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Product: Storage Foundation Guides   
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 Intelligent Storage Provisioning Administrator's Guide   

Creating User Templates

You can either create a user template by defining it directly from the command line, or by defining it in a configuration file. The first method is only suitable for very simple user templates. It is usually preferable to define your templates in a configuration file.

To create a user template directly from the command line, use the vxusertemplate create command as shown here:

# vxusertemplate create usertemplate_name \
string"] \
rule1 [rule2 ]...] \

For example, the following command creates a user template named RP_DB_Table that has both Reliable and HighPerformance capabilities:

# vxusertemplate create RP_DB_Table \
description="Makes reliable high performance volume \
for database table" rules=confineto "VendorName"="EMC" \

This command adds the user template to the global usertemplates file that is maintained by ISP.

Alternatively, you can create a configuration file that contains an equivalent user template, as shown in this sample listing:

user_template DB_Table {
  description "Makes mirrored volume for database table"
  capability DataMirroring {
   NMIRS = 2
  rules {
   confineto "VendorName"="EMC"

user_template DB_Index {
  description "Makes high performance volume for database index"
  capability Striping {
   NCOLS = 8
  rules {
   confineto "VendorName"="EMC"

You can then use the -d option with vxusertemplate create command to add the user template in the configuration file to the global usertemplates file, as shown here:

vxusertemplate -d config_file create
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Product: Storage Foundation Guides  
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 Intelligent Storage Provisioning Administrator's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation