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Product: Storage Foundation Guides   
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 Enterprise Administrator (VEA 500 Series) Getting Started   


The following table describes the typographic conventions used in this guide.

Typeface Usage Examples


Computer output, file contents, files, directories, software elements such as command options, function names, and parameters

Read tunables from the
/etc/vx/tunefstab file.

See the ls(1) manual page for more information.


New terms, book titles, emphasis, variables to be replaced by a name or value

See the User's Guide for details.

The variable ncsize determines the value of...

Courier bold

User input; the "#" symbol indicates a command prompt.

# mount -F vxfs /h/filesys

Helvetica Bold

Menu choices; anything that the user actually selects, presses, or clicks

Click Create Disk Group

Helvetica (bold and italic)

Variables to be replaced by a name or value in user input

# mount -F fstype mount_point

Symbol Usage Examples


Indicates a submenu

Start>Run>SAN Volume Manager Management Console

Introduces a procedure

Indicates single-step procedures

Indicates a list

Note   Note   

Emphasizes important information


C shell prompt


Bourne/Korn/Bash shell prompt


Superuser prompt (all shells)


Continued input on the following line

# mount -F vxfs \


In a command synopsis, brackets indicate an optional argument

ls [-a]


In a command synopsis, a vertical bar separates mutually exclusive arguments

mount [suid | nosuid]

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Product: Storage Foundation Guides  
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 Enterprise Administrator (VEA 500 Series) Getting Started  
VERITAS Software Corporation