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Product: Storage Foundation Guides   
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 Intelligent Storage Provisioning Administrator's Guide   

Listing and Printing Configuration Elements

Use the following command to list the templates and capabilities that are associated with a specified disk group and/or storage pool.

vxtemplate [-g diskgroup] [-p pool] list

This command displays results similar to the following.

TY   NAME                  STATE     AUTOINSTALL
vt   Mirroring                  Active     0
vt   MirroringStriping                  Active     0
vt   Raid5Template                  Active     0
vt   Striping                  Active     0
cp   ParityReliable                   -     -
cp   PerformanceByStriping                  -     -
cp   Reliability                  -     -

Here the types vt and cp indicate volume template and capability definitions.

To print the details of these templates and capabilities, use this command:

vxtemplate [-g diskgroup] [-p pool] print

You can print the details of only certain elements by specifying these as arguments to the command:

vxtemplate [-g diskgroup] [-p pool] print [template=t1[,t2...]] \
  [capability=c1[,c2...]] [template_set=ts1[,ts2...]] \
  [storage_pool_set=ps1[,ps2...]] [pool_definition=pd1[,pd2...]]

For example, to print the definitions of the Mirroring and Striping volume templates that are associated with the storage pool, mypool, in the disk group, mydg, you would use this command:

vxtemplate -g mydg -p mypool print template=Mirroring,Striping

The following command lists all the templates and capabilities that are available in the ISP Configuration Database on the system:

vxtemplate -C list

The output from this command is similar to the following.

TY   NAME                  STATE   AUTOINSTALL
vt   DataMirroring                  -     -
vt   Raid5Volume                  -     -
vt   Reliability                  -     -
vt   Striping                  -     -
cp   DataMirroring                  -     -
cp   DataRedundancy                  -     -
cp   Raid5LogMirroring                  -     -
cp   Raid5Capability                  -     -
cp   Reliability                  -     -
cp   Striping                  -     -
ts   Raid5Templates                  -     -
pd   raid5_volumes                  -     -
ps   mirrored_data_striped_clones                  -     -

Here the types ts, pd and ps indicate template set, storage pool and storage pool set definitions respectively.

To print the details of elements in the Configuration Database, use this command:

vxtemplate -C print [template=t1[,t2...]] \
  [capability=c1[,c2...]] [template_set=ts1[,ts2...]] \
  [storage_pool_set=ps1[,ps2...]] [pool_definition=pd1[,pd2...]]

As for storage pools and disk groups, you can print the details of certain elements by specifying these as arguments to the command, for example:

vxtemplate -C print template_set=DataMirroring,Raid5Templates

You can also use the listcapabilities, listtemplates and listtemplatesets, listpooldefinitions, and listpoolsets keywords of vxtemplate to list only the capabilities or templates that are associated with the specified disk group and/or storage pool. Similarly, the printcapabilities, printtemplates and printtemplatesets, printpooldefinitions, and printpoolsets keywords are used to print the element definitions in detail. For more information, see the vxtemplate(1M) manual page.

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Product: Storage Foundation Guides  
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 Intelligent Storage Provisioning Administrator's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation