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Product: Storage Foundation Guides   
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 Intelligent Storage Provisioning Administrator's Guide   

Organizing Storage Pools in a Disk Group

Before you can use ISP to create volumes in a disk group, you must first create any storage pools that you require in that disk group. A storage pool has associated disks, templates and policies. These policies control how the disks and templates are used when allocating storage from the pool to volumes.

The vxpool organize command simplifies the initial creation of one or more pools in a disk group by using a storage pool set definition. You can use this command to create a set of pools with policies and templates that are designed for a variety of different applications. A storage pool set consists of one data pool definition and one or more clone pool definitions. Each of these pool definition typically consists of the pool type, the templates that the pool contains, and the pool policies. See Listing Storage Pool Sets and Displaying Storage Pool Set Definitions for details of how to find out what storage pool sets are available for use. See Using Disk Group Split and Join with Storage Pools for details of how data and clone pools are typically used with the disk group split and join feature of VxVM.

For example, if you want your data volumes to be mirrored for redundancy, and your snapshot volumes to be striped for performance, you can choose a storage pool set definition where the data pool has associated templates that relate to mirroring, and the clone pool has associated templates that relate to striping. A suitable choice would be the mirrored_data_striped_clones storage pool set described on . To create these storage pools within a disk group, you would use the following command:

vxpool -g diskgroup organize mirrored_data_striped_clones

The section, Creating a Storage Pool, describes the alternate way of creating storage pools in a disk group.

Listing Storage Pool Sets

A storage pool set defines the storage pool types for a data storage pool and for the clone storage pools that are used to hold snapshots of the data storage pool's volumes.

To list all the available storage pool sets, use the following command:

vxpool listpoolsets

For a list of supported storage pool sets, see Storage Pool Sets.

Displaying Storage Pool Set Definitions

To display the definition of a storage pool set, use the following command;

vxpool printpoolsets storage_pool_set [storage_pool_set ...]

For example, the following command displays the definition of the storage pool set, mirrored_data_stripe_clones:

vxpool printpoolsets mirrored_data_stripe_clones
storage_pool_set mirrored_data_striped_clones {
   description "The data volumes have multiple copies of data.
   Snapshot volumes have I/Os spread across multiple columns."
   descriptionid "{b84f1c64-1dd1-11b2-8b42-080020feef8b}", 139
   display_name "Mirrored Data and Striped Snapshots"
   display_name_id "{b84f1c64-1dd1-11b2-8b42-080020feef8b}", 138
   data mirrored_volumes
   clone striped_volumes

See Displaying Storage Pool Definitions for information on how to display definitions for storage pool types such as mirrored_volumes and striped_volumes.

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Product: Storage Foundation Guides  
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 Intelligent Storage Provisioning Administrator's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation