non-Root  c0t8d0 

Volume Group to list in detail
[<address>,none,q,?] (default: none) none
To display detailed information about a volume group, select any of
the volume groups from the above list.

Volume Group to list in detail \
[<address>,none,q,?] (default: none) vg08

--- Volume groups ---
VG Name                     /dev/vg08
VG Write Access             read/write     
VG Status                   available                 
Max LV                      255    
Cur LV                      2      
Open LV                     2      
Max PV                      16     
Cur PV                      1      
Act PV                      1      
Max PE per PV               1016         
VGDA                        2   
PE Size (Mbytes)            4               
Total PE                    250     
Alloc PE                    250     
Free PE                     0       
Total PVG                   0 
 --- Logical volumes ---
   LV Name                     /dev/vg08/lvol1
   LV Status                   available/syncd           
   LV Size (Mbytes)            500             
 Allocated PE                125         
   Used PV                     1       
 --- Physical Extent ---
   LV Name                     /dev/vg08/lvol2
   LV Status                   available/syncd           
   LV Size (Mbytes)            500             
   Current LE                  125       
   Allocated PE                125         
   Used PV                     1 
 --- Physical volumes ---
   PV Name                     /dev/dsk/c0t8d0
   PV Status                   available    
   Total PE                    250     
   Free PE                     0 
List another LVM Volume Group? [y,n,q,?] (default: n
Select an operation to perform: 
Note   Note    The volume groups you want to convert must not be a root volume group or have bootable volumes in the group.

Example: analyzing LVM volume groups

To analyze one or more LVM volume groups:


Volume Manager Support Operations
Menu: VolumeManager/LVM_Conversion
1   Analyze LVM Volume Groups for Conversion
2   Convert LVM Volume Groups to VxVM
3   Roll back from VxVM to LVM
list   List disk information
listvg   List LVM Volume Group information
 ?   Display help about menu
 ??   Display help about the menuing system
 q   Exit from menus

Select an operation to perform: 1
Analyze one or more LVM Volume Groups                                         
Menu: Volume Manager/LVM_Conversion/Analyze_LVM_VGs
Use this operation to analyze one or more LVM volume groups for
possible conversion using the VxVM Volume Manager. This
operation checks for problems that would prevent the conversion
from completing successfully. It calculates the space required
to add the volume groups disks to a Volume Manager disk group,
and to replace any existing partitions and volumes with Volume
Manager volumes, plexes, and sub-disks.

More than one volume group or pattern may be entered at the prompt. 
Here are some LVM volume group selection examples:
all:   analyze all LVM Volume Groups (all except Root VG)
listvg:   list all LVM Volume Groups
list:   list all disk devices
vg_name:   a single LVM Volume Group, named vg_name
<pattern>:  for example  vg08 vg09 vg05

Select volume groups to analyze: [<pattern
list>,all,list,listvg,q,?] vg08

Name a new disk group [<group>,list,q,?] (default: dg08
Each volume group will be analyzed one at a time. If there are any
in this list that you do not want to analyze, you can either
abort now or wait until a later time when you will be given an
opportunity to skip the analysis of any group(s) in this list.

The following disk has been found in the vg08 volume group and will
be analyzed for VxVM conversion.

To allow analysis, a new VxVM disk group, dg08, will be fabricated
and the disk device c4t8d0 will be added to the disk group with
the disk name dg0801.

The c4t8d0 disk has been configured for conversion. 
The first stage of the Analysis process has completed successfully.
Second Stage Conversion Analysis of  vg08 
Analysis of vg08 found sufficient Private Space for conversion 
Conversion Analysis of c4t8d0 indicates that the Volume Group is
still in use, which may prevent the completion of the conversion
without having to reboot the system. You may want to double
check that none of the volumes in the volume group are in use
before continuing with the conversion.

Volume Group Analysis Completed
Hit RETURN to continue.

Example of a failed analysis


Volume Manager Support Operations
Menu: VolumeManager/LVM_Conversion
1   Analyze LVM Volume Groups for Conversion
2   Convert LVM Volume Groups to VxVM
3   Roll back from VxVM to LVM
list   List disk information
listvg   List LVM Volume Group information
 ?   Display help about menu
 ??   Display help about the menuing system
 q   Exit from menus

Select an operation to perform: 1
Analyze one or more LVM Volume Groups                                         
Menu: Volume Manager/LVM_Conversion/Analyze_LVM_VGs
Use this operation to analyze one or more LVM volume groups for
possible conversion using the VxVM Volume Manager. This
operation checks for problems that would prevent the conversion
from completing successfully. It calculates the space required
to add the volume groups disks to a Volume Manager disk group,
and to replace any existing partitions and volumes with Volume
Manager volumes, plexes, and sub-disks.

More than one volume group or pattern may be entered at the prompt. 
Here are some LVM volume group selection examples:

all:   analyze all LVM Volume Groups (all except Root VG)
listvg:   list all LVM Volume Groups
list:   list all disk devices
vg_name:   a single LVM Volume Group, named vg_name
<pattern>:  for example  vg08 vg09 vg05

Select Volume Groups to analyze : 
[<pattern-list>,all,list,listvg,q,?] vg08

Name a new disk group [<group>,list,q,?] (default: dg08)      

The following disk has been found in the vg08 volume group and will
be analyzed for VxVM conversion.

To allow analysis, a new VxVM disk group, dg08, will be fabricated
and the disk device c4t8d0 will be added to the disk group with
the disk name dg0801.

The c4t8d0 disk has been configured for conversion. 
The first stage of the Analysis process has completed successfully.
Second Stage Conversion Analysis of  vg08                             
Analysis of vg08 found insufficient Private Space for conversion             

SMALLEST VGRA space      =  176                  
RESERVED space sectors       =  78                   
PRIVATE SPACE/FREE sectors =  98                   
AVAILABLE sector space       =  49                   
AVAILABLE sector bytes       =  50176                
RECORDS neededs to convert =  399                  
MAXIMUM records allowable  =  392                  
The smallest disk in the Volume Group (vg08) does not have
sufficient private space for the conversion to succeed. There is
only enough private space for 392 VM Database records and the
conversion of Volume Group (vg08) would require enough space to
allow 399 VxVM Database records. This would roughly translate to
needing an additional 896 bytes available in the private space.
This can be accomplished by reducing the number of volumes in
the (vg08) Volume Group, and allowing that for every volume
removed, the number of Database records required would be
reduced by three. This is only a rough approximation, however.

Hit RETURN to continue.
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Product: Volume Manager Guides  
Manual: Volume Manager 4.1 Migration Manager  
VERITAS Software Corporation