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Product: Storage Foundation Guides   
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 Intelligent Storage Provisioning Administrator's Guide   



A volume uses storage of the same type (productid).

Provided by volume template: ArrayProductId.


The columns of a volume are separated at the specified component level, such as "Controller" or "Enclosure".

Provided by volume template: ColumnsOnSeparateComponents.

Variable: component Name of component (default value is "Controller").


The volume is concatenated.

Provided by volume template: ConcatVolumes.


Each column uses only storage that has the same value for a specified attribute.

Provided by volume template: ConfineColumnsToSimilarStorage.

Variable: name Name of storage attribute (default value is "Enclosure").


Each log uses only storage that has the same value for a specified attribute.

Provided by volume template: ConfineLogsToSimilarStorage.

Variable: name Name of storage attribute (default value is "Enclosure").


Each mirror uses only storage that has the same value for a specified attribute.

Provided by volume template: ConfineMirrorsToSimilarStorage.

Variable: name Name of storage attribute (default value is "Enclosure").


A volume uses only storage that has the same value for a specified attribute.

Provided by volume template: ConfineToSimilarStorage.

Variable: name Name of storage attribute (default value is VendorName).


A volume uses only storage that has the specified value for a specified attribute name.

Provided by volume template: ConfineToSpecificStorage.

Variables: name Name of storage attribute (no default).

value Value of storage attribute (no default).


A mirrored volume maintains multiple copies of its data. This capability extends the DataRedundancy capability.

Provided by volume template: DataMirroring.

Variable: nmirs Number of mirrors (default value is 2).


A mirrored-stripe volume distributes I/O across multiple columns within mirrors. This capability extends the DataMirroring and Striping capabilities.

Provided by volume template: DataMirrorStripe.

Variables: ncols Minimum number of columns (default value is 8).

nmaxcols Maximum number of columns (default value is 20).

nmirs Number of mirrors (default value is 2).


A volume that maintains redundant data.

Extended by capability: Raid5Capability.

Extended by capability: DataMirroring.


A striped-mirror volume distributes I/O across multiple columns, where each column has multiple copies of data. This capability extends the DataMirroring and Striping capabilities.

Provided by volume template: DataStripeMirror.

Variables: ncols Minimum number of columns (default value is 8).

nmaxcols Maximum number of columns (default value is 20).

nmirs Number of mirrors (default value is 2).


The number of DCO plexes (copies) to configure for a DCO volume.

Provided by volume template: DCOLogMirroring.

Variable: nlogs Number of DCO plexes (default value is 1).


The number of columns to configure for a striped DCO volume.

Provided by volume template: DCOLogStriping.

Variables: ndcocols Minimum number of columns (default value is 4).

nmaxdcocols Maximum number of columns (default value is 10).


A volume does not use storage that has the specified value for a specified attribute name.

Provided by volume template: ExcludeSpecificStorage.

Variables: name Name of storage attribute (no default).

value Value of storage attribute (no default).


A volume supports instant snapshots (full-sized or space-optimized). This capability extends the Snapshottable capability.

Provided by volume template: InstantSnapshottable.


The logs of a volume are separated at the specified component level, such as "Controller" or "Enclosure".

Provided by volume template: LogsOnSeparateComponents.

Variable: component Name of component (default value is "Enclosure").


The mirrors of a volume are separated at the specified component level, such as "Controller" or "Enclosure".

Provided by volume template: MirrorsOnSeparateComponents.

Variable: component Name of component (default value is "Enclosure").


Multipathing allows a volume to withstand failure of a number of paths to the disks. The I/O from and to the volume can potentially be spread across all the paths.

Extended by capability: MultipathingThroughMultiplePaths.


Multipathing allows a volume to withstand failure of the specified number of paths to the disks. The I/O from and to the volume can potentially be spread across all the paths. This capability extends the Multipathing capability.

Provided by volume template: MultipathingThroughMultiplePaths.

Variable: npaths Number of paths that are allowed to fail (default value is 2).


A volume uses prefabricated data mirroring that is configured on disks that are exported by an array. This capability extends the PrefabricatedDataRedundancy capability.

Provided by volume template: PrefabricatedDataMirroring.

Variable: nmirs Number of prefabricated mirrors to use (default value is 2).


A volume uses prefabricated redundant disks that are exported by an array.

Extended by capabilities: PrefabricatedDataMirroring, PrefabricatedRaid5.


A volume uses prefabricated RAID-5 disks that are exported by an array. This capability extends the PrefabricatedDataRedundancy capability.

Provided by volume template: PrefabricatedRaid5.


A volume uses prefabricated striped disks that are exported by an array.

Provided by volume template: PrefabricatedStriping.


A RAID-5 volume uses parity to implement data redundancy. This capability extends the DataRedundancy capability.

Provided by volume template: Raid5Volume.

Variable: ncols Minimum number of data columns (default value is 8).

nmaxcols Maximum number of data columns (default value is 20).

Note   Note    An additional virtual column is always allocated to store parity information. This column is not included in the number of data columns that are specified.


The number of RAID-5 log copies to configure for a RAID-5 volume.

Provided by volume template: Raid5Volume.

Variable: nlogs Number of RAID-5 log copies (default value is 1).


The number of columns to configure for striped RAID-5 logs.

Provided by volume template: Raid5LogStriping.

Variables: nraid5cols Minimum number of columns (default value is 4).

nmaxraid5cols Maximum number of columns (default value is 10).


Volume snapshots of a volume may be taken.

Extended by capability: InstantSnapshottable.


A striped volume distributes I/O across multiple columns.

Provided by volume template: Striping.

Variables: ncols Minimum number of columns (default value is 8).

nmaxcols Maximum number of columns (default value is 20).

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Product: Storage Foundation Guides  
Manual: Storage Foundation 4.1 Intelligent Storage Provisioning Administrator's Guide  
VERITAS Software Corporation